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TagsAngelic_Buster, MapleStory
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Anonymous1: 일본이 그려준게 제일이지♥
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sy: 퀄이....
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KHY: 아래쪽은
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KHY: 이거 다음에 나오는 짤은 캐릭터 도트짤일거같다
I think the image comes up next will be charactor dots
Just my intuition
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Anonymous2: 누가그린거?
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Anonymous3: 쓰래깈ㅋ 제대로 그려
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Anonymous4: 존나못그렷다 삭제하고접어라이게엔버냐 ㅋㅋ
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Anonymous5(4): 그냥삭제해라 ㅋ 저게엔버인지뭔지 개초딩그림이다 ㅋ그림접어
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Anonymous6(4): 아이게엔버냐 ㅅㅂ엔버모욕하네엔버망치지마 그림삭제해라 ㅡㅡ
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Anonymous7: 그림판으로 그렸냐 ㅄ
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Anonymous8: 지워 이게뭐냐
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Anonymous9: fuck you assholes
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Chipkorea: 보지속에 삐삐넣구 진동 울리다 삐삐줄 끊어질 핵무기 개발의 계기가 된 띵순이 동생 띵식이 같은 일반인의 지능지수 앞에 루트를 달고다니는 야동보면서 모니터 핥다가 감전돼서 뒤질 공원벤츠에 노숙자 비듬이나 주워먹을 너무나도 추상적인 빈라덴이 보낸 테러용 비행기 날아오던 그대로 보지에 넣어버린 현관문을 열고 들어오면 가족이 욕을하며 반겨주는 곤도박도 못하는 팔푼틱한 스펙타클한 밥먹다가 토하는 아들 낳은 용도가 모닥불땔감용인 23세기형 IMT-6400 그지좆밥 찌끄래기에 밥 비벼먹을 말 한번 잘못했다가 양념과 어우러져 학교 급식으로 나올 열혈로 불타오르는 유일한 희망이 다음생인 싸가지를 전혀 안키우는 인연의 고리에 절대 안걸렸으면 하는 모든 계단손잡이에 침뱉어놓는 폐결핵 바이러스 똥꾸녕똥보다 못한 똥구녕의 반쯤 머리내민 자위해서 나온 물을 기르는 전화기버튼 누르면서 텔레토비 노래 만들어서 좋다고 침 질질 흘리며 딸딸이 칠 잡채 불만족한 영롱한 한가닥의 자지털 생리를 아다라고 구라칠 개집에 숨어지내는 다리부터 골통까지 대패로 가죽을 깎아낼 옆집 할아버지 발발이 발톱에 낀 때만도 못한 자기 눈에 눈꼽꼈다고 112에 신고할 닭똥집에 쳐박을 머리 굴리다가 피토할 그린벨트가 왜 있는지 얼굴로 적극적으로 증명해주는 자신의 코딱지가 맛의 센세이션을 불러일으켜서 난장판 피우며 똥싼바지로 코딱지 모아놀 빽보지 딴 놈 인생 자매품으로 영영 썩을 전대미문의 씹섬바위 지보지에 된장 발라놓고 똥이라고 우기는 붉은전등 비추는 벽에 걸어놓으면 왠지 어울리는 야겜 틀어놓고 모니터랑 69자세 취하는 주물럭 등심같은 부모님 돌아가시면 독립이다! 외칠 니애미 보지에 니애비쳐박고 자위댄스추는 정신나간 할머니 요강에다 밥 비벼먹을 은둔형 외톨이계의 거성같은 못생긴년들만 꼬이는 왁스칠한 호로 돌돌말은 김밥 시궁창 깡통 찌그러기 시계 보고 폭주하는 새디스트에 눈뜨게 만들어주는 동급의 개새끼들 중에서는 가장 잘짖는 이지메의 모티브 다써서 새하애진 편의점 털려고 24시간 기다릴 1인자 송방아작에 척추3번 연타로 접어버릴 호빠에서 아줌마들이랑 놀아나는 잠재능력이 깨어날 줄 모르는 딸까는 것도 어색한 시계보느라 시간가는줄도 몰랐던 인생이 항상 시계침이 돌아가는 것을 주시하면서 시간가기만을 기다리는 롯데월드 혜성특급 타다 대가리에 피쏠려 팽창한후 주변 사물에 시속 120Km로 대가리 박고 의자에서 빙글빙글 돌며 뒤질 엄마생일때 초대받지 못한 아메바 정신연령을 가진 유전자적으로 불행이 다가온 때려죽이기 간편한 남을 돋보이게 하는 재주가 출중한 속담을 현 생활에서 실행해 보자면서 티끌 쳐모으고 있는 고생하시는 어머님을 생각하며 열심히 복권긁는 외국에 원정딸딸이 가는 인생의 첫 단추부터 어긋난 개구라 들통나고 모다구리맞고 폐간되는 3류 스포츠신문 나날이 다운그레이드 해가는 삽달구 포경안한 새빨간육봉 사까시하는 시베리아 한복판에 떨어져도 눈 퍼먹으며 잘 살아갈 바퀴벌레보다 더 한 지랄 육갑 옥수수에 뼈대만 골라먹는 홈매트 크리스마스날 떡국먹고 애미한테 반말까는환경호르몬이 포켓몬스터에 출현하기만 기다리고 있는 노년을 바라보며 좆의 또다른 기능을 알아낸 지나가던 아줌마 강간하다 억지로 사까시시켜 자지 짤려먹힐 심장모세혈관을 가위로 하나하나 절단해 주둥이부터 후장까지 돌돌말아서 꼬치만들 전세계가 너한테 진작 관심을 갖지 않은 걸 애도하고 사과해야 할 만큼 빗나가버린 자선냄비에 라면 넣어보는 42.195 cm 달려놓고 마라톤했다고 생각하는 홀로 