Anonymous2: hmm this is a pretty good pciture but not as good as the other one the one with irelia and brand in it this one doesnt have irelia because irelia is not a zombie or is not dead or something this is a cool one but it's not my thing i don't really like pictures of people cosplaying as irelia or zombies pertending to be irelia it's too close to home since im dating her but still good job (you might want to double check with the artist of the irelia and brand picture this is VERY similar to his one)
Anonymous6(2): well i think its a great picture. as i said its a little disconcerting that it looks almost like irelia but its a zombie girl or something so for that purposes its ok.
i would ask her waht she think about it but i dont know if i want to show her this pic. pretty weird that a girl who all burned up would cosplay ! but you should fix the tag though it's not irelia. but it's a cool pic though
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if enyone get horny with this please hung him :D
i would ask her waht she think about it but i dont know if i want to show her this pic. pretty weird that a girl who all burned up would cosplay ! but you should fix the tag though it's not irelia. but it's a cool pic though
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dem 3rd degree pussy burns