Anonymous9: No, let's start spreading rumors, Anony8! Y'know, I heard that two, and, that the kid had twoheads, male, and, female, and two sets of genetalia, both functional, but couldn't cross-fertilize itself. They say on a cool, moonlit outback night, you can hear it howling, and yowling, as it searches for a sexual partner, either sex will do...what's that behind yo-Aaaaiiieeeeeeee!
Anonymous10(9): No, let's start spreading rumors, Anony8! Y'know, I heard that two, and, that the kid had twoheads, male, and, female, and two sets of genetalia, both functional, but couldn't cross-fertilize itself. They say on a cool, moonlit outback night, you can hear it howling, and yowling, as it searches for a sexual partner, either sex will do...what's that behind yo-Aaaaiiieeeeeeee! There's another one, out there, they say with three heads, and, one looks suspiciously like Rocko. Freaky, huh?!
Anonymous11: You ever have that moment where you think to yourself "please, God, let somebody out there who can draw well have the same sick thought as me. Let some artist out there find this same weird-ass thing hot"?
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It's canonical you know.
I did. My prayer was answered by the H-God.