Anonymous8: Friendly reminder that the death rate for Coronachan is less than 1% for people under the age of 40, and even that number is inflated because of how many cases go unreported due to the symptoms being mild enough for 80% of cases that heaps of people don’t get tested.
So long as you’re not 60+ years old with underlying health concerns, you will be fine. MSM is overhyping it for ratings, governments are hyping it up so they can declare martial law and pass laws that strip your rights away “for the health of the community”
Anonymous10: PCC considers "mild cases" people on the verge of being intubated.
Do not trust Anonymous 11. 20% of ICU's beds are going to people between 20% and 40%.
Anonymous14: Damn, there sure are a lot of salty people. Just enjoy the image and it's high amounts of detail that someone put many hours into. Appreciate the art.
Anonymous18(8): @anon13 “20% of ICU beds are for being used for people between the ages of 20 and 40” so, the group that makes up about 60% of the population only makes up 20% of hospitalisations? And 75%+ of ICU beds are for people over the age of 40, who make up less than 30% of the population? Further, you conveniently don’t include statistics on who makes up the actual death tolls?
Anonymous28: @Anonymous: Ladies and gentlemen, come one come all, to watch this dumb motherfucker. Please don't embarrass yourself any further!
Seriously, talking shit about bomb-ass video games because your stupid ass doesn’t is worried about catching the Wuhan is about the dumbest shit I ever did see! Then insulting freedom fighters because you like sucking wang, oh the humanity.
Anonymous35(28): @Anonymous: Observe, my porno indulging patriots, a nuisance unyielding in its faggotry! I see now your game, dip-shit. You never bothered to deny you simpitude, and furthermore, you enjoy Overlook! If these were not the undeniable signs of closeted faggotry, I don't know what would be.
Imagine being this guy, imagine it, constantly think of Chinese cuckold cock sliding down your gullet of falsehoods. It must be a pain to live the story as much as it is to read it.
But alas, I know my semi-sarcastic overblown pretentious Englishman persona won't change the minds of a mentally handicapped China-fag. I bid you unsafe tidings, my yellow-sucking fellow! I'm sure you would deserve them!
Anonymous36: @Anonymous: Both Animal Crossing and Doom Eternal are doing fantastic and have great reviews. Also, at least were not like the morons still party at beaches for spring break or doing the corona challenge. But we also need entertainment, what do you want people to do, twittle their thumbs? Watch porn 24/7? Argue on facebook, twitter and/or rule 34? Yeah, no. We`re gonna play either a wholesome village builder and/or a rip and tear demon fps. Sorry for not being pessimistic and all doom-and-gloom. Sorry for trying to kill bordom
Anonymous38: @Anonymous: Stop ruining videogames you fucking faggots! Fuck ResetEra! Nobody wants shitty ugly feminazi goblins in comics, cartoons and videogames! Crossdressing children, inject them hormones and butcher their genitals is jewish satanic horseshit!
Anonymous39(38): @Anonymous: The fact the jewish faggotry and feminazi horseshit of Overlook and The Last Of Us got the "Game of the Year" instead of games like DOOM and Dishonored 2 only proves how irrelevant and worthless those shitty awards truly are.
Anonymous40(14): Bruh, is Anon7 not aware of Digital Download? Both games are good, that's why they have a large fan-base around them. It's the same with any other thing in this fucking world.
Anonymous48(28): @Anonymous: No, he is, he has to be. I’m pretty sure he’s either trolling or just retarded, considering he’s now just talking to himself. He has no idea how to respond to this level of universal disapproval so he’s not even trying to. All of his bring down the Heaven’s Wrath.
I’m not saying he should kill himself for not liking the video games everyone does, I’m saying he should kill himself for being fucking stupid.
Anonymous52: @Anonymous: you sound like the fucking anti vax moms on twitter.stop saying “DON’T TRUST THIS USER” just ducking wash your hands (regularly) and just be quarantined.its easy so stop treating the covid-19 as the plague or the zombie virus.we will get through this, as long as people just follow the quarantine rules.Also a lot of the news articles use these giant numbers to make a scare tactic into making you read their dumb fucking article about “HOW DANGEROUS THE COVID-19 IS!”. Basically just stfu and wait through the quarantine, just don’t listen to the news because they really can’t be relied on right now, every two weeks you should order groceries that will last you two weeks or longer, if they last longer than you expected after the two weeks, you should order more and basically stock pile food and supplies.i honestly would do this if I was a single member in a house but thats not the case.also you should maybe get a gas mask or a full proof respiratory protection mask to make your infection rates drop so far in the negatives that they are in hell.sorry I prolonged this
Anonymous54: Downloaded the doom eternal codex drm free torrent and crack from piratebay but im stuck in infinite online connection problem at menu.. Any solutions?
