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NukeDukem: Johnny's has a sister? Whoaa, sister. Lookin' mighty fine thar.
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MR_Furry: or maybe rule 63?
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skullio: it's 63. from an episode in the show
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Anonymous1: Yeah, there's one episode where Johnny is turned into a girl in order to make him realize what it feels like to be a girl and being treated the way he treats girls usually.
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Jax: Canon 63
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Anonymous2: "I think I've learned my lesson! If you're gorgeous, you can GET ANYTHING YOU WANT!"
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Anonymous3: I'd totally watch a show about a hot but weird girl hitting on guys, Johnny Bravo-style.
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Anonymous4: Someone with talent should color and ink this, if it hasn't already been done by the original artist, then make more Jenny Bravo! She really has potential :)
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Anonymous5: Face reminds me of Muriel. I don't know why.
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Anonymous6: meanwhile, Madam Voi'la was cursing to herself that she didn't make it permanent.