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carvin: Shoulda have a reference to her klutziness.
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Anonymous1: SHoulda had. Grammar is not hard.
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Anonymous2: Should've had, because evidently it really *is* that hard anon1.
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Anonymous3: You do realize that Anon1 was making a very clever joke, right? That his joke played off of the juxtaposition of "shoulda" and a strict grammatical correction? Please tell me you're not that stupid. There's nothing I hate more than some idiot who thinks he's "le smart le grammer nerd" when all he did is pay attention for more than ten minutes in high school. Note: my misspelling of "grammar" is intentional, in case you want to try and correct me too, you dipshit.
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arcadiaware: Anon3 is upset that no one liked his clever joke.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Eats, Shoots, and Leaves. Punctuation saves lives. And, presumably, ceilings.
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fistmaster: "Highlights of his global tour include encounters with Nelson Mandela, an 800-year-old demigod and a dildo collector."

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