Saint: Says Shabby Blue "This picture is inspired by the "classic" Star Wars Holiday Special which aired on TV in the late 1970s. In the TV special, Chewbacca returned to his homeworld of Kashyyyk to visit his family during the special holiday known as "Life Day". Joining him in the celebration were his friends Han, Luke, and Leia. As you can see in this picture, Leia couldn't wait to give Chewie her own special gift for the occasion."
Comixfan: Could do without the copious amounts of Wookie spunk, but otherwise another Shabby Blue classic. Pieces like this really show off how sharp SB's skills have gotten over the years. Really nice recreation of Fisher's face and some great details in the setting. Also, tight anatomy on her, even mostly clothed.
Anonymous8: Slightly different version at >>1001077 .
According to Anon1 on the other image, the little guy back by the stairs is Lumpawaroo. If this can be confirmed from the TV special, he should be tagged.
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I agree with Anon1
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According to Anon1 on the other image, the little guy back by the stairs is Lumpawaroo. If this can be confirmed from the TV special, he should be tagged.
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