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TagsCoco_Bandicoot, Crash_Bandicoot, Crash_Bandicoot_(series), Spyro, Spyro_(series), Uknown, crossover
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Info858x581 // 110KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: This sucks...this really... really... sucks...
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datoneguy: Wait... sex THEN turning into a female? Wha?
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Uknown: read the comic
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Gremrat: But he's not female at all! o__O Did he turn back afterwards? And why would he do that anyway? Did he need that little bundle of joy to make his life complete? Is he counting on child support? DID HE JUST WANT TO FUCK WITH CRASH'S HEAD??
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Gremrat: Also, he lied. That story isn't long at ALL.
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datoneguy: comic? There's a comic? I thought this was a oneshot. This is not tagged as a comic...

And yeah, I'm guessing he changed back afterwards...
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datoneguy: He doesn't want to talk about it. Thus he called it a 'long story'. Or he was going to explain how Spyro was even able to change. and change back. And perhaps an epic tale of love and how they met and some such...

Stupid comment limiter! I'm trying to post funny comments dangit!
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Anonymous34Poster: I usually LOVE these low-quaility artist, even those who use MS paint as a medium, 'cause what they lack in talent, they make up in creativity, cuteness, and romance. They aren't afraid of perfectionism and aren't hindered by it like all the other artist. Even if it's rushed, I could always find some way to love it.

This comic, I could not; things are just too random for me :\
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Uknown: There's a comic through my profile when you see Crash and Spyro together.
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Uknown: Awesome.
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datoneguy: Yeah... I saw it... And it's... interesting... magic words ftw!
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PapayaBean: Wouldn't a sudden gender-swap kill the fetus?
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datoneguy: It's Mpreg. And obviously time has passed since the pregnancy. who knows when the swap occurred?
Plus, the fetus can develop in odd places.. sometimes even causing death...
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Gremrat: PapayaBean: No, no, the placenta has already been formed. If there's no uterus to attach to, it attaches to a body wall. This is extremely dangerous for the mother, however. Spyro is a dumbshit.
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Dagger: ..and exactly how will he birth the child? through the penis?
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datoneguy: Either that or there still is a uterus in Spyro...
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datoneguy: To quote K-PAX... It was a shitty birth...
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PapayaBean: dat & grem: ic, ic.
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Anonymous2: Hey man, hyenas give birth that way.
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Anonymous3: Anonymous2 is right and the female hyenas also have a ahem penis of a sort...
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Cat_Bountry: It's a long clitoris, actually.
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Anonymous4: What happen?

Somebody set him up the babby.
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Anonymous5: he cant give birth like that it would come out of his dick...holy shit
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ZB: to humanity...FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU0-*Head exploded*
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Anonymous6: im fuckin playing runescape while lookin at porn
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Anonymous7: @Anon 6
And now your life is over
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Anonymous8: dragons=lizards=eggs ergo this is imposible
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Anonymous9: Witty dialogue.
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Anonymous10: what if spyro is secretly a shemale?
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hikye: it's funny so that ends it lmao no no continue. let not me stop you >.>
(wouldnt give a damn anyway)
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Anonymous11: Turns into a female after sex? But Spyro clearly has a dick.

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