Dick_Chappy: Hold up, parallel universe thery. If he lost, then that means that someone else a lot worse than she is, will fucking destroy Renamon, him, her, and rape their dead bodies. I have a theoretical degree in theoretical thinking.
YamiJoeysdog: Well that could be anther universe in of itself, though your theroy could work since without takato serveal of the digimon that were stopped by him would now live.
Which in turn could either lead to Icedevimon taking full control of rika, Or even the devi's being unstopable as it was takato who first used a blue card.
YamiJoeysdog: Well anon 3, that was sorta the deal for them at the start. kill badies, take they're data, it was Henry who convinced to to start leaving the data alone..after they started to get along.
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Which in turn could either lead to Icedevimon taking full control of rika, Or even the devi's being unstopable as it was takato who first used a blue card.