UncleSpongeSmoke: @Anon3, If Paheal was outside of America, American ISPs will be most likely forced by the government to block Paheal since nearly all pictures are copyrighted content. Its like a Net Nanny but for Americans, such as myself.
By the way, Paheal IS within American territory (its called an IP locator), so it won't just be censored, but it would be taken down.
filthyfrenchmen: Thank you unclespongesmoke for creating such an accurate pictorial representation of the sopa situation, this would be a wonderful feature. I have a feeling sopa will go over about as well as the alcohol prohibition did. Also (not that it really matters) I thought paheal was hosted somewhere in the netherlands?
This is honestly the best picture we have for censorship in general or SOPA specifically. Oh well. Incidentally, PIPA is the bigger threat to Paheal, but they're both horrible ideas in general.
Here are some other pictures we considered, in some cases for the comments (hi Jeb):
>>756357 >>756381 >>411459
Cancer: just now, i would like to kick all the teeth from that texan sucker's mouth for coming with such stupidity, the worst part is that no matter what country you are, US government will want to extradite you for crimes against US law, fuck it.
They want to do it for the safety and intellectual property of their country, but they all are only becoming the perfect target for haters, and they complain why everyone want to blast their gringo asses, even ufos don't like their shit (shame on the civilians who are the actual inocents, their government is the one giving the worst face)
cheezbuggah: i'll kill him! no, wait, just killing's too good for him. first he'll spend a year in the 47 degrees Celcius room, always on the edge of overheating then... 2 years in cryogenic refrigeration, theeeen 10 years in the chamber i built where all the robots scream at you. THEN i'll kill him.
Anonymous14: this is implying someone would want rape this ugly motherfucking dickhead knobjokey wartyfaced losse skin empty headed dickless peice of shit
Anonymous20: if the bill passed so many people would get into riots over infringement of free speech. The bullshit he's saying is just a cover, he wants to hide anything he doesn't like. ie, kids and women. Guy just killed his chances of getting anywhere in the world. Whose growing up and going to be voting soon? Whose this going to hurt the most? College and high school kids. Great job buddy, you just committed political suicide.
NeuroticNostalgia: they might as well shut down the whole internet if they're gonna pull some shit like this i can barely go anywhere because of the damn censorship I HATE THESE POLITICAL DICKHEADS
Cancer: what Anon20 said, before SOPA/PIPA i knew no shit about that asshole, now his face is my dart board, and is something that will keep with him for the rest of his life... if he manage to live that long
Sintime: ^
Yeah, "I don't create/own anything but those that do should be raped because they don't want their material elsewhere"
Gotta love internet people logic.
Nonnymoos_9k: Rupert Murdoch is a vocal SOPA fan and blasted Obama for his resistance to signing it, as if we needed yet another reason to hate Murdoch.
Anonymous26: 9/11 caused all this shit. SOPA, patriot act, PIPA and a ton of other stuff. I came to the attention of cops just because I bought two bags of fertilizer (which I need as I have a farm) Somehow that makes me a terrorist.
Anonymous27: █ ████████ ██████ ██████████ ██ ████ ██ ████ ██████████ ██. ███ ███ This comment has been found in violation of H.R. 3261, S.O.P.A and has been removed.
Anonymous29: Honestly, every agreement to anon 20, it would be an infringement of free speech, and the fact that they even thought of it just proves it more to me that some people only care about themselves, what they want, and nothing about the rights of other people. However, I think if the artist could be contacted and give permission for their art to be on the site, I do believe that it should be okay, but these acts will prohibit even that. These act make me unhappy, and should they be passed, I have no doubt the porn community, and all other non-perverted users of the Internet will create a petition and get these acts repealed.
UncleSpongeSmoke: Anon31, it's not just about the Internet being censored, it's the fact that the fucking US Government wants to break our (US Citizens, at least) first amendment rights and think they can get away with it.
Anonymous35: people who thought paheal wasnt hosted in america were are fucking idiots.
i mean, who else but americans would have a site dedicated to collecting porn on their presidents and terrorist enemies alike, among everything else in existence?
ness199x: This bill is an infringement on our first amendment
I don't want to live on this planet anymore if this bill passes and not just because of porn.
Krawczyk: If the h8rs weren't such bobombfuck psychopathic manchild retards there WOULD be no 'pony controversy'
Unfortunately every h8r is a Chrischan-esque Lamar Smith
Anonymous46(45): I really hate seeming partisan. So why do all corporate cock slathering ideas come out of republicans? I really don't want to be one of those douches who's always trashing a political party, so why are these guys making it so hard for me?
pauloaran: Soup is shit I'm surprised that Obama is such a bastard that law to allow shit like me kick your ass and rape cage until they die and then throw a bomb at the White House and all die
but ultimately we can not do anything about it just wait and hopefully adopt it is not God forbid that if I paheal this up and I love this site more like a soup my friend sucks to say no soup law
MrAnon: Here's the fact: ALL of the pics here are 'pirated' from their original creators. Thus all toon porn that's not original (AKA stuff that's on paheal) is pirated content.
If all pirated content is attacked, then this site shuts down.
Anonymous60: All i can say is hahahahahahahaha till shit gets cencored then im going to think of what life would be like if the internetz was still useable.
