TheBeardedGentalman: Funfact: the central powers of world war one where Germany and Austria, But has several Non pact allies like The ottoman empire and Italy, however, italy soon joined the side of the Allies due to germany's invasion of belgium to reach france.
Anonymous1: fuck sen that was not a fun fact,it was a boring ass story.
why don't you find a real life friend so you don't feel the need to tell us dumb ass stories from your life.
Anonymous7: the sun is a mass of incandecent gas
a gigantic nuclear furnace
where hydrogen is packed into helium
at a temperture of millions of degrees!
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why don't you find a real life friend so you don't feel the need to tell us dumb ass stories from your life.
a gigantic nuclear furnace
where hydrogen is packed into helium
at a temperture of millions of degrees!
Funfact Number Two: It's... Hoooooooot... in TO-PE-KAAAAAH!
"Knowing is half the battle, the other half is violence."
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