Anonymous3: Well, if Naruto has tits, I don't really think having a vagina is any proof of not being Sasuke (but, yeah, she does look more like Shizune).
Anonymous7: anon 5, 6 and 1 are fucking idiots its SHIZUNE if you look at the related section to the left of the picture it says shizune! NOT SASUKE OR KONOHAMARU
Anonymous8: Anon 7 is a gullible fool. If under the related section you saw: 'frosted butts', you would believe it contained frosted butts wouldn't you? Anybody can edit the related column - for a more stable argument, check the file name. It says 'Shizune' within it.
However retarded you are, I agree that this picture contains Shizune.
Surely the vagina tipped you off?
However retarded you are, I agree that this picture contains Shizune.