Anonymous61: Anonymous (the group) would be the first to throw this USA into hell. I used to be proud to be an American... Now. Now... I feel ashamed--that a God damn PORN SITE has become a place where we debate politics. And... guys, read about NDAA. That allows the government to inndefinitely imprison you without trial or hearing if they think you're a terrorist. And those who fight against this will only go down as dead terrorists... Not liberty loving freedom fighting. America had so much potential. I can't even tap, I'm so melancholy.
Anonymous63: Anon46: As a Democrat I am ashamed to tell you my party is full of corporate whores as well. Minnesota's own Amy Klobuchar is a Senate sponsor of SOPA and PIPA. Her father is a renowned journalist and author, I wonder what he thinks about a bill that would effectively neuter free speech in this nation.
Krawczyk: As an authentic-from-that-time-period sort, I concur with anon50. We made way better laws, cherished freedom more, and we LIKED it. (we're the top opposition to the BPjM)
also this one is for anon61: http://gawker.com/5865089/20-things-you-should-know-about-americas-most-horrifying-new-law
Anonymous69: well anon, the collective, the legion. looks like it's time to make 2012 live up to it's apocalyptic potential.
Great men warned us of a day and a time when we had to tear down the system that sought to destroy us, to remove from power those who would have our very way of life altered and our freedoms taken away. MY friend that day is today and that time is now.
no longer will we submit ourselves to the system because the day you take freedoms of expression is the day you open the door for conspiracy lies and deceitful men whose only god is the almighty dollar.
Anonymous71: Now I think a revolution is great and all that but I feel if someone knew where certain senators lived so we the people could show our displeasure about this in a appropriate manne
Stark: I swear if this is passed, I will NOT be surprised if there will be the kind of Riot's you see in that one Disturbed video with the Disturbed guy leading them *forgot song name* >_>.
Fuck them, that's what I think, I dunno WHY they think this is a good idea >_>.
UncleSpongeSmoke: ^ They thought it was a good idea because they don't know what chaos the bills could cause. Almost anybody who is anybody in the US Government is a computer-illiterate fuck.
Anonymous82: I like how everyone acts like its the end of the world despite the fact that its not even how the bill technically works (its anti piracy which means if a company feels like it they can stop pirating, not censor your comments) and Obama doesnt support it. The guy who proposed it is backing down, and huge internet corporations like Google hate it. SOPA is as good as dead
Anonymous84: >^ if it pass's im totally for the fucking riots... just saying... communist america, just great...
Anon... you do realise that this whole story started by lobbyist politicians doing favours to their corporate overlords, don't you? This is almost the definition of capitalism.
imaajfpstnfo: You suckers are sucking suckers who suck! I am all for passing SOPA, not because I know anything about it or because I support the belief that you can claim absolute ownership of things like music or art, but because you suck. You people are pussies and you drive me crazy. go away.
Anonymous93(52): Megaupload is shut down, but Anonymous shut down the department of justice and 4 other government sites in retaliation. GO ANONYMOUS GO!!!!!!!
craggle: wow, not only is 'image only' gone, but also you can only read the last 5 pages of comments.
paheal's just like a politician, promising new servers that will vastly improve the site experience, and only providing service cuts.
seriously, this move really sucks, i go through each day reading comments since i was here last, seeing which of the stuff i collected is popular, answering questions, having a few conversations, and spotting epic porn that i missed in the new pic list.
i could understand limiting it to, say, the last day's worth of comments, but the last 5 pages? that just sucks.
Anonymous97(72): Anonymous... battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster. Who gave you the right to dispense vigilante justice on whomever you consider to be a justified target?
Anonymous98: I cant believe these dumbasses really think they can get away with this shit. Censoring the internet is the same thing as restricting knowledge.
What happens when people aren't allowed to to experience things? The country turns into korea or china which I may add has internet blocks up as well, the civilians there have no clue what its like outside of there country and there dictator leaders want it that way so they don't start rebelling because they know better. Seriously knowledge is strength, the deadliest weapon is information.
Anonymous99: SOPA and PIPA are just US versions of ACTA. ACTA is the multi-national/international/global version of SOPA/PIPA that has been worked on since 2008.
SOPA and PIPA are just local bills, ACTA is global!!
(you are now imagining Edgeworth piloting God Gundam in the middle of Washington DC)
Shish: @craggle and others - I'm going through the site looking for anything that's making it slow - the "Image Only" links add ~25% to the load times of the search results, for example. I didn't know anyone who used them, so I tried hiding them for a bit, and things were faster - but then a flood of people came saying that they did use those links, so they got put back.