고립한 은둔형 외톨이계의 거성 빙신 모질이 상추 존나 격렬하게 생긴 자신의 좆물마저 자유의지를 포기한 때리면 때릴수록 왠지모를 희열과 함께 보람이 느껴지는 체육시간마다 그늘진 교내 스탠드에 앉아 외롭지 않은 척 하는 개뼉다구 개가 혀로 낼름낼름 다 할아먹고 국물 쪽쪽 다빨아먹고 다 말라비틀어져서 걍 썩은 갈색 뼈대만 앙상하게 남은 유전자적으로 불행이 가온 토하면서 밥먹는 속터진 부레옥잠같은 케찹처럼 둥글게 퍼지는 착찹한 지능지수와 혈중알콜농도가 비슷한 퇴화론이란 학설이 생겨나게 된 결정적 증거자료로 제시될 자신의이름이 욕설이 되버린 다음생애엔 좀 더 의미있는 죽음을 결심할 마그마 속에서 곱게 익을 그지좆밥 찌끄래기에 밥 비벼먹을 월척없는 한강물에 버려질 같은반 친구들이 볼 때마다 전학왔냐고 물어보는 뒤져도 사방에 피 다튀기고 뒤지는 좆나 귀찮은 한국인들아 재밋냐?
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Anonymous10: 초딩이 더잘그릴듯
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Anonymous11: 씨발더러워
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lazarus: @Chipkorea:

Sewed porn pager line bellow seen vibrating in pager neotgu lose opportunity for the development of nuclear weapons, followed his brother Thing Thing diet root in front of the same general intelligence quotient lick an electrical shock while watching the monitor dwaeseo hunting the park Benz homeless dandruff, or pick it up to eat too abstract plane flew tereoyong been sent by bin Laden had seen put on the front door as it comes to open bonfire firewood use birth family Gon greeted the swearing and gambling do not even Bob palpun tikhan spectacular son vomits from eating is part of the 23rd century type IMT-6400 because Bob kkeurae Miserable jotbap boiling grated eat your words are wrong, not at all only hope the next student to come into the school lunch seasoning, combined with adoring flaming bitch. raising edge in the rings that I hope never took the stairs to the handle lay spit saliva Teletubby song worse than shit tuberculosis virus ttongkku nyeongttong gunyeong halfway down the head of the projecting characters in order to raising the water from the phone while holding down the button, creating a good spit trailing shed seven Japchae masturbating unsatisfactory brilliant glimmer of dick hair physiological Ada seven orb hiding in a kennel only when caught in the claws of legs from an asshole leather trim your router to be next door to my grandfather the outbreak did his eyes in the slightest put my 112 to report dalttongjip sure why shatter the Phyto hair tumble to Greenbelt actively prove that his face snot snot provokes the sensation of taste, pompous mess shit your pants trousers gathered to play connections seeing another man as a companion product life rot unprecedented 00 ssipseom rock is seen to put miso Bala red lights shining on the wall shit, insisting that you somehow befitting yagem play Place the monitor with 69 stance to take jumulreok parents go home the same fillet is independent! Syllabus plus Masturbation dance dance crazed grandmother exclaim seen your mother, your daddy hit popped eat rice grated system of solitary hermit-type giants such as ugly, only a twisted wax enclosed rolled to the end of the runaway clock reporting Leftovers cans kimbap gutter