tyciol: @Decanter: *actually thought this might be a real game*
seems to relate to being released during the pandemic together causing social clustering during lineups which gets boomers upset
Anonymous64: Goddamn wtf happened to this comment section? We were supposed to be internet degenerates looking for weird fetish porn, not fucking patriots who gatekeeps every single shit. Just enjoy the fucking porn and enjoy the fucking games ya damn heretics
Anonymous71: @Anonymous: As quoted by one of the greatest 3D animated characters of the 90s, "You're a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity. Farewell!"
Anonymous82(81): Ok so, it looks great! But I also don't wanna be a furry and want to kill myself because of this. How should I feel!? *serious question*
Anonymous83: @Anonymous89(7) speaking as a African American, he’s not being racist. What kind of radical sjw fueled universe do you live in? What, can the man not ask why doom guy has a darker skin tone in the art if he doesn’t in the game?
Anonymous84: This comment section is a hell hole like always on the featured picture, filled with grown ass, smelly, basement degenerates arguing over stupid shit like edgy 12 year old brats with severe autism. All of you need to get a life LMAO.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sorry4BeingAlive: We don't allow comment deletions because arguments go even MORE incoherent when one side disappears. We don't allow image deletions because it arbitrarily deprives other users of pics you don't own.
Sorry4BeingAlive: featured images just bring anonymous and random accounts from the world to gather all their shit into one comment section where can live in harmony or in caos, that's why i love new featured images, some can be part of our minds when remembering old pics or can be "thank god it changed".
Anonymous93: This is fucking hot. Too bad the comment stream is ruined by a bunch of retarded faggots who think you'll catch a case of the Coronas just for stepping outside your front door. You inbred mongoloids would be worthless in a REAL survival situation. Keep being good little mice, licking boots and doing whatever Big Brother tells you to do. Just lock yourselves indoors forever and please don't breed ever. Meanwhile I'm gonna jerk it to Isabelle, then go out for a hike and a drink. Have fun rotting in your caves with your hoards of toilet paper.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: It's not the outdoors that is the danger, retard, it's other fucking people, in particular the ones such as yourself who think they are immune. Are you absolutely sure that you haven't been infected already? You DO know that you can carry it without symptoms, right? Do you really care so little about your older family members, who could easily die because of you?
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: Don't claim to be an expert, but I do pay attention to them on the news. Jeebus, man, do you dispute that people are dying? You really think it's a hoax?
How do you explain why it's such an issue in New York? You probably think excessive population density had nothing to do with it. And the numbers in Louisiana are no doubt due to evil spirits rather than fucking Mardi Gras.
BitterVoid: wtf is this disgusting hetero shit? So much bad hetero shit like this getting so much attention, but there's plenty of amazing Gay porn drawings on rule 3r and such sites and get bad rap or attention, when its literally 30x better than hetero shit on here.
BitterVoid: @Anonymous: Who in the hell asked, hetero living trash? Pitiful scum blind to Male beauty. Get a better insult than faggot, insecure trash.
Anonymous101(68): This ruined doom for me, fucking DOOM a game which you kill demons in hundreds of different ways gets ruined by fucking porn but then again everything else I know has been ruined by rule 34 so fuxk it.
Rule34_painter: @jubilation_t_cornpone: What I do to protect myself from this virus is wear a mask (which I usually find no-one else doing). If it's really gonna prevent health care workers from wering one, why not use something else as a mask. (I use a t-shirt sometimes but it get's uncomfortable).
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Rule34_painter: I'm not sure that would help. Apparently the virus is so small that it can pass right through an ordinary mask. That's why the N95 masks are such a big deal. They are the ones that can stop it.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @BitterVoid: Blind to male beauty? That's a new one. Yeah, I guess I am. I'm also blind to the beauty of warthogs. I feel such a loss, LOL.
Look, people are attracted to what they are attracted to. They should just leave each other alone about it, neither condemning nor preaching.
Rule34_painter: @BitterVoid: Like I said to ya in another comment section, someone's gonna need to be a breeder out there. It wouldn't be good if all of us guys were gay, so fuck off.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Decanter: As I said in the last feature thread, I'm probably at more risk than most of the people on the site, due to geezer. So I'd prefer the guaranteed protection. But since it's pretty much impossible to get, I only leave the house when I have to.
