Anonymous2: First he greased his bumtickler, he greased it up good!
Then he bent his son over, right where he stood.
He licked Jojo's ass, with his tongue he did ream.
Then he filled his son's ass with a load of who-cream!
Anonymous4(3): @wannafuck: Stop complaining. You knew that this would happen, it's the internet for god's sake. If you want Larue, go and draw it yourself.
Anonymous5: 96 daughters, yep. Loved the girl's room, 96 beds! Imagine they start masturbating, one after another, until they're all doing it . . . 96 little voices moaning! Now that's music!
Nymousano: LOL! Ano2´s poetry reminds me of Jim Hardiman´s "Night Before Christmas"-version with his three skunk-gals (also known as the "Trio Skunkfernale")... XD
Casperthy_Frendligost: Dr. Seuss would NOT appreciate the obscene rhymes made in his name ! Have some respect for him ! By the way, the live-action film HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS is half over when it starts the story as Dr. Seuss originally chronicled it.
Anonymous10: you otta be ashamed of whoever posted this Do u think Jojo would appericate his fans putting embarishing drawings of him and his own father doing sex together i thought yall like jojo?
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Then he bent his son over, right where he stood.
He licked Jojo's ass, with his tongue he did ream.
Then he filled his son's ass with a load of who-cream!
we need dr. larue dammit!!!!
not this insane mess of incest!
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I'm just so unused to seeing them outside of the now-defunct Zeriara Fanclub.
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All 96 could go really good head.
So all in Mayors room they go.
The cumk in their asses as white as snow.
'Ned Did a Who?' by Dr. Seuss. Order your copy today!