Comments pages were similar - basically every step back in history needs more processing power than the one before, and random internet links were resulting in the latter pages (like, page 100,000) getting hit quite frequently, and each hit would lock up a full CPU core for 15-30 seconds. Limiting to 5 pages has helped with CPU use, and in my brief scan I didn't see anyone other than bots going past page 3 - but since you're human (I presume :P) and you've asked for it, I shall change that :3
Limiting by date might actually speed things up even more, as that can be optimised better than page numbers - when you said limiting to the last day or so, I thought that that wouldn't be very much and I'd make it a week, but actually a day is about 120 pages of comments, which does seem a sensible amount. So before I start work on a time-based limit, is there anyone here who will be upset if they can only read 120 pages of recent comments? :P (Comments on any individual image will still be unlimited, this is just for the "recent comments" list)
craggle: i think 120 is fair. i'd like more, but i think if you're the type to read every comment, like me, you're the type to read it every day anyway, and if you miss one, hey, that's your own fault.
another thing to consider, if you haven't already, is set your robots.txt so that all the comment pages disallow bots and indexing, there's really no need for them to be trolling those pages.
thanks for listening, btw!
image only i don't actually care all that much about... it's nice, but i personally can do without it if it really is an extra 25% lag (maybe put it on the image pages themselves, but not the index pages?), but the comments ARE the community, IMHO.
craggle: i don't know enough about the subject to know if it makes the load issues easier or worse, but maybe for image only tags, you can make it opt in? like if there's a &imageonly=on at the end of the url or a cookie setting, it adds in image only links, but if not, it leaves them out. so people who like them can still get them but the vast majority won't.
Anonymous103: Anyone remember the Roaring Twenties, in which the 18th Amendment had been passed? Yeah, that worked out SO fucking well in the end, and in 1933 it was repealed by the 21st Amendment. SOPA and PIPA are really not much different, if any different at all.
Decanter: Refeaturing to draw attention to the red text. Don't worry, the underage message you all know and love is coming back after this one's gone - which leads me back to why I'm refeaturing this.
Internet freedom. SOPA and PIPA weren't the only tries to suppress it. There have been several since, and there will be several more. That's why we need you to vote - because if you give these people an inch they'll take a mile. And by a mile I mean your porn. And, you know, free speech and all that too. Also important.
What're you waiting for? Go register to vote! The link is up top.
corungulain: As much as I hate SOPA and PIPA, all I can do is LOL @ people who think free speech = right to take shit that doesn't belong to them. Maybe instead of SOPA, they should just pass a law that says if you're found guilty of piracy, then your next door neighbors get to come over and take all your stuff.
RogerTheRabbit: @corungulain: Except you know, Thats not what happens at all. How about this, they make a law in which if you're found guilty all your neighbors get to come over and make copies of all of your stuff (which according to copyright and patent laws, you don't really own anyway). But whatever, I mean its obvious Corporations need people like you defending them on the internet. Its not like they have Lawyers, PR spin doctors, Lobbyists, and Politicians that work for them every day to extend their privilege to the next millennium while eliminating all of OUR rights and privacy. Nope, they totally need YOU defending their privileges. You make ALL the difference.
soheifox: @RogerTheRabbit: Wahtever helps you sleep at night. at the end of the day, you're taking a "copy" of something for free. The right to have a "copy" of that thing is what is being sold, not the code itself. If you don;t like that, you're free not to buy that license, but you're not free to play it anyway.
champofgalacticretards: again???? I hope for American Revoluntion II against stupid politicians without balls that make them look like sissies without hornomes.
The_Elder_Troll: @Shish: Shish I actually use them a lot, when there is a broken image or a animation, the animations run faster on full screen for me, also the broken images tend to load and then I can save the images.
Anonymous111: @soheifox: AHAHAHA, first tell me hoe you sleep at night knowing you're a successfully brainwash dolt? Oh thats right, you don't know. After 12 years of advertisement, the RIAA has finally succeeded it seems. Well, on brain-dead teenagers, but thats a kind of success I guess. Still the hypocrisy is strong, considering the sites you visit and the shit you've uploaded dear namefag. Just like the threads when an 'aritst', who's drawing of Mickey Mouse fucking Goofey in the ass, is re-posted, and he upset that someone has copied or GASP! edited his 'work'. And then a thousand morons start joining in on the self-masturbation session about how he STOLE their ART! And thats wrong! Completely oblivious to the fact that if Disney could avoid the public backlash, they would string him up by his own entrails for even daring to touch their sacred Intellectual Property. The cognitive dissonance is strong. Now tell us, did you get the proper licenses to upload Gunslinger Girl?
TongueTwister: Just deal with it even if it passes. A simple bill is not going to dramatically end the world! I say, when the practice of misbehavior becomes too easy, like piracy or child porn, we have to make it harder by reintroducing ourselves to the lifestyle to the 70's.
Anonymous116: TROLL i suck yo dick? SHIT FUCK HAHA TROLL i suck yo dick SHIT FUCK HAHA TROLL U MAD BRO SHIT FUCK HAHA TROLL i suck yo dick SHIT FUCK HAHA
Anonymous117: While you're (hopefully) trying to fix thumbnails, please do look into the timestamp issue as well. It's annoying that it always shows 2+ hours.
Anonymous121: guys I just want to say one thing..... give it a rest already! This is a place for porn, not politics. I tired of the comments on this page. I read like 5 and then they just seemed to be repeated. You know it won't be passed anyway. Honestly.... you really think everyone wants internet censored? no. Leave politics alone and get back to porn.
Neeckin: @Anonymous: But what better place to talk about politics them with a bunch of similar minded people? Also if no one wanted the interent censored then stuff like this would never happen.
