Coolio990alternate: *sigh* Goodbye, Titanium... I'll... I'll make you a grave submission, and I'll visit it everyday when I get home from work... and every look we'll have at it... will be every memory we've had of a very big part of us all... I'm shedding manly tears as I'm writing this comment... WHY!?! WHY DID THE LEGEND HAVE TO LEAVE!?!
It is with a heavy heart that I retire, but, alas, "real life" calls. I shall miss the community dearly but know that it will continue to grow and prosper. The site is in the capable hands of wiiaboo and the rest of the team.
I wish the site and its users well and look forward to watching it grow from afar. So long and thanks for all the fish.
TheBeard: It really is inspiring how much love there is, even here in the "armpit of the internet". Every time we see a feature that is both so terrifyingly disturbing we want to rip our eyes out, and yet makes it impossibly difficult to look away from, we will think of you.
Random_Anon: We'll miss you Tit, this site has had its ups and downs, but you always found a way to keept the site alive... Hope you will live a happy, healthy, realistic life, and hopefully this site will live on even without you. Peace, friend...
Anonymous12(11): So now, who the fuck are we gonna blame for everything that goes wrong? Nobody knows the names of any of the other admins, because quite frankly, you're all boring tosser fuckers.
Tiragon: I had a list of music on shuffle and
came on when I read Titaniums comment.
Tis a sad thing indeed.
Dedicated_Reader: no please don't go you are so awesome somebody please for Tit. play freebird on last time :{ (holds up lighter while sighlently weeping).
Anonymous17: Titanium's comment read in Happy's voice [from Fairy Tail], "So long and thanks for all the fish."
>Is that all you think about at a time like this?
sinzar7: There goes a moderator who accomplished nothing of real worth and wasted 4 years of his life on a shitty site like paheal. Not to mention terrible features.
Draken: wow, made this pic earlier today in a rush, come back few hours later. EPIC FEATURE. We lost The Duke, that awesome artist, warrior and now titanium... man, has the kill count needs to go on?... i mean, seriously real life, what the fuck have we ever done to you?
a_non_anon: You shall be missed, sir. Your work is well appreciated, and us perverted freaks have lost a great ally this day.
It was Titanium that taught me that namefags get their own server for loading shit here, which was news to me a few weeks ago. Damn. When did that happen anyway? I was not informed.
Zinpachi-Sama: i think the world will actually end now . Its all coming together now. Titanium leaving . The Earth having all these crazy ass disasters. Black people having white chicks accompany them on "drive bys".This is madness this site will become like aeris dies .com ... and just die. The wierd features were truly disturbing in my mind but they have originality that attracts people to the site to make them say "I need an adult". =_= im just pissed is all im sure a load of disturbing porn will greatly emerge now but its for a good cause in some way . I wish you well on your journey ...
cowminyoue: @Zinpachi-Sama: no one going to miss him more then us but i made a point he featured images that that wasn't very special there were some which were it's just they got werider
Anonymous28: I wish I could think up something inspirational to say but this will have to do: Your contribution is invaluable to us and you will always be one of 'THE GREATS' here on paheal.
Anonymous31: I bet he's getting married or something. I mean, how many women would be comfortable with their husband running a porn site? And one as weird as this one nonetheless.
sinzar7: Very true, Anon29. I thought of posting that myself, but it seemed kind of redundant of what I said before. And Anon30, I doubt he's getting married. More like getting a real job or moving away and won't have the free time for running paheal.
Anonymous36: Ive wondered that too sinzar, what kind of guy is he like in reality if he runs a cartoon porn site lol. He is probably going to a mental asylum / reconstitution facility
Anonymous37(36): but I dont agree on the rest Titaniums features were at least interesting/funny/artful not just anime/pony/trying too hard and other generic sh1t, Im afraid will thats all there will be without him
Anonymous39: @Titanium: I c wut u dod thar, big guy.
And hey, even if you don't have the time to be a full time mod, you can still visit. its not like you are actually dieing.
