Anonymous5: Nice! It'd be a little hotter if her lax arm was gripping his ass/pulling him toward her. It'd show off more of her body and add a nice element of heat. Still a nice piece of work regardless!
Comixfan: I'm actually a fan of the augmented model for Tali. Certainly better than the shit photoshopped face those Fuck-Tards tried to hand us. Also, this makes me so happy to see unsuited Tali getting fucked I think I might cry. Someone hand me tissues, I need to wipe away the tears from my eyes. Then masturbate with 'em.
Chosen_Hun: You people are still upset over the what the creators said Tali looks like? Face it Quarians look like humans with elvish ears and 3 fingers/toes. Deal with it
Comixfan: @Anonymous: Wow. You don't say? Guess you missed the part when I said augmented model *for* Tali, not *of* Tali. Fucktard.
And, yes, compared to the bullshit low rez Getty Archives image BioWare doctored to be Tali's "face", this altered Fang model is leaps and bounds better and shows far more work than even Hudson's half assed team was willing to do.
Comixfan: @Chosen_Hun: Wrong. They don't have long ears. This was confirmed in both 'Ascension' and 'The Art of Mass Effect' book that shows concept art for Tali (which makes their bullshit photo edit all the more baffling). Also, this
It's really no big deal. She was supposed to be pretty, but still more alien than she "appeared" in ME3. Regardless, this Fang model works for me :)
Anonymous13: I'm pretty sure it was confirmed way back in Mass Effect 1 that Quarians were the species that resembled humans the closest. They were described as having hair and "what qualified as ears" or what have you. So yeah. Quit complaining. Quarians have always had hair and looked human.
Anonymous14(13): unless we are talking about the concept art which I dont really think qualifies. Some of the concept art for a lot of the characters/species looks vastly different than what ended up in the game.
Anonymous19: @Comixfan: I don't think you ever pointed out it was a Final Fantasy character.
And it's funny how you got mad that easily, I never insulted you.
Chosen_Hun: @Comixfan: concept art is just that a concept. What matters is what the final results are, and the final results are what you see in that picture she hands to shepard.
LuvDaArt: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: and everybody else who pointed it out...yes, I am tired of seeing the Fang model from Final Fantasy being used as a basis for Tali...I am also about to explode from every time I've seen some moron draw Tali with purple skin...such ridiculousness needs to be nuked! IDGAF if people are going to say "well her mask is purple"! So are parts of the rest of her suit, morons! Or should I say moroffs since most of your brain seems to be on shutdown. That has absolutely nothing to do with the color of her skin underneath that mask and suit, and if you read the codex entry about quarians in the game it says that quarians have unusually pale skin due to lack of exposure to direct sunlight...PALE SKIN DOES NOT EQUAL PURPLE SKIN, ASSHOLES! That probably just means that if you stand naked quarians against a white wall they would blend in just fine. Damn there are some fuckin' borderline retarded morons out there in the world.
Rob0Comb0: @Anonymous: LuvDaArt is a natural born prick, bro. You can't reason with him. He calls all of us morons, when he's about to have a heart attack over some goddamn pictures.
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How fucking original.
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But hey, at least she's finally getting some gifs.
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And, yes, compared to the bullshit low rez Getty Archives image BioWare doctored to be Tali's "face", this altered Fang model is leaps and bounds better and shows far more work than even Hudson's half assed team was willing to do.
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It's really no big deal. She was supposed to be pretty, but still more alien than she "appeared" in ME3. Regardless, this Fang model works for me :)
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Fixed that for you.
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Also, the hair is quite bad.
And it's funny how you got mad that easily, I never insulted you.
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Fang's model was used for the tassled hair. The face will be sorted out in time. At least the hands and feet have been changed.
and Tali's awesome with purple skin. Deal with it
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