sadist awakened Convenience Stores aejin saeha motif is using the best of bullying barking to rob that makes the equivalent of bastards gonna fold to battered spine three times in Ajaccio songbang argument to wait 24 hours hoppa PEEL daughter does not know how to wake up the potential of the game with my Aunt that awkward clock watching time passing of blood in the head did not know life always works sigyechim time with him while waiting in the wings to go to Lotte World comet express ride focused expansion after head popped MPH things around 120Km from the chair and round and round hunting mom birthday Expedition mother who struggled in attracting talent that complements the easy kill to beat others unhappy when you did not get invited amoeba with a mental age of genetically approached extraordinaire currently living in the proverbial dust while, let's run, hit hard thinking and scratching lottery tickets in a foreign country copper Moda life jerking off to go of the first button from one grid eogeutnan pail, and hit PIE 3, day sports newspaper downgrade eyes flops eat well live in the middle of Siberia that circumcision did not shovel heats downright Hunch Blowjobs drop more than cockroaches to go fuck yukgap corn heart capillaries forced blowjobs rape aunt got fucked another feature of a passing hawker home mats on the bare-bones Christmas day looking mother, I eat rice cake soup Environments Polite laying hormone of old age waiting to emerge Pokémon is eaten by cocks Fired 42.195 cm viewing If you have deviated skewer to create the world of interest to you sooner I did not have as much as mourning and should apologize to the charity pot, put one cut with scissors from the snout to the afternoon session until rolls rolled for going to think that marathon alone, isolated pretending to be lonely non-system of solitary hermit type giant punk Mozilla or lettuce fucking wildly handsome, abandoned his own free will, even jotmul hitting, hit more rewarding feel, with a strange ecstasy time sitting in the stand of shady intramural athletic dog tongue gaeppyeokdagu naelreum naelreum When eating soup halah jjokjjok sucking the Shrunken jyeoseo just for rotten brown skeleton ensemble remaining genetically Gurgaon Sat Unfortunately, while eating into outbursts such as water hyacinth, spreading rounded like ketchup mixed emotions intelligence quotient (IQ), and similar to a blood-alcohol concentration degenerate Ron half-life, such as Yen death more meaningful decided to magma Miserable jotbap finely cooked in boiling kkeurae because Bob proved to eat grated hangangmul be discarded mature, appear to become the name of the material to be presented conclusive evidence that Iran theories engendered own profanity see when friends asking Transfers watnyago rummaging everywhere to avoid splashing it in my schnitzel pesky Koreans, Jaemiteotda?