Anonymous126(113): @Decanter: Not really, because apparently every single website I've come across about this seems to be about America only and only people from America can vote.
Funny, seeing how this affects everybody, this is the internet after all.
Anonymous127: Fucking shit, I hope he'll burn in hell mother fucking cunt cocksucker ass gay faggot shit fagot. Also the fucker who made this comment plugin is a fucking crappy coder noob.
Silent_Witness: @Anonymous: You're willing to let the entire internet die because you don't like one small part of it.
This. This right here summarizes everything that's wrong with the haters.
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: Neither are stores, properly constructed homes, or cars. Should we just get rid of them, too? We've come to depend on those things over time, just as we have the internet.
Silent_Witness: @Anonymous: I don't know. They might have, but I read somewhere that they were temporarily disabled to protest... something.
And just as an aside, wouldn't it have been better to do this stuff in November? You know, when the actual fucking election happens?
Anonymous131: this is why you never let a greedy bible hummping christen fag have this much power man if i could go back in time i would wipe him out so none of this shit would happen
Franky_Whiskey: Funny, seeing as how big record companies fuck the asses of the artists signed under them
Seriously, RIAA-loving kiddies, you ought to look who is robbing who blind on the first place. This isn't retaliation to piracy; this is retaliation against freedom, to control something they, the big wings, can't not. They already control the old media, the industries, your government, and now they aim for that little window of free expression they haven't fucked with yet.
Freedom, after all, isn't about just good stuff, you have to deal with the nasty shit as well. And somehow, everyone on the internet has gone by just fine 'till recently.
mr_church: it dose not matter what type of porn you lie it all comes down to u sitting in a room playing with your self if you can live with that than do what ever you wont but if the internet ever gets ass rapped by this shit you'll have no one to blam but your self
Anonymous136: Yeah F SOPA and F Canada's C30 & C11(Like Canada's SOPA but worse both allow breaches of peoples accounts and Emails without warrants & Copy right laws). Lastly F Obama & Romney. About time to let a real man be in charge named RON PAUL! Only guy who should be President. And for the LOVE OF GOD stop OBSESSING over Iran & stupid Israel PLEASE! I'm so tired of politicians Bull crap.
Mah_Friend_Fruity: Erm, I live in Australia, and I've only heard snippets and rumors about this SOPA thing, and the whole Internet blocking scandal. What is it? Where is it happening? And isn't Australia good?*
Roflcakes: @Mah_Friend_Fruity: Coming from a fellow Ausfag, Australia is worst at Internet. Our government have been trying to censor the internet hardcore for years now, If bills similar to SOPA pass it's only going to make it more likely they will succeed.
Anonymous139(113): @Mah_Friend_Fruity: No apparently this affects the USA only seeing as every petition only allows US citizens to vote. So I guess other countries aren't part of the internet.
Krawczyk: Since when has America been content to let its own shitty laws stay in its own damn country? Just like its system of government, it seems to be married to their shitty religion. They have to push it on everyone else in the world, by embargoing, proselytising, or bombing. The joke will be on them when this bullshit finally bankrupts them and they are unable to maintain their army, perhaps it will even kill democracy once and for all when its main proponent falls silent.
Lokuul: @Krawczyk: Sir, I think you should kindly fuck in the off direction. This isn't about being Anti-Democracy or Anti-American, it's about SOPA and porn. Mostly SOPA. Because this site has better chances of having an intelligent debate than anything else.
Anonymous143: Consonant-boy's pitchin' a fit 'cause his country doesn't matter. Put twelve motherfuckers on the Moon, send multiple fucking giant aircraft carriers to help when Indonesia and Japan have earthquakes, then we'll talk.
Anonymous147(132): @Krawczyk: US laws only become your laws because you and your pansy-ass countrymen are too cowardly to not let that be the case. No one cares what you think as such.
Anonymous149: Don't worry about SOPA. This shit will never pass, nor any bill like it. That's the one good thing the Obama administration has done: is pass on bills like this.
Anonymous150(149): You've really got to wonder what the fuck is wrong with people like Lamar Shit Smith. Exactly WHAT does he have to gain from cracking down on the Internet when not even the powers at be can give a fuck? I have to wonder if he's being paid off by the corporations to push this kind of legislation. It'll never work, though.
mr_church: hay ... SOPA is gay every one in the world is a hair line a way from the next world war and i wont to look at hot ass pic of shows with every one around the world before this small bleep of a planet gets destroyed by nukes is that to much to asks for ... i'm a Texas and proud of it :)
Meta_Kirby: SOPA will never pass. Im sure you all remember the last time the government tried shit like this. Google, Wikipedia and numerous other sites SHITTED out and rendered their sites useless (Well, some of them did) Eventually, this..."Lamar" will crack under the immense weight of pressure that he is recieving from the majority of America...and hopefully others will not tread the path Lamar did. If this bill does pass, I fear a cookie cutter situation of "Occupy Wall Street" will occur, although on a much, MUCH larger scale.
Perhaps the Mayans calender was right. America has been in an economic shithole for a long time. Perhaps its not the end of the world, but the end of a civilization?
And to all you people that "love" SOPA...get the fuck outta here. If you love SOPA so much you shouldnt be here. Instead of arguing, just click the "Exit" button on your screen, or hit the power button. If you love SOPA, you do NOT deserve the internet.
