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Uploaderwarrior, avatar
TagsJuggernaut, Magma, Marvel, PalComix, Rogue, X-Men, X-Men_Evolution, bbmbbf
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LockedYes (Only admins may edit these details)
Info1200x853 // 1.4MB // png
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Anonymous1: When did everyone turn 12?
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Anonymous2: When the artist had a lust for children.
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Anonymous3: It could be that the commissioner person has a lust for children, and that the artist just has no morals. Or both of them lust for children.
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Anonymous4: Or maybe its a cartoon and it's okay, leave it be.
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Anonymous5(2): The Juggernaut looks like a faggot.
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Anonymous6: He is. Murk loar.
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Anonymous7(2): But he's more like a faggort than usual.
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wtfbbq: Pal was probaly molested as a child and now he craves shoving massive dildos up his ass so he does comissons to pay for them so he can continue his career as Goatse
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Anonymous8: Uh yeah, because Pal is one person, right wtfbbq?

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wtfbbq: No I know he is some fag called bmmph or some shit saying pal is just fucking easier deal with it.
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Anonymous9(8): PAL is a group of people. Saying 'Pal' instead of 'BBMBBF' (which is really not that hard) is like me saying 'lazy faggots' instead of 'wtfbbq'.
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wtfbbq: Well good for them they produce some of the worst shit ever, I have seen drawnsex pictures with more soul than thier garbage.
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Anonymous10: Then it's safe to say you have no taste in art when you think that Drawn-Sex is better than PalComix.
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Kharnov: "wtfbbq: Pal was probaly molested as a child and now he craves shoving massive dildos up his ass so he does comissons to pay for them so he can continue his career as Goatse"

Wow, what are you, twelve?
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Anonymous11: Drawn-Sex is a strange term to me... i mean its all drawn right? But apparently it denotes exceptionally shit artwork
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Anonymous12: because their comics are shit.
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wtfbbq: Atleast they bring the lulz Pal comics are the uncanny valley of animated porn
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Jeb: .......................................________
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Kharnov: wtfbbq, please do us a favor and go away.
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Anonymous13: Drawn-Sex is the name of a site that produces art of exceptionally low quality.
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Roundtron: Drawn-Sex has some of the best artwork in the universe:
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Anonymous14: some point, Mojo tricked somebody into letting him into the X-Mansion, and he turned them into what he called X-Babies.

This is the sign I needed. I am so jaded, the comic history is more noteworthy than the art. I have ascended.
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Anonymous15: Palcomix does commissions. In fact, they've actually visited some boards previously to request something other than the loli-spanking stuff they're known for thanks to one guy with a BIG fetish and a LOT of money.
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Anonymous16: …………-------,,,,_'\, ;¯``~~--,,_ . . .¯````~~-, . . '~-, . \ '\, :\ : '| :;; :|'
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Anonymous17: How has no one commented on how friggin ingenious that is?
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Anonymous18: the ansis are better than the pic
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Anonymous19: the only pics from Drawn-Sex that are actually any good are pics they stole from other places and slapped their watermark on, and alot of them were from Pal
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Anonymous20: Cool joke.
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Anonymous21(20): It's a cool joke.
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Anonymous22: Who cares? If you like it, shut up and fap. If you don't, STOP CLICKING THE FUCKING THUMBNILS YOU CAN SEE ARE LOLIS!

X-lolis ftw.
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Anonymous23: i fap to this, but there is 1 thing bugging me... damn my nerddyness.... magma would be getting her strenth drained by rouge, her hand is touching her bare skin

also, juggernaught is not a fag! note: he stopped for pussy
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jackrabbit: There are nearly a thousand Rogue pics on this site. Only a tiny fraction of them take her power into account when touching somebody.
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Anonymous24: what a horrible picture
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Anonymous26: Silly bitch, yo pussy can't distract me. Doncha know who the fuck I am?
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Anonymous27: I'd do both them girls anyday. Screw Juggernaut if he wants them!
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Wyr: Is it just me, or did the Deadpool kid from Deadpool corp come from a dimension that looked alot like this....
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sinner_of_anarchy89: Wow. Guess that explains the broken wall!
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Anonymous28: who wouldnt stop

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