Foppe: Well, the original Scooby Doo was first aired 1969...
And the Flintstones first aired 1960...
The Jetsons are from 1962...
Betty Boop is from 1930...
Tintin was first publicated 1929...
The Smurfs are from 1958...
Batman is from 1939...
...and then we have all old Disney Characters...
Anonymous7: Creamer: Yes it did. You are on the dot there. I like it feisty. I like drunk and ditzy. I like mysterious. And dont forget the tight pussy :P
And the Flintstones first aired 1960...
The Jetsons are from 1962...
Betty Boop is from 1930...
Tintin was first publicated 1929...
The Smurfs are from 1958...
Batman is from 1939...
...and then we have all old Disney Characters...
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