PinkBallons: @Meta_Kirby: Actually the Mayans don't necessarily predict the end of the world, but a new age. What will bring about that new age, however, is up to debate.
Anonymous157: I agree with Anon 156, SOPA is a good thing. With people raging so hard left and right, we Anons will surely be granted an infinite amount of lulz.
Meta_Kirby: @Pinkballoons: Thats what i meant when i said "an end of a civilization. From the ashes of the Old World, a new one will arise!
Also @ Anon156...
Unoriginal? As i see it, the guy that said "SOPA-hating faggot" isnt too original either. I see about 60+ comments that roughly translate to that.
SOPA lovers...just unplug the PC and get back to CoD, or whatever you kids play these days. You clearly have no idea how much of an impact SOPA will create. Mind as well enjoy porn. If SOPA passes, enjoy fapping to crudley drawn images of your favorite toons. Have fun!!
Anonymous158: @Meta_Kirby: Wow this answers my question... I came in wondering why the fuck people are talking like Sopa is still a threat, didn't Sopa FAIL?
In any case the Mayan thing is a load of bullshit, the other tablet that people neglect to translate explains that it was literally nothing special. No new age, no end of anything. It's going to take a LOOOOOOT longer than 2 months from now for anything to change. I am talking like 5 decades or so lol
Mah_Friend_Fruity: Lol some of this imput from the Anons is actually thought provoking... Then there's Anon139, who will probably be murdered by a lot of Americans that are anxious to keep their internet from being deadlocked.
Anonymous162(149): The Presidential debate tonight was interesting. I was fucking shocked at Mitt Romney's performance. I've viewed him up until now as nothing more than an incoptent turd. I viewed him as less than nothing. Such a piece of shit that didn't even deserve my obsessive hatred. And he wowed me tonight. Obama had difficulty keeping up with him, and he steered the course of the debate, and even pushed beyond those incredibly assinine and petty rules and time limits. That shit I find to be destructive to the actual debate. Debates should not work like that, but of course an actually engaging and stimulating debate discussing real mothafuckin dirt is not what those debates are about anyway. They're about manipulating the idiotic public.
Anonymous163(149): As soon as the travesty kicked off, it immediately began with typical politician horseshit from both of them, but then suddenly, Romney went into beast mode, and trampled Obama. But I knew Obama would suck. He's all about charisma, gravitas, and saying absolutely nothing. I just tuned in in hopes to see Romney say something stupid, but it didn't turn out to be like that at all.
Anonymous165: @Anonymous161
Yes, this is why I don't like when idiots like you give your political opinion. You probably went around bashing Romney before tonight even though you didn't know a thing about him. Just that he was rich so he must be evil. And some people may have taken what you said to heart while you were spreading all this misinformation.
Although I would really like it if you killed yourself, you probably won't be doing that. So I'll ask you to just keep your mouth shut about things you don't understand. Like politicians, for example.
notmacacos2: @Anonymous: Autism is not bound to the chains of time, my friend. It is timeless, and echoes through the centuries like a brick inside of a washing machine; the chaos and retardation that comes with being inevitable.
Meta_Kirby: Well, i dont know...i saw some pretty convincing evidence that Romney will raise tax on Middle Class, and lower it on the High Class. I mean, he was the Governer of Massachusetts (Mayor? Sorry, im not good with political stuff) but i didnt notice anything, except for the major influx of parking meters. But i suppose we will have to see which way the wind blows, for now.
Anonymous166: @Meta_Kirby: Apparently he wants to genocide the gays and put the Mexicans in ghettoes. Not too bad, so long as he doesn't try and push around blacks or injuns
Anonymous167(149): @Anonymous: A group of the most ignorant human wastes on the planet, second to Muslims, are telling me to keep my mouth shut about things I don't understand.
He is rich. He is evil. That's a fact. I still think he's a piece of shit. I just think he did a great job during the debate.
Also, considering how fucking sick I am of corrupt, sleazy, lying, bastard politicians (ALL POLITICIANS), you have got to be the pinnacle of human pondscum coming on here and heatedly defending those creatures. Let's look at this: considering what politicians are.... you are actually getting pissed off that someone would slander these factually greedy prick scumbags. The thought that people are trashing politicians makes you angry. Jesus. Fucking. Cristo. That's like if I got really angry that you were bashing child-rapist/murderers. What the fuck kind of human being are you, Anon164? What the fuck?
@Franky_Whiskey: I couldn't even follow half the political jargon him, and Obama was spitting back and forth. All I know is he dominated the debate. I'm not going to say he's right about what he even said. I'm sure both of them were lying their asses off the whole time and passing it off as facts. No, I'm not voting for either one of those bastards.
Anonymous168(149): Did Obama sentence an American journalist to death in some country somewhere for some reason? I think he was bring imprisoned, actually. The journalist was doing something Obama didn't want him doing. Ah, I can't remember that story. What was that?
