Anonymous3: You, Krystal, and Fara and all you other autistic roleplaying furries are seriously getting on my nerves. I wish there were a way to turn comments off, because I'm sick of scrolling down to see you chattering away about god knows what kind of sick fantasies. Sweet J3gus, would you mind putting it on hold for a while?
I mean who the fuck is retarded manchild enough to roleplay fictional characters? Sad old fucks, go to or somewhere else to have your miserable roleplay.
RapeNinja: This is a awesome pic! except for one thing. LUCARIO DOESN'T WEAR PANTS!! That is just his fur(That's really poofy.) I wish you people would stop thinking/saying that he does wear pants. >={
Anonymous11: if i see one more of you three's whine battles being like
just kind of bitchy and impudent or whatever
im gonna fly off the handle
im gonna do some sort of acrobatic fucking PIROUETTE off the handle and win like a medal or some shit
Anonymous12: It's a shame that this pic is so well done. It feels like there hasn't been a really good Krystal pic in a while. Too bad this one's of pegging.
Anonymous14(3): No, the fictional character Fara Phoenix from the Starfox/Starwing video game series is _portrayed_ as female. You, "Fara_Phoenix", are most likely a male, or male-to-female transsexual masquerading online as a, again, FICTIONAL anthropomorphic foxthing.
Have fun contributing nothing to society. A3, A7, A8, A10. Let's keep this up. At least until users get the option to turn off comments.
Anonymous16(3): Oh, right. You too, user "Krystal", Paheal ID #33686. Maybe I'd have the slightest respect for either of you if you actually contributed original content to the site. But you don't.
Seriously, Lucario with "pants" off (I mean that if he has a pants and got undressed into different looking Lucario) are NOT Lucario.
I'd rather not see "Lucario" tags on fake ones like "pants"less Lucario and there's one biggest Lucario fag known as "Lucareon", he took a cameo of Lucario and it's the biggest fake Lucario I've ever seen.
Anonymous23: You can always click "Image Only" to view something without comments, so you'd have to be an idiot to whine about it.
Personally, I've found the Star Fox stuff incredibly amusing-if I was going to complain about anything it's that Paheal doesn't link to all user's comments on their user page so there no way to track them all down. If I ever learn to draw I'll make comics based on these kind of RP comments.
Anonymous26: Yiff in hell furfags. A3 has the right state of mind, and that won't work furfags saying don't scroll down. Now fuck off and go back to
Anonymous27: A3 sould stop too to roleplay a catechist nun in a site where people come here, not to sip a cup of tea and chatter but to fap at pornographic childhoods memories.
Anonymous29: Anon18 won a tub of internets.
Just ignore Fara (for all we know his/her name could be Billy Bob Joe Ray or something)'s incessant babbling. If you don't like the roleplay, don't scroll down and just fap.
Fox_McCloud: Meh, i dont mind the role playing members on here, I cant say for certain, but I was the first (StarFox related) then Krystal came along then i noticed wolf,slippy,falco,fara...the whole gang, and thought it was pretty cool, i didnt start to play as him at first until i noticed others starting so i figured why not? I dont know about them but im not claiming to be the "real" Fox McCloud cause lets face it, hes not it would be pretty damn hard to type with paws lolz, but anyways i am indeed male, only can hope Krystal and Fara are female...
Anonymous38: What the hell is with all the people who insist on calling us "furfags". Obviously, it's not being a fag if this picture focuses on mostly Krystal. Honestly. Call a gay furry a "furfag". Wait... even then, "fag" isn't even the right term. "Gay", "Homosexual", anything but "fag", because that term doesn't fit. These stupid trolls, I swear.
Anonymous40: Damn dudes, you need to lighten up. I think it's funny reading the dialogue between Fara and Krystal. It's funny and harmless, so fuck off Anon3 and all the rest of you butthurt, self righteous twats.
Carry on Fara & the gang, and have a god damned bitchin' day!
Anonymous46: I just have to say that everyone who is trying to be a self righteous git about furry porn and the comments ensuing shouldn't be looking at it. It's obvious that either they enjoy making fun of people or they just want attention. There you have your attention anon 3, now fuck off.
Anonymous48: Correct me if I'm wrong but I see a pair of boobs at the top....Reenamon maybe?
And just for the hell of it...
We didn't Start the flame war!
Anonymous51: I dont get why people are saying this is gay, we need to come up with a new definition for a girl using a strap-on on a guy. Its only gay if there are two guys having sex.
Oh, and this picture is kind of hot.
LuckyLucario69: Oh shit! Well if ur reading this then i must congrat u on making it this far through the comments. Btw, anon 3 says he hates us furries. If that is true then he must hate himself very much for being one as well because he quite apparently likes looking at these kinda pics.
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Krawczyk, thanks. But I'm gonna do that to Fox as soon as I get my opportunity. That asshole actually changed the Great Fox's hangar pass!
I mean who the fuck is retarded manchild enough to roleplay fictional characters? Sad old fucks, go to or somewhere else to have your miserable roleplay.
just kind of bitchy and impudent or whatever
im gonna fly off the handle
im gonna do some sort of acrobatic fucking PIROUETTE off the handle and win like a medal or some shit
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Run a search for me here.
*rolls 20-sided die and gets a 6*
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Have fun contributing nothing to society. A3, A7, A8, A10. Let's keep this up. At least until users get the option to turn off comments.
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Krystal, I'm with you...for now.
*grabs anal vibrator plug*
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Original content my dearest Fara. At least you're willing to admit they're your fellow users, and not in fact anthropomorphic space animals.
You do know you're human, right? Godforbid you're delusional enough that you believe Fara Phoenix is your spirit animal.
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And well, roleplay online.
No out-of-fictional-character words from NOW on.
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Seriously, Lucario with "pants" off (I mean that if he has a pants and got undressed into different looking Lucario) are NOT Lucario.
I'd rather not see "Lucario" tags on fake ones like "pants"less Lucario and there's one biggest Lucario fag known as "Lucareon", he took a cameo of Lucario and it's the biggest fake Lucario I've ever seen.
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Personally, I've found the Star Fox stuff incredibly amusing-if I was going to complain about anything it's that Paheal doesn't link to all user's comments on their user page so there no way to track them all down. If I ever learn to draw I'll make comics based on these kind of RP comments.
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Just ignore Fara (for all we know his/her name could be Billy Bob Joe Ray or something)'s incessant babbling. If you don't like the roleplay, don't scroll down and just fap.
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And, A37, end of the world is over there:
*points at calendar*
2012, dudes!
Anyway... nah nvm. I've got nothing.
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...nope, nothing.
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...yeah, whateer.
Carry on Fara & the gang, and have a god damned bitchin' day!
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And just for the hell of it...
We didn't Start the flame war!
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Oh, and this picture is kind of hot.
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Friends don't let friends tell bad jokes.
Bill, on role-playing during a zombie apocalypse.
*looks at furry boobs*
Better not grab everything I can.
OK, I'll answer your question. Yes, it does make you gay, by the fact that it's furry.
There, you're all fags, discussion over.
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im a girl
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