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TagsAeris, VG_Cats, webcomic
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Anonymous1: Aeris sez: "THIS is how I pee, Jeb."
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Jeb: Noted.
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Anonymous3: Why am I incredibly turned on?
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Anonymous4: ^ because you're a faggot
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An_Onymous: Cock's angle is a little off. Still, lol, especially since they didn't change the expression.
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Anonymous5: GET OUT LEO! I'M PISS!
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Anonymous6: I'd hit it.
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evilpika: That certainly sounds more like Aeris.
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Anonymous7: becaues your fuking gay
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ohai: This is going to hurt you a fuck of a lot more than its going to hurt me.
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Anonymous8: She's so cute! (Above waist level)
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Rule34d: Leo sez: YES!
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spectral: "You'll be farting blood for a month straight."
Shakespeare, this ain't.
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som: "Verily, you shall gaseously propel the very lifeblood from your end for more than a fortnight, good sir!"
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An_Onymous: The funny thing is that to me the second phrasing sounds even less like Shakespeare than the first.
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spectral: oh, I'm sorry, I quoted it wrong.
"You'll be farting blood for month straight." there's no "a"
and that's just terrible.
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som: Ony: Yeah, it's more like something from a half-assed verbose thread on /b/. I guess it shows that I haven't read Shakespeare since high school.
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Anonymous9(6): @Anon7: So?
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Anonymous10: Also Anon7 it was pretty gay of yourself to view this picture in the first place.
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Anonymous11: "Yes, Aeris."

*Turns around. Lifts tailhole.*
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Anonymous12: Anon 9-13, stfu. Blazephlozard and peeplo, shame on you. Anon 14, stfu as well. Anon 15, do the world a favor and fuck yourself with a crowbar while jumping off a cliff. Happy-fucking-
# Electricity Day
# Father's Day
# Fly A Kite Day
# Justice for Janitors Day
# Power of a Smile Day

Take your pick.
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Thranos: And the "Asshole-of-the-day" award goes to..... *drumroll* ANON 16!
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evilpika: Justice for Janitors Day sounds interesting, if only because I imagine it involving beating people with mops.
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John_Blood: Bahahahah...she looks so cute..and then she did say That..
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Piconjo: Thranos and evilpika win. :D
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Anonymous13: Her tits should be bigger, and her cock should be pounding my ass
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Anonymous14: Aeris sez: "Anon17 has one testicle"
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Anonymous15: do believe i have a vagooo not a penis at all
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Suihtil_Cod: That's a little more in-character for Aeris than the original version.
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Anonymous16: this site is so funny
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Anonymous17: I am strangely turned on by this pic and im not gay. just because i got 1,000,000 points on guitar hero doesnt mean anything!
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tehwalrus: Seriously guys, there's nothing wrong with being a little bit bi
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Jester: Yes and no. Call me bias, but bi guys is really disgusting (note - I have no problems with gay guys). On the other hand, bi girls is the single hottest concept ever.
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Jack_Bandicoot-: Bi guys are ok if you fuck and only fuck and don't receive anything.That means,you fuck guys and girls,but don't get dicks up your ass.The cool side of being bi XD
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Anonymous18: BALLS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY. They look like chikkun eggs.
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Anonymous19: Son... I am disappoint.
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Anonymous20: funniest quote: som's shakespear translation
most butt hurt: anon16(7)
most repeated phrase (repeated once more):Also Anon7 it was pretty gay of yourself to view this picture in the first place.
thought on most minds here: Am I gay for looking at this?
And the award for most goes to: thought on most minds here for being the most controversal!
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SpunkMaster69: Can I be Leo? Please, please let me be Leo, just this once.

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