Anonymous169: Fuck Mitt Romney & Fuck Barrack Obama. They are both Banker backed retarded scum. America needs a real leader named Ron Paul not one idiot who promises and does zero or the oposite, and certainly not an over obsessed retard by the press who just promises to be different and won't. Shoot them bot and let a real man run! You want no SOPA and regulations and violations of the people and someone committed to actual change. Ron Paul and Kuchinich are the only men!
Anonymous170(169): Exactly. You don't like Ron Paul, then enjoy SOPA ,NDAA(Right to torture and Execute USA citizens by govt) and the Patriots Act! Then enjoy a war against Iran and future WW3! Russia and China sick of bullshit!
Thumper: if you don't vote, it counts as a vote for the guy you would have voted against. VOTE and shoot down the vote of someone on the other side!! Votes cancel each other out until there's more on one side than the other, then you have a winner.
Krawczyk: @Lokuul: And who exactly do you think votes most of these fuckleheads in in the first place? Certainly not the people who actually know how to think.
That's why so many of them DON'T vote, they know the system is gamed, and the only way to truly change it is to go lone wolf. The only problem with that is they are too spread out and don't communicate so instead of lighting the whole damn country on fire as they should, they strike a match which flashes out before you can blink, then the next guy hits a month or so later, then the next, and people start forgetting what it was all about. All people not voting need to get together and, since there ARE no candidates for them, stage a massive workers' strike in the capital that requires martial law to remove, as the Spanish and French do when lacking representation. Grab your pickaxes, powertools, and dynamite, and stop being so dang apathetic about your own oppression!
@SlinkyGuy: Like I mentioned before, they own enough of it that smaller countries will play sycophantic lapdog to get on their good side, just look at the Demonoid takedown. Nothing at all in THEIR laws about it, but it was taken down before a vote on SOPA II. While that didn't pass either, Demonoid was still lost as a result. THe Imperialist yankee swine will just keep hammering and hammering away, until there is no free internet left. The internet will be left having to choose between being run by China, or run by the US, with small pockets of 'resistance' (due to having better tech overall) like Finland, Ireland, or Japan. Basically countries small enough that whenever a new innovation comes along everyone can get upgraded in one shot, but the rest of the 'free world' will, really, no longer be free. Hell, it isn't right now even. THe Handley and Mike Diana cases already proved that much. The time for revolution was 2002. It's a decade later, and you lazy gits have only shot at one politician in that time, and it wasn't even one that deserved it!
That is why I would never bother marching on DC, and why once my store closes down in March I am fleeing, cuz if I went down for any sort of protest I would be the only one there. Ya'll are just too filled up on your heavily breaded Jersey Shore JLo buns to be trusted to fight Big Gov the way you should. So 6 months from now, biddin' ya'll farewell, cuttin up my citizenship, and asking Russia to fire some nukes behind me.
America?! Stage a revolution?! Thats like asking all americans to get active for 60+ minutes. Few participate, and even fewer openly admit their workout schedule. We always bitch and moan, and yet we never do anything about it.
On a lighter note, its really the Illuminati that control the world. We are simple pawns in a game where we never see our true leaders. *insert half-assed troll face*
LuvDaArt: If SOPA were to truly have their way then sites like this would be completely, totally, and forever deleted. Furthermore, all of the surviving web sites would look like the comments above with all the SHITTED out parts.
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>The Game
I just lost the game.
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By the way, Paheal IS within American territory (its called an IP locator), so it won't just be censored, but it would be taken down.
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OWAIT, i totally can.
good thing they spent those millions and billions to stop pirates from "costing them thousands."
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This is honestly the best picture we have for censorship in general or SOPA specifically. Oh well. Incidentally, PIPA is the bigger threat to Paheal, but they're both horrible ideas in general.
Here are some other pictures we considered, in some cases for the comments (hi Jeb):
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We don't have SOPA... We don't have PIPA... We have GEMA, so screw YouTube with german proxies.
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They want to do it for the safety and intellectual property of their country, but they all are only becoming the perfect target for haters, and they complain why everyone want to blast their gringo asses, even ufos don't like their shit (shame on the civilians who are the actual inocents, their government is the one giving the worst face)
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Rule #2 Do NOT talk about /b/
// dZire
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>Implying the 4chan homepage is /b/.
>Implying this is a raid.
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Yeah, "I don't create/own anything but those that do should be raped because they don't want their material elsewhere"
Gotta love internet people logic.
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█████ ██████ ███. ████'█ ██ ██████. The ████ ████
government ████ ███ ██ knows ████ ███ best █
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SOPA is bad news for all of us...especially bronies.
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i mean, who else but americans would have a site dedicated to collecting porn on their presidents and terrorist enemies alike, among everything else in existence?
that was a compliment to paheal, by the way. :P
I don't want to live on this planet anymore if this bill passes and not just because of porn.
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Unfortunately every h8r is a Chrischan-esque Lamar Smith
Or a homosucker. >;3
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Massive lolz
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but ultimately we can not do anything about it just wait and hopefully adopt it is not God forbid that if I paheal this up and I love this site more like a soup my friend sucks to say no soup law
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If all pirated content is attacked, then this site shuts down.
Not to be a neo nazi, just a political comparison between both extremes.
