Anonymous3: It could be that the commissioner person has a lust for children, and that the artist just has no morals. Or both of them lust for children.
wtfbbq: Pal was probaly molested as a child and now he craves shoving massive dildos up his ass so he does comissons to pay for them so he can continue his career as Goatse
Anonymous9(8): PAL is a group of people. Saying 'Pal' instead of 'BBMBBF' (which is really not that hard) is like me saying 'lazy faggots' instead of 'wtfbbq'.
Kharnov: "wtfbbq: Pal was probaly molested as a child and now he craves shoving massive dildos up his ass so he does comissons to pay for them so he can continue his career as Goatse"
Anonymous15: Palcomix does commissions. In fact, they've actually visited some boards previously to request something other than the loli-spanking stuff they're known for thanks to one guy with a BIG fetish and a LOT of money.
Anonymous19: the only pics from Drawn-Sex that are actually any good are pics they stole from other places and slapped their watermark on, and alot of them were from Pal
Anonymous23: i fap to this, but there is 1 thing bugging me... damn my nerddyness.... magma would be getting her strenth drained by rouge, her hand is touching her bare skin
also, juggernaught is not a fag! note: he stopped for pussy
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Wow, what are you, twelve?
- Reply
This is the sign I needed. I am so jaded, the comic history is more noteworthy than the art. I have ascended.
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X-lolis ftw.
also, juggernaught is not a fag! note: he stopped for pussy
- Reply