Farfegnugen: Unless you are having breathing issues and/or "shouldn't be outside, but have to", people do not need to wear a mask period. Same thing with gloves. Give those to people that actually need them.
6 feet away, don't touch your face, wash your hands once and a while for a couple of seconds (note: Germ-X is not washing your hands), take a shower, and you'll be alright. Making one trip into town once a week (ie: a food/supply run) is even better.
Anonymous112: Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the animal crossing dog so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to the town hall I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Isabelle. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Isabelle's tight dog pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/dog babies.
Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the neighbors dog. I'd dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my 3DS. I might not ever get to see Isabelle again.
Anonymous115: @Anonymous@Anonymous: You're both legitimately retarded if you think @Anonymous is for real. 90% of the bullshit you hear about furries, gays, whatever, is faked by trolls.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Violetty: It's pretty much impossible to get one. Even the people who really, really need them, such as the medical people who are trying to take care of patients who already have the virus, are having a hard time getting them.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: Where is that? In my area, most stuff is closed, but supermarkets are considered necessary. They don't require masks, but they do provide markers on the floor in the checkout line, and elsewhere in the store, so people can easily follow the distance guidelines. Stand on the marker while in line, and you should be okay.
Farfegnugen: @Violetty: Keep in mind, MEDICAL N95. If you go to your hardware store looking for one, it's not the same and wasting your money. Yes, there is a difference. How do I know this? Because I've been answering that question every-mother-fucking-day. Better than nothing, sure, but most that are looking for them don't need them or wear them improperly.
Again, if you don't need a mask, you don't need a mask. 6 feet away. Wash your hand. Stop touching your face. Stay the fuck at home. Your retail and service industry will thank you.
Anonymous118: @WubWubWubWub if it exists, there is porn of it. Furry porn counts as that. If you don't like that, maybe you shouldn't be looking at tags with furry porn.
Anonymous127: it's because a companion mod with isabelle was revealed to have a sprite of her supposedly sucking doomguy's cock. doomworld was unironically upset
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: Lol you stupid sack of shit. You actually think the masks make people sick? Listen asshole a buddy of mine lost his brother to covid. Now his brother was a man who just happened to never wear a mask and failed to ever take this stuff seriously. How can a mask he didn't wear kill him? I suppose you're one of those geniuses who also thinks Donald Trump and his Retrumplican party won the election and that guys like Obama and Biden are part of a " satanic pedophile ring. "
Nymousano: It´s interesting how many comments have nothing to do with the featured image. It´s disturbing how many comments telling shit about COVID-19 and other things that ppl. consider lies, not realizing it´s because of them COVID-19 will bother us for an amount of time we could shorten if we all just would stay home for four weeks, letting the ppl. at the hospital do their work curing those who are sick. It´s fascinating how good processed cheese and strawberry jam go together on a sandwich toast. It´s ugly how asparagus tastes. It´s green how dry tastes cloud. It´s funny how I can write shit like this (from the processed cheese and strawberry jam part on) w/o being drunk.
Anonymous145(138): @Nymousano
It’s fascinating how similar lockdowns and communism are. Whenever they fail it’s just “we didn’t try hard enough” or “it wasn’t real __” or “it was sabotaged by capitalist right wingers”
But hey, maybe the 42nd time’s the charm?
GgrobNobb: @Anonymous: i take immense pleasure in knowing that you will one day be dead and no one will say goodbye to you because why would anyone talk to trash :)
Angelwolfslayer666: Great, and now the idiotic debate that started a year ago has been rekindled by idiots who think that these restrictions are useless and anti maskers
Anonymous154(149): Anon166 I am curious though: What the heck does Covid have anything to do with this featured pic? Not trying to argue or troll or anything, but seriously though, this is very silly....
Anonymous156(136): @Anonymous:
|You are a sheep. That's exactly what they want you to do, normie. They know if you stay home, you won't do shit. Meanwhile all your freedoms are being taken away from you. Covid is a |nothingburger. Stop being a maskcuck & stop being afraid of people. Staying home won't make this stupid hysteria go away.
Anonymous161: There are two kinds of people in this comment section: some are only using one hand to hold their phone, other use both to take time out of their day to voice their opinions on a global pandemic
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: Chang huh? Figures on top of everything else you are a racist lol. Look buddy good luck with your delusions you're gonna need it.