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also this one is for anon61: http://gawker.com/5865089/20-things-you-should-know-about-americas-most-horrifying-new-law
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Great men warned us of a day and a time when we had to tear down the system that sought to destroy us, to remove from power those who would have our very way of life altered and our freedoms taken away. MY friend that day is today and that time is now.
no longer will we submit ourselves to the system because the day you take freedoms of expression is the day you open the door for conspiracy lies and deceitful men whose only god is the almighty dollar.
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That's real [CENSORED]
Titanium, could you [CENSORED]
We'd like it, thanks.
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I would leave a comment twitter but I don't use that piece of shit.
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Fuck them, that's what I think, I dunno WHY they think this is a good idea >_>.
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This comment was found in violation of H.R. 3261 SOPA.
Anon... you do realise that this whole story started by lobbyist politicians doing favours to their corporate overlords, don't you? This is almost the definition of capitalism.
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And then imaajfpstnfo was the trolls.
Half-Life: Full Life Consequences could very well be a casualty of a law like this, as could my reference to it just now.
Nice account name. Looks like you just made another account by smashing random letters on your keyboard so you can troll.
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the scary thing is that it was based in Hong Kong so how the hell did the US manage to shut the entire site down?
paheal's just like a politician, promising new servers that will vastly improve the site experience, and only providing service cuts.
seriously, this move really sucks, i go through each day reading comments since i was here last, seeing which of the stuff i collected is popular, answering questions, having a few conversations, and spotting epic porn that i missed in the new pic list.
i could understand limiting it to, say, the last day's worth of comments, but the last 5 pages? that just sucks.
but still...
What happens when people aren't allowed to to experience things? The country turns into korea or china which I may add has internet blocks up as well, the civilians there have no clue what its like outside of there country and there dictator leaders want it that way so they don't start rebelling because they know better. Seriously knowledge is strength, the deadliest weapon is information.
SOPA and PIPA are just local bills, ACTA is global!!
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full text in case anybody needs it.
(you are now imagining Edgeworth piloting God Gundam in the middle of Washington DC)
Anon97 is Lamar, GET HIM!!!
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Another pre-SOPA casualty. RIP MegaUpload.
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Comments pages were similar - basically every step back in history needs more processing power than the one before, and random internet links were resulting in the latter pages (like, page 100,000) getting hit quite frequently, and each hit would lock up a full CPU core for 15-30 seconds. Limiting to 5 pages has helped with CPU use, and in my brief scan I didn't see anyone other than bots going past page 3 - but since you're human (I presume :P) and you've asked for it, I shall change that :3
Limiting by date might actually speed things up even more, as that can be optimised better than page numbers - when you said limiting to the last day or so, I thought that that wouldn't be very much and I'd make it a week, but actually a day is about 120 pages of comments, which does seem a sensible amount. So before I start work on a time-based limit, is there anyone here who will be upset if they can only read 120 pages of recent comments? :P (Comments on any individual image will still be unlimited, this is just for the "recent comments" list)
another thing to consider, if you haven't already, is set your robots.txt so that all the comment pages disallow bots and indexing, there's really no need for them to be trolling those pages.
thanks for listening, btw!
image only i don't actually care all that much about... it's nice, but i personally can do without it if it really is an extra 25% lag (maybe put it on the image pages themselves, but not the index pages?), but the comments ARE the community, IMHO.
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Internet freedom. SOPA and PIPA weren't the only tries to suppress it. There have been several since, and there will be several more. That's why we need you to vote - because if you give these people an inch they'll take a mile. And by a mile I mean your porn. And, you know, free speech and all that too. Also important.
What're you waiting for? Go register to vote! The link is up top.
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Who didn't see this happening?
At the end of the day, you're a thief.
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You know, there ARE other countries outside of the US too, just thought you'd notice. Thought this site was for every country, not just the US of A.
Ah well, best of luck with those patriotic votes!
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One more thing, everytime I click the cosplay site link, it takes me to this one. Problems much?
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Also, whats with source of the pic?
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ikr wtf?
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my thumbnails aren't showing either...
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yeah... Ah well.. Hope its over soon.
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Thumbnail server down?
Or admins clever response to putting this back as featured image by somewhat censoring the thumbs.
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Wanna see Jessie shaking her Ass?!?!?!?
Funny, seeing how this affects everybody, this is the internet after all.
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This. This right here summarizes everything that's wrong with the haters.
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And just as an aside, wouldn't it have been better to do this stuff in November? You know, when the actual fucking election happens?
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Seriously, RIAA-loving kiddies, you ought to look who is robbing who blind on the first place. This isn't retaliation to piracy; this is retaliation against freedom, to control something they, the big wings, can't not. They already control the old media, the industries, your government, and now they aim for that little window of free expression they haven't fucked with yet.
Freedom, after all, isn't about just good stuff, you have to deal with the nasty shit as well. And somehow, everyone on the internet has gone by just fine 'till recently.
To each his own, they say. To each his own.
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(For those of you who mistakenly believe that the D's are the ones looking out for you... you are fucktards.)
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* At Internet.
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Why are you proud of yourself because people born on the same spot of land did something once upon a damn? :0
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>Not using meme arrows
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Wait... so close... wow, almost gave a fuck.
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Kill yourself.
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Please, somebody tell me they aren't phasing that part of paheal out?
