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Anonymous1: this is the best porn ever
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Dagger: yeah i fapped to it alittle, and then i felt bad about the situation of the Palestines..
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ansen: political porn ftw
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Anonymous2: i chuckled
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Anonymous3: You have to look at it for a while but then you find the pRons part.
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Anonymous34Poster: ...I failed geography... can't find shit..
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Anonymous4(1): Jordon
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Parsleymagnet: i c wut u did thar
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adallam107: So......what are we looking at here?
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Anonymous5: lol how topical
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CrawlingChaos: Yes, it raised a dry smile.
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Anonymous6: Death to Israel
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Superjay45: Anon6 knows what he's talking about
(at least I hope he's a he)
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Anonymous7: Palestinian people do not exist

The truth is that only 30 years ago, there was very little confusion on this issue of Palestine.

You might remember the late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir making the bold political statement: "There is no such thing as a Palestinian people."

The statement has been a source of ridicule and derision by Arab propagandists ever since. They love to talk about Golda Meir's "racism." They love to suggest she was in historical denial. They love to say her statement is patently false – an intentional lie, a strategic deception.

What they don't like to talk about, however, are the very similar statements made by Yasser Arafat and his inner circle of political leadership years after Meir had told the truth – that there is no distinct Palestinian cultural or national identity.

So, despite the fact that conventional wisdom has now proclaimed that there is such a thing as the Palestinian people, I'm going to raise those uncomfortable quotations made by Arafat and his henchmen when their public-relations guard was down.

Way back on March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here's what he said:

The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.

For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.

That's pretty clear, isn't it? It's even more specific than Golda Meir's statement. It reaffirms what I have written on this subject. And it is hardly the only such statement of its kind. Arafat himself made a very definitive and unequivocal statement along these lines as late as 1993. It demonstrates conclusively that the Palestinian nationhood argument is the real strategic deception – one geared to set up the destruction of Israel.

In fact, on the same day Arafat signed the Declaration of Principles on the White House lawn in 1993, he explained his actions on Jordan TV. Here's what he said: "Since we cannot defeat Israel in war, we do this in stages. We take any and every territory that we can of Palestine, and establish a sovereignty there, and we use it as a springboard to take more. When the time comes, we can get the Arab nations to join us for the final blow against Israel."

No matter how many people convince themselves that the aspirations for Palestinian statehood are genuine and the key to peace in the Middle East, they are still deceiving themselves.

I've said it before and I will say it again, in the history of the world, Palestine has never existed as a nation. The region known as Palestine was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their ancestral homeland. It was never ruled by Arabs as a separate nation.

Why now has it become such a critical priority?

The answer is because of a massive deception campaign and relentless terrorism over 40 years.

Golda Meir was right. Her statement is validated by the truth of history and by the candid, but not widely circulated, pronouncements of Arafat and his lieutenants.

Israel and the West must not surrender to terrorism by granting the killers just what they want – a public relations triumph and a strategic victory. It's not too late to say no to terrorism. It's not too late to say no to another Arab terror state. It's not too late to tell the truth about Palestine.
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nabuu: You are so crazy that is is mind boggling....

What about Israel? How can you justify what they are doing? If they are supposed to be a moral and modern example of the "west", than I might just as well commit suicide...

The view on Palestine has changed because people have been forced more and more to see the atrocities committed there, while a growing awareness has lifted away the carpet of lies created about the "holy state of Israel".
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Anonymous8: Israel, officially the State of Israel, is a parliamentary republic in the Middle East located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It borders Lebanon in the north, Syria in the northeast, Jordan and the West Bank in the east, the Gaza Strip and Egypt on the southwest, and contains geographically diverse features within its relatively small area. Israel is the world's only predominantly Jewish state, with a population estimated in May 2010 to be 7,602,400 people, of whom 6,051,000 are Jews. Arab citizens of Israel form the country's second-largest ethnic group, which includes Muslims, Christians, Druze, and Samaritans. According to the May 2010 population estimate, including 300,000 non-citizen Arabs living in East Jerusalem, this minority numbers 1,551,400.

The modern State of Israel traces its historical and religious roots to the Biblical Land of Israel, also known as Zion, a concept central to Judaism since ancient times. Political Zionism took shape in the late-19th century under Theodor Herzl, and the Balfour Declaration of 1917 formalized British policy preferring the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people. Following World War I, the League of Nations granted Great Britain the Mandate for Palestine, which included responsibility for securing "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people".

In November 1947, the United Nations voted in favor of the partition of Palestine, proposing the creation of a Jewish state, an Arab state, and a UN-administered Jerusalem. Partition was accepted by Zionist leaders but rejected by Arab leaders, leading to civil war. Israel declared independence on 14 May 1948 and neighboring Arab states attacked the next day. Since then, Israel has fought a series of wars with neighboring Arab states, and in consequence occupied territories, including the West Bank, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights, beyond those delineated in the 1949 Armistice Agreements. Israel has signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, but efforts by elements within both parties to diplomatically solve the problem have so far only met with limited success and some of Israel's international borders remain in dispute.

