Anonymous4: lol it would suck to have spikes on your dick, no masterbation and whoever you fuck isn't going to fake liking it, Whether they try to or not
Anonymous10: Y'know, I have sympathy for Darth Maul here. If I had huge freaking spikes sticking out of my dick, I'd probably want to kill everyone too.
korblborp: anon16, lightsabers have variable lengths(like one foot to 3 meters), just like they have variable intensities (light burn/zap to cuts-thru-everything) so padme's feeling kind of tingly in side
Anonymous18: Korblborp: that's not true. Most lightsabers only have one length and instensity. The exception being dual-phase sabers which have two crystals in them.
Also this pic is a classic. I just came to see if it was still as funny as I remembered
Dracamus: @korblborp&Anon19 your both right. Lightsabers only have one intensity setting but can be made to have different lengths, this can be done on any saber. The training sabers are the only ones that can't cut anything. The dual-phase sabers, I think, can change color and the two crystal sabers are for underwater use.
Dracamus: @Nizzemancer Darth Mual dies before Palpatine/Darth Sideous looks like that. Palpatine looks like that becuase he, in Episode III, attacks Mace Windu with force lightning which Windu reflects back at Palpatine.
Anonymous20: ...Guess somebody watched that one episode of Drawn Together? Probably right after watching 2 cats fucking (males got barbs on their cawks, srsly).
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"Cut the chatter."
Also, Darth Maul is FUCKING PISSED OFF!
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Also this pic is a classic. I just came to see if it was still as funny as I remembered