Anonymous2: @escue123: Rae's nipples were forged by the loins of Trigon the Terrible, ruler of the 9th circle of Hell and she was trained by the almighty Azar! Terra stands no chance. I'll take that bet.
We need Starfire and Jinx in there so it can be a tag-team match....fuck it let's just throw Kole, Kitten, Bumblebee, Cheshire and the rest of the Teen Titan girls in there and make it a Royal Rumble.
I declare a nipple war!
Raven doesn't stand a chance!
We need Starfire and Jinx in there so it can be a tag-team match....fuck it let's just throw Kole, Kitten, Bumblebee, Cheshire and the rest of the Teen Titan girls in there and make it a Royal Rumble.