LordofKaon: Why would anyone (weirdos not included) want to look at this?
I came looking for pics of the girls from these shows, but all they have here is creepy gay stuff
Anonymous2: @LordofKaon: Fuck u str8 man. U have literally 99% of porn catered to you. You have the entire of biology and the world catered to you. And you get triggered by seeing one piece of gay porn and think it's "aLl tHeY hAvE hErE". Shows ur privilege. We have barley anything, we have a pond, you have an ocean and yet you complain like a spoilt privileged sausage. Go back to catcalling 11 years olds because it's str8 men who do that (ask any woman) because they're your freaks.
I came looking for pics of the girls from these shows, but all they have here is creepy gay stuff