Anonymous165: I love how people are calling others sheep if they are trying to protect themselves from Covid. It doesn't mean they are sheep, it means they have enough fuckin brain cells to lower the odds of infection. A real sheep would be a man pussying out of a fight, not someone being smart about their life decisions.
Anonymous167: @Anonymous189: takes a special kind of retard to call someone else an NPC while parroting a grab-bag of idiot phrases like 'CCP shill' and buzzwords. I love how rekt you all are after the election.
Anonymous168(155): Anon132 Must really have a happy and fulfilling life to be having a mental breakdown over people wearing masks under the image of a dog giving a blowjob to a space marine
ConsciousDonkey: Speaking of anniversaries, today is the 10th anniversary of Fukushima power plant meltdowns. Unfortunately, no related pics here are good enough to be feature material. :-/
Anonymous172(149): Okay. Can we all shut up about Covid. It's got NOTHING to do with this picture of Isabelle giving a bj to DOOM GUY. In fact, how in the world did Covid end up being in this discussion anyways????
Anonymous179(165): @Anonymous: I mean, at least you tried to resolve this, others probably didn't have the guts to try. Hopefully no more Covid argument will happen after this but don't feel down my man, you tried, that's what counts. Everybody else who posts more Covid arguments are just going to get scalded but that's not your problem as you tried to help them by resolving the whole argument. So let us all stop arguing about Covid and look at the marvellous image that is featured right in front our eyes and jack off.
Anonymous181(165): Why can't we all stop arguing, 'tis a porn site, not twitter. Let's call a truce and be nice for once. It really isn't that hard. Now let us stop ranting about whether you think covid is fake or not and let us have fun.
Anonymous189(138): Friendly reminder that Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan all received more ballots than they sent out. And Pennsylvania registered 400,000 more votes than there are registered voters in the state. But “nothing weird happened in the 2020 US election”
Anonymous191: Fucking not fake they're mixing deaths from every damn death on earth with the small percentage of people who died of covid. I had a friend who died in a car crash,I was in the car with him. He was marked down of dying from covid. Government twats,I tell ya.
Another sheep who doesn't do his own research. Let me guess. Did you get your information off of 4chan? Maybe Donald Trump? You faggots are all the same. You pretend to be smart, pretend you 'know better' then the scientists. You don't know shit. You're scared, alone, and afraid because you realize the only control you have in your pathetic life is whether or not you wear a paper mask on your face.
Watch as your freedoms get stripped from you, one by one, as you realize your pathetic little life is nothing but to be a slave to some fat cat. Maybe if you eat their shit enough, you might get a taste of the steak they eat.
Truth is? End of the day, you're just like the rest of us. You just pretend your better. Because at least if you call someone fake for wearing a mask, you can feel slightly better about your own insignifigant life under the boot of old men.
Anonymous194(149): Guys. SHUT UP ABOUT THE CORONAVIRUS! Clearly, you seem to be the true mental ones around here, bitching about something that has absolutely NOTHING to do with this featured pic of Isabelle giving a bj to the Doomguy. Truthfully, I don't know why this was posted for the second time on here, but I guess that's how they want it done. (Shrugs) Still, you guys are making yourselves look silly by having an endless argument about Covid. Heck! I don't know why Anon9 brought it up in the first place. Perhaps this would've NEVER started had he NOT brought it up. I've been trying to place peacemaker, but obviously it's not working right now. So if you guys want to continue to bitch about whether Covid is fake or not, be my guest. I'm just gonna simply relax and look instead at the aforementioned pic of Isabelle and the Doom guy which should've been the main topic in the first place.....
Anonymous195(165): Come on everybody, just quit arguing about the Coronavirus. Yeah I get it, your sick and tired of being at home all day every day doing absolutely nothing, but it doesn't mean you have to argue every day with other people about your opinions on covid being real or fake on a porn site! So everybody please shut up and let us fap in peace to this image.
Anonymous200(199): (Wait what the fuck, i'm Anon168 not Anon 242. Did my IP address change or does the site delete that data after inactivity? Either way this thread is still chaos)
Anonymous201(199): @Anonymous: Well that's interesting to know, anyway i now realize that the featured image is finally changed and we can live in peace now
Anonymous202(149): Anon234 You sound absolutely dumb. Not saying that you are. All you have to do is simply ignore those who say that "Covid is Fake". But instead, you keep feeding into that BS when you can block them. (If they allow you to do that, lol). Not trying to be a troll, but you came off sounding like an asshole, but I guess you were trying to prove a point. Which is NO problem with me. In truth, there are no "sheep". Let's let the conspiracy theorists continue to flap their gums about, "oh, Covid is Fake! Wah, wah, wah!" What I would do is to respond to BS like that is: well, block them! Or let the people here at Paheal do the job. Who knows? Maybe they'll save us peace of mind! In closing, all of you guys started a stupid flame war over something that had NOTHING to do with the previous featured pic. Someone mentioned about Covid and sure enough, the Fireworks went off. While I tried in vain to play peacemaker, obviously I was ignored. But only a few people knew how serious I was. Meanwhile, you guys kept at it. Anyway, I'm glad that the previous pic is gone so we can now engage in another Verbal Fireworks show. Me? I'll just sit on the sidelines as usual and enjoy my popcorn.
