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Refrigerator: yes! More link rule 63!
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NigglyWiggly: I rally want to like this, but the anatomy is really weird and it's making my dick confused, the boobs are way too far down, unless Link has a giant neck
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Anonymous1: Needs male edit.
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Anonymous2: fuck it im straight but male link is sexy.. especially the new version they showed at e3 in the new open world zelda game.. MAD sexy.. id let him fuck my ass any day
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Anonymous3: This isn't Link from LTTP, he's not blonde. NES Link is the only brown haired Link, and the outfits match, so it's him.
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Anonymous4: Anon2: Same. I'm straight although I've fantasized of having sex with men on very rare occasions. I've taken psychology classes, and this researcher says that every person has had homosexuals thoughts. I want to have sex with a dude just to see what it's like.
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Anonymous5: Um, could I have a source for this for...scientific perposes?
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Anonymous6: Yeah, anons that want to get fucked by a dude, toootally straight.