Read this:
I could give LESS of a shit about 4chan, but don't you DARE fuck with my Paheal and Youtube!
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Perhaps the Mayans calender was right. America has been in an economic shithole for a long time. Perhaps its not the end of the world, but the end of a civilization?
And to all you people that "love" SOPA...get the fuck outta here. If you love SOPA so much you shouldnt be here. Instead of arguing, just click the "Exit" button on your screen, or hit the power button. If you love SOPA, you do NOT deserve the internet.
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Sopa-supporting faggot.
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Also @ Anon156...
Unoriginal? As i see it, the guy that said "SOPA-hating faggot" isnt too original either. I see about 60+ comments that roughly translate to that.
SOPA lovers...just unplug the PC and get back to CoD, or whatever you kids play these days. You clearly have no idea how much of an impact SOPA will create. Mind as well enjoy porn. If SOPA passes, enjoy fapping to crudley drawn images of your favorite toons. Have fun!!
In any case the Mayan thing is a load of bullshit, the other tablet that people neglect to translate explains that it was literally nothing special. No new age, no end of anything. It's going to take a LOOOOOOT longer than 2 months from now for anything to change. I am talking like 5 decades or so lol
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Here's cooperating to the faggot fund! Penors for ERRYONE!! C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3 C===3
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Be careful with trusting a turncoat!
Yes, this is why I don't like when idiots like you give your political opinion. You probably went around bashing Romney before tonight even though you didn't know a thing about him. Just that he was rich so he must be evil. And some people may have taken what you said to heart while you were spreading all this misinformation.
Although I would really like it if you killed yourself, you probably won't be doing that. So I'll ask you to just keep your mouth shut about things you don't understand. Like politicians, for example.
That goes for all you other young liberals, too.
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No human is perfect, at least Romney has done more in the Presidential debate than Obama did in 4 years.
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He is rich. He is evil. That's a fact. I still think he's a piece of shit. I just think he did a great job during the debate.
Also, considering how fucking sick I am of corrupt, sleazy, lying, bastard politicians (ALL POLITICIANS), you have got to be the pinnacle of human pondscum coming on here and heatedly defending those creatures. Let's look at this: considering what politicians are.... you are actually getting pissed off that someone would slander these factually greedy prick scumbags. The thought that people are trashing politicians makes you angry. Jesus. Fucking. Cristo. That's like if I got really angry that you were bashing child-rapist/murderers. What the fuck kind of human being are you, Anon164? What the fuck?
@Franky_Whiskey: I couldn't even follow half the political jargon him, and Obama was spitting back and forth. All I know is he dominated the debate. I'm not going to say he's right about what he even said. I'm sure both of them were lying their asses off the whole time and passing it off as facts. No, I'm not voting for either one of those bastards.
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All my money to this.
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Then apply that to congress as well.
If you don't vote, you deserve whatever happens to you.
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That's why so many of them DON'T vote, they know the system is gamed, and the only way to truly change it is to go lone wolf. The only problem with that is they are too spread out and don't communicate so instead of lighting the whole damn country on fire as they should, they strike a match which flashes out before you can blink, then the next guy hits a month or so later, then the next, and people start forgetting what it was all about. All people not voting need to get together and, since there ARE no candidates for them, stage a massive workers' strike in the capital that requires martial law to remove, as the Spanish and French do when lacking representation. Grab your pickaxes, powertools, and dynamite, and stop being so dang apathetic about your own oppression!
@SlinkyGuy: Like I mentioned before, they own enough of it that smaller countries will play sycophantic lapdog to get on their good side, just look at the Demonoid takedown. Nothing at all in THEIR laws about it, but it was taken down before a vote on SOPA II. While that didn't pass either, Demonoid was still lost as a result. THe Imperialist yankee swine will just keep hammering and hammering away, until there is no free internet left. The internet will be left having to choose between being run by China, or run by the US, with small pockets of 'resistance' (due to having better tech overall) like Finland, Ireland, or Japan. Basically countries small enough that whenever a new innovation comes along everyone can get upgraded in one shot, but the rest of the 'free world' will, really, no longer be free. Hell, it isn't right now even. THe Handley and Mike Diana cases already proved that much. The time for revolution was 2002. It's a decade later, and you lazy gits have only shot at one politician in that time, and it wasn't even one that deserved it!
That is why I would never bother marching on DC, and why once my store closes down in March I am fleeing, cuz if I went down for any sort of protest I would be the only one there. Ya'll are just too filled up on your heavily breaded Jersey Shore JLo buns to be trusted to fight Big Gov the way you should. So 6 months from now, biddin' ya'll farewell, cuttin up my citizenship, and asking Russia to fire some nukes behind me.
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America?! Stage a revolution?! Thats like asking all americans to get active for 60+ minutes. Few participate, and even fewer openly admit their workout schedule. We always bitch and moan, and yet we never do anything about it.
On a lighter note, its really the Illuminati that control the world. We are simple pawns in a game where we never see our true leaders. *insert half-assed troll face*
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The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will censor our internet use by corporation such as Hollywood, AT&T, etc.
Here is a link of the list of 600 corporations that are favor to the tpp: www.flushthetpp.org/tpp-corporate-insiders/