ㅄ of
- Reply
Anonymous12: 친절하게 저 긴 욕들을 영어로 번역기 돌려주셨네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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Anonymous13(12): 근데 번역기 돌려서 그런지 문법이 안맞아서 뭔 말인지 읽을 수가 없네
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1AAA1: 뭐냐 메이플스토리에 빨강머리 앤을 그려놨네 ㅋㅋ
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1AAA1: 아니다 빨강머리 앤도 아닌것 같고
이건뭐 메이플스토리에 삐삐를 그려놨네
- Reply
zlzlzl: ㅄら
- Reply
zlzlzl: Sewed porn pager line bellow seen vibrating in pager neotgu lose opportunity for the development of nuclear weapons, followed his brother Thing Thing diet root in front of the same general intelligence quotient lick an electrical shock while watching the monitor dwaeseo hunting the park Benz homeless dandruff, or pick it up to eat too abstract plane flew tereoyong been sent by bin Laden had seen put on the front door as it comes to open bonfire firewood use birth family Gon greeted the swearing and gambling do not even Bob palpun tikhan spectacular son vomits from eating is part of the 23rd century type IMT-6400 because Bob kkeurae Miserable jotbap boiling grated eat your words are wrong, not at all only hope the next student to come into the school lunch seasoning, combined with adoring flaming bitch. raising edge in the rings that I hope never took the stairs to the handle lay spit saliva Teletubby song worse than shit tuberculosis virus ttongkku nyeongttong gunyeong halfway down the head of the projecting characters in order to raising the water from the phone while holding down the button, creating a good spit trailing shed seven Japchae masturbating unsatisfactory brilliant glimmer of dick hair physiological Ada seven orb hiding in a kennel only when caught in the claws of legs from an asshole leather trim your router to be next door to my grandfather the outbreak did his eyes in the slightest put my 112 to report dalttongjip sure why shatter the Phyto hair tumble to Greenbelt actively prove that his face snot snot provokes the sensation of taste, pompous mess shit your pants trousers gathered to play connections seeing another man as a companion product life rot unprecedented 00 ssipseom rock is seen to put miso Bala red lights shining on the wall shit, insisting that you somehow befitting yagem play Place the monitor with 69 stance to take jumulreok parents go home the same fillet is independent! Syllabus plus Masturbation dance dance crazed grandmother exclaim seen your mother, your daddy hit popped eat rice grated system of solitary hermit-type giants such as ugly, only a twisted wax enclosed rolled to the end of the runaway clock reporting Leftovers cans kimbap gutter sadist awakened Convenience Stores aejin saeha motif is using the best of bullying barking to rob that makes the equivalent of bastards gonna fold to battered spine three times in Ajaccio songbang argument to wait 24 hours hoppa PEEL daughter does not know how to wake up the potential of the game with my Aunt that awkward clock watching time passing of blood in the head did not know life always works sigyechim time with him while waiting in the wings to go to Lotte World comet express ride focused expansion after head popped MPH things around 120Km from the chair and round and round hunting mom birthday Expedition mother who struggled in attracting talent that complements the easy kill to beat others unhappy when you did not get invited amoeba with a mental age of genetically approached extraordinaire currently living in the proverbial dust while, let's run, hit hard thinking and scratching lottery tickets in a foreign country copper Moda life jerking off to go of the first button from one grid eogeutnan pail, and hit PIE 3, day sports newspaper downgrade eyes flops eat well live in the middle of Siberia that circumcision did not shovel heats downright Hunch Blowjobs drop more than cockroaches to go fuck yukgap corn heart capillaries forced blowjobs rape aunt got fucked another feature of a passing hawker home mats on the bare-bones Christmas day looking mother, I eat rice cake soup Environments Polite laying hormone of old age waiting to emerge Pokémon is eaten by cocks Fired 42.195 cm viewing If you have deviated skewer to create the world of interest to you sooner I did not have as much as mourning and should apologize to the charity pot, put one cut with scissors from the snout to the afternoon session until rolls rolled for going to think that marathon alone, isolated pretending to be lonely non-system of solitary hermit type giant punk Mozilla or lettuce fucking wildly handsome, abandoned his own free will, even jotmul hitting, hit more rewarding feel, with a strange ecstasy time sitting in the stand of shady intramural athletic dog tongue gaeppyeokdagu naelreum naelreum When eating soup halah jjokjjok sucking the Shrunken jyeoseo just for rotten brown skeleton ensemble remaining genetically Gurgaon Sat Unfortunately, while eating into outbursts such as water hyacinth, spreading rounded like ketchup mixed emotions intelligence quotient (IQ), and similar to a blood-alcohol concentration degenerate Ron half-life, such as Yen death more meaningful decided to magma Miserable jotbap finely cooked in boiling kkeurae because Bob proved to eat grated hangangmul be discarded mature, appear to become the name of the material to be presented conclusive evidence that Iran theories engendered own profanity see when friends asking Transfers watnyago rummaging everywhere to avoid splashing it in my schnitzel pesky Koreans, Jaemiteotda?
ㅄ of
- Reply
zlzlzl: 영어는 되는데 일본어는 왜안되지?
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Anonymous14: 아저미국양키세끼들아 꺼져
GO AWAY Yangki
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Anonymous15(14): to Y n g k i
미국씨발년들아 니네 엿처먹어씨발 양키가 왜지랄이야 병신아.
한국인에게 깝사다가 조넨 처맞는다 병신아 궁금하면 번역기돌려봐씹숑키들아

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