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Wipnum2: Chii doesn't look too good... ;_;
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Anonymous1: That doesn't even look like semen, but rather massive amounts of glue.
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MR_Furry: that looks like cement
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Anonymous2: Synthetic lubricant?
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nebula: She's a robot, just preset reset and she won't remember a thang :3
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MonkaCZ: I'm pretty much sure that she wouldn't remember it, but there would still be some traces left. Maybe like getting pregnant, or having deja vu.
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Anonymous3: Then lets do it again!
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Anonymous4: She's got big feet.
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dcl: requesting artist source?
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Anonymous5: so this is how Hideki really found her
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Anonymous6: no, this is what he did to her
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Anonymous7: Her pitiful expression is rather disturbing.
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Anonymous8: I feel pretty bad for her
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Anonymous9: "Maybe like getting pregnant" do you even biology/robotics?