Foppe: Something I have always wondered...
Those 72 virgins, are they fully virgins, only vaginal virgins or only anal virgins?
Are they females at all? Will get they 72 shemale virgins or 72 male virgins instead?
Are they humans at all? Animals or aliens?
Or as seen in a comic, is it 72 newly born babies that they have to take care of?
One funny thing is that the Qur'an says nothing about either numbers or virgins...
Anonymous7: When was Michelle Pfeifer in Afganistan? Wellll, I guess everyone is shocked those guys are having sex with a woman, and not a 14 y/o dude..........
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If it is real. I want it.
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Those 72 virgins, are they fully virgins, only vaginal virgins or only anal virgins?
Are they females at all? Will get they 72 shemale virgins or 72 male virgins instead?
Are they humans at all? Animals or aliens?
Or as seen in a comic, is it 72 newly born babies that they have to take care of?
One funny thing is that the Qur'an says nothing about either numbers or virgins...