Drk3lement: And with that final farewell, our hero departed. Through the crowds of the grieving townsfolk of Rule34, for he may not come back. Left with only memories of the featured images the residents throw their cum tissues at the hero in all his shining glory. From the gay porn to the beastiality, Titanium was there to care for us. May he see happiness in his future endeavours and rest easily for he has done more than enough for our community. As he walks away from the mass of fans, he gives a single gesture of "thumbs up". Even after departing, our champion still cares for us and tells us that all will be well. Adieu and Godspeed.
champofgalacticretards: @captainriot: You don't know who he??? he is one of Rule 34 pahael admins and oldest one who is friend of the owner of this site and admins including warrior and j.t.c.
Anonymous45: I might not have an actual account but, Titanum, I'll miss reading your clever comments. You seem like a nice guy so I hope whatever it is that's dragging you into real-life is something good and not something stupid like family problems or taxes.
AnonymousOneMillion: Farewell Titanium, I may be a lurker and a newfag(Is that the term?), and have never gotten a chance to speak with you, but I shall miss you. :(
Shish: @Anonymous: I've always found that running a comedy-porn site with pictures of snowmen, door handles, and Mr DNA has been a great conversation starter - a wife who couldn't handle it would be a wife I wouldn't want~ Although, I am only here for the behind-the-scenes technology and the "inanimate" tag, keeping track of /all/ the images as well as the community is probably somewhat more time-consuming, and time consumption is more wife incompatible...
Anonymous53: Definitely sad to hear you're leaving Titanium. As a lurker here I've always found the things you've found to feature interesting. Gonna miss that kind of eye. Good luck with all your future endeavors!
ZeroXDash: Way back in 2007, I uploaded 1500 Neon Genesis pics in one night. Not only did Titanium not ban my ass, but he also helped me tag them all too. I dont drop in much anymore, but he was always a team player. Godspeed and best luck with all your endeavors.
Osmium: A tear came to my eye when I heard the news. An anon no longer, I call up a fellow transition metal as homage to the greatest admin I have ever known. I haven't been this upset since the scandal where the others faked your death Tit. Your interesting/warped features were what gave this site character for me in the beginning and kept me coming back. I wish you the best in all of your endeavors, and hope to occasionally spot that legendary name in the comments section in the future. Whenever I see a twisted drug trip of an image, or a trollerific brony feature, I'll think of you and remember the best time to have been on this site. Farewell noble prince of porn, and should we sadly never see you again, may you live a long healthy life in return for all the good you have done here!
Gackt: Wow it's been months since I've really been on here and now Titanim leaving....DAMN. Honestly I'll miss you man, no one knew how to lay the ban hammer like you. I remember when Desumilk and Plot got into a personal argument and you banned both for and few hours even after Desu trolled over and broke your ban hammer you reached in your bag of tricks and pulled out another one. You'll be missed and for that we thank you.
traffik: Titanium, yours are shoes that will not be easily filled. I find myself wondering whether or not it can even be done at all. With all of the tagging/reporting I try to assist with, I've gone to you with many a question over the last 4 years. A lesser mod might have made me feel like it was an inconvenience (and at least once or twice, a lesser mod has), but you were never anything less than gracious. I'm truly going to miss you, and I wish you all the best in whatever lies ahead.
PlasticBowl: Oh, Titanium. Your features were always the weirdest. And for that, and much more, I shall miss your presence on Paheal.
But you're not dead or dying so I won't miss you otherwise.
Yeah. Back to porn.
Anonymous64: If it wasn't for Titanium I probably wouldn't have put up with all the 502 errors. Even the brief chance of seeing a new insane featured image would make bashing the hell out of F5 worth it.
So long Titanium you shall be missed.
To put some rumors to rest, my fiancée knew about Paheal. She was not the reason for me leaving. It's more about professional stuff; working on a graduate degree and such. It takes a ton of my time.
Thank you all for your well wishes. I am touched. It really means a lot to me.
Anonymous66: I thought people these days were supposed to be more tolerant of our differences as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. This new rule is so wrong. It goes against so many fundamental beliefs.