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Oh well, I'm quarantined anyways.
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Girl's got talent.
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So long as you’re not 60+ years old with underlying health concerns, you will be fine. MSM is overhyping it for ratings, governments are hyping it up so they can declare martial law and pass laws that strip your rights away “for the health of the community”
We’re all being duped~
Do not trust Anonymous 11. 20% of ICU's beds are going to people between 20% and 40%.
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Thanks for proving my point, genius
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Seriously, talking shit about bomb-ass video games because your stupid ass doesn’t is worried about catching the Wuhan is about the dumbest shit I ever did see! Then insulting freedom fighters because you like sucking wang, oh the humanity.
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Imagine being this guy, imagine it, constantly think of Chinese cuckold cock sliding down your gullet of falsehoods. It must be a pain to live the story as much as it is to read it.
But alas, I know my semi-sarcastic overblown pretentious Englishman persona won't change the minds of a mentally handicapped China-fag. I bid you unsafe tidings, my yellow-sucking fellow! I'm sure you would deserve them!
Tata, Corona-simp. (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
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(If possible)
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I’m not saying he should kill himself for not liking the video games everyone does, I’m saying he should kill himself for being fucking stupid.
Me: I like the drawing its cute.. o - o
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seems to relate to being released during the pandemic together causing social clustering during lineups which gets boomers upset
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(Plays sad bfg division music)
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Her tight doggo vagina
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@Anonymous: Incorrect.
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Featured images are chosen by the Lawd, so the choice cannot be disputed without a lightning bolt up your ass.
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How do you explain why it's such an issue in New York? You probably think excessive population density had nothing to do with it. And the numbers in Louisiana are no doubt due to evil spirits rather than fucking Mardi Gras.
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Look, people are attracted to what they are attracted to. They should just leave each other alone about it, neither condemning nor preaching.
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6 feet away, don't touch your face, wash your hands once and a while for a couple of seconds (note: Germ-X is not washing your hands), take a shower, and you'll be alright. Making one trip into town once a week (ie: a food/supply run) is even better.
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Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the neighbors dog. I'd dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my 3DS. I might not ever get to see Isabelle again.
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Again, if you don't need a mask, you don't need a mask. 6 feet away. Wash your hand. Stop touching your face. Stay the fuck at home. Your retail and service industry will thank you.
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It’s fascinating how similar lockdowns and communism are. Whenever they fail it’s just “we didn’t try hard enough” or “it wasn’t real __” or “it was sabotaged by capitalist right wingers”
But hey, maybe the 42nd time’s the charm?
btw gas the lockdown commies.
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|You are a sheep. That's exactly what they want you to do, normie. They know if you stay home, you won't do shit. Meanwhile all your freedoms are being taken away from you. Covid is a |nothingburger. Stop being a maskcuck & stop being afraid of people. Staying home won't make this stupid hysteria go away.
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1. Disgusting shit (common)
2. Normal stuff (rare)
3. Reposts (uncommon)
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Anyways, I have 2 other things to say.
1. Why are signups disabled and when will they be reenabled?
2. Can we get some wholesome vanilla stuff featured for once?
Another sheep who doesn't do his own research. Let me guess. Did you get your information off of 4chan? Maybe Donald Trump? You faggots are all the same. You pretend to be smart, pretend you 'know better' then the scientists. You don't know shit. You're scared, alone, and afraid because you realize the only control you have in your pathetic life is whether or not you wear a paper mask on your face.
Watch as your freedoms get stripped from you, one by one, as you realize your pathetic little life is nothing but to be a slave to some fat cat. Maybe if you eat their shit enough, you might get a taste of the steak they eat.
Truth is? End of the day, you're just like the rest of us. You just pretend your better. Because at least if you call someone fake for wearing a mask, you can feel slightly better about your own insignifigant life under the boot of old men.
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