Anonymous9: Who the fuck could do anything like this? Everything in it, including the gun, is horrible. The artist must have a grandma fetish or something.
Anonymous13: All these guys who've never seen breasts. If you took just a minute to Google you'd see this is a pretty accurate depiction of Sigourney Weaver's real life breasts. And even more you could tell their shape in that alien movie so...what is everyone complaining about besides the faqct that the artist got it right! Fer Crissakes people!
Anonymous14(13): All these guys who've never seen breasts. If you took just a minute to Google you'd see this is a pretty accurate depiction of Sigourney Weaver's real life breasts. And even more you could tell their shape in that alien movie so...what is everyone complaining about besides the fact that the artist got it right! Fer Crissakes people!
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