Draken: @Anon66: sankakucomplex? you've got to be fucking kidding me... GTFO of my picture dude. i'd rather stay on a heavily censored paheal than that mess of a mage, that makes me wish i had a weapon of mass destruction in my hands.
Anonymous70: At least it's good to know you're not leaving because life has begun to suck.
Best of luck with everything, hopefully you can return triumphantly one day ^^
champofgalacticretards: like Optimus Prime, "Return of Titanium part one and two" when admins, operators, users, and webmaster are affected by hate plaque. lol
Fantasydemon: Dude, you don't realize how much I'll miss ya. take care and visit sometime at least. and before you go, check out my current upload. it is proof that your Rule34 Kingdom will thrive with a new breed of artists in your absence!:
Osmium: Ah, it's good to hear that it's a noble calling and not something bad taking you away for a while Tit. In that case, best of luck on the graduate degree man and best wishes for the future. Hopefully we'll see you around here every once in a while to give these mouthy anons what for just like the good ol' days! :D
traffik: @Zinpachi-Sama: Dude, everyone who goes up against me and loses hates me. And that happens a lot, so I'm used to it. So used to it, that I'd actually forgotten all about you. I had to do a site search just to remember when why you have a grudge with me. So as far as I'm concerned, if you still hate me, and I barely even remember who you are, that's another win for me. You keep right on hating me. I'm laughing at you while you do it.
Anonymous80: Checked on for the first time in a long time to find this, that Titanium has retired. By far the saddest picture in all of Paheal. You shall be missed my friend. Your name will always be uttered with awe and fear on this site.
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I always did like that guy, though. Rip in piece.
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It is with a heavy heart that I retire, but, alas, "real life" calls. I shall miss the community dearly but know that it will continue to grow and prosper. The site is in the capable hands of wiiaboo and the rest of the team.
I wish the site and its users well and look forward to watching it grow from afar. So long and thanks for all the fish.
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Happy Trails
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came on when I read Titaniums comment.
Tis a sad thing indeed.
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We'll miss you, comrade, and may you find prosperity in the other life. Real life.
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I only talked to you once, but it was a good talk. Not great, but decent.
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>Is that all you think about at a time like this?
You're Gonna Carry that Weight...
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More shit to a shitty end to a shitty day.
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It was Titanium that taught me that namefags get their own server for loading shit here, which was news to me a few weeks ago. Damn. When did that happen anyway? I was not informed.
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The End.
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No matter where you go.
There you are.
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Godspeed Titanium.
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inb4 the weeaboos totally take over.
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for tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun.
Some day you'll know I was the one,
but, tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun.
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And hey, even if you don't have the time to be a full time mod, you can still visit. its not like you are actually dieing.
Oh god, please tell me your not.
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Guh, damn cookies.
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Titanium was a chick?
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I will love and miss you forever....
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Farewell, good luck with the real life.
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Just.. bye :(.
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he will surely be missed
goo bai Titanium
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Just make your come back epic if you do return~
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I do hope whatever personal issues you're having work out.
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You will be seriously missed
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Don't you love us anymore?
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Vote button is gone too...
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But you're not dead or dying so I won't miss you otherwise.
Yeah. Back to porn.
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So long Titanium you shall be missed.
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Wish you best of luck with your life.
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To put some rumors to rest, my fiancée knew about Paheal. She was not the reason for me leaving. It's more about professional stuff; working on a graduate degree and such. It takes a ton of my time.
Thank you all for your well wishes. I am touched. It really means a lot to me.
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come back to visit, yeah?..
yeah? T^T
Best of luck with everything, hopefully you can return triumphantly one day ^^
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And thanks for all the porn.
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No relevant pics but any jazz fans about? Just find it kinda funny two guys named Red on the same date.
Also this
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Titanium is a legend...
Farewell, and never forget us Titanium, for we shall never forget you.
I hope "the MAN" had nothing to do with this.
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More site-member comments than I've ever seen.
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...And still attempting to give a fuck.
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