Israel is a developed country and a representative democracy with a parliamentary system and universal suffrage. The Prime Minister serves as head of government and the Knesset serves as Israel's legislative body. The economy, based on the nominal gross domestic product, was the 41st-largest in the world in 2008. Israel ranks highest among Middle Eastern countries on the UN Human Development Index, and it has one of the highest life expectancies in the world. Jerusalem is the country's capital, although it is not recognized internationally as such. Israel's main financial center is Tel Aviv, and its main industrial center is Haifa. In 2010, Israel joined the OECD.
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Anonymous9: lol, really even copy pasting this shit is to much of an effort that shows of your a retard.
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Anonymous11: Anon9, your entire sentence is broken. You should just shut the fuck up and go to a grammar school.
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Decanter: Featured! Still relevant after all these years. And probably will be for a while yet, sadly.
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Anonymous12: This will be relevant as long as there are jews
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DragonShade44: Something something not_porn
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Calvar: Let the hilarity commence
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Kirapac: I don't really find this funny. Not because it's insulting or anything, I love insulting, racial, or edgy humor. It's just like meh.
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greeblie: Both sides are "wrong," but...

Israel is wrong like "2+2=5"

Hamas is wrong like "2+2= twelve blue bishops grab chickens expertly!"

The Pallys in Gaza VOTED a gang of killers in. Those killers proceeded to push out the opposition party, establishing a one-party system, announce that they would abrogate all prior existing agreements, and start launching near-constant attacks.

They're fucktards. The people supporting them are fucktards. At least the West Bank Palestinian leaders are showing that they are capable of behaving like rational life-forms by not involving themselves in Hamas and Gaza's collective retardation.
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Farfegnugen: @DragonShade44: Stealth porn.
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Krankle: Israel is far more wrong, because it's not their land. The people that were there before them, back before the United Kingdom and United Nations threw all their Jews into Israel, had earned that land after many years of war for the 'Holy Land.'

And the Israelis been given support ever since, because the powerful nations know that when Israel gets all of the area they'll be grateful allies, just like the Iranians and Afghanis.
... Oh, wait a moment...
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Anonymous13: Were's Hitler when you need him? :/
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Error: What the fuck is this shit?
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DragonShade44: @greeblie: What part of that justifies killing countless civilians in a misguided attempt to flush out the actual enemy?
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turdslinger: Just nuke this shit.
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Anonymous14: I don't get it. What am i looking at?
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Scarface: Be a good goyim and support Israel. The nation of peace.
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lorik: It's called war..look up the civilin death tolls of WWI and II ..IT happens , it's a tragady but very easy to stop in this case...stop shooting rockets into israel.

That is By any defintion an act of war.No cuntry on earth would just sit back and let that go on.
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Zums: Israel's Mossad and Larry Silverstein did 911
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Freezer: @Anonymous: Kind of unavoidable when your enemy A) keeps ducking and covering among the civilian population, B) Is treated as a legit political party by said civilians. #ComeAtMe
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Flashlight237: Is this featured because Israel's borders give Israel a vagina shape, or..?
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arch113: what the actual fuck o_o
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Anonymous15: Heh. I finally found the 'pr0n' that was in the picture. But I had to look for a while. Or... am I missing something? Here's what I was able to figure out at this screenshot:

(just replace the (daht) with an actual dot.)
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Anonymous16: UN land + US weapons = land of god
Based on ancient scrolls found in caves near Jewtown it says that Jews own the world.
So beware, next Jewtown can be coming to your town soon.
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Anonymous17: There will never be peace in the world, until Israel
is destroyed.
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Anonymous18(17): Israel and ISIS deserve each other. It is a match made in Heaven. More interesting, we can watch it on television. Death to religious nuts.
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Feathery_Duck: @IANRJONES: Yeah, it's like Hetalia meets the WWE Smackdown vs Raw. :-P
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Farfegnugen: @Krankle: Everyone is wrong because being born in the Middle East somehow makes you retarded. Everyone fighting over land that no one in their right mind would live there, if it wasn't for all that oil.
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Serial_R4pist: What is the point of this? Someone explain
I looked for 5 minutes and didn't understand a thing
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Anonymous19: Let me put it this way. Would you rather be a random Palestinian, or a random Israeli right now?

I'll take overwhelming America-backed military superiority and self-assured righteousness for 6 million, thanks.
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Anonymous20: THEY eat people. Really.
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Anonymous21: @Flashlight237: no, it's featured because israel is fucking the gaza strip. thus the "Ah! Pull out!" above gaza, which makes sense both in a sexual and in a military context.
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Anonymous22: People do know their history enough to realize that Gaza has been inhabited - and at war with Israel - off and on, since at least 1500 BC, right?

This shit is 3500+ years old. Someone should have told their great^140-grandparents to pull out...
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Franky_Whiskey: People nowadays supporting Nazionism? Despite knowing the evil such ideology represnts? Supporting a bully state aiming to control 1/5th of the global economy?

Pfft, no wonder we're on our way to a global tyranny. Little idiots.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Franky_Whiskey: Did I say one fifth? Excuse my sucking of cocks. I meant one half after they push the west against China and Russia, and 4/5ths after, like the fungal parasite Zionism is, eats most of its host superpower's body once no more fighting and help is needed.
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Anonymous23: @Franky_Whiskey: "bully state"? That's victim talk, pathetic.
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Anonymous24(21): @Anonymous: exactly, since when did the victim have the right to talk?
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Anonymous25: Nuke Jerusalem: No more holy bullshit for idiots to fight over.
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Anonymous26: @Anonymous: Always makes me laugh - the politically correct and their jihadi puppetmasters (with the accent on "puppetmasters") who have less knowledge on history of this area than any of the working class types (like me) who they are lecturing. Love it when they start spluttering and ranting "islamophobia !!!" and somehow "racism" whewn you ask them how is Pre-Roman, Greek/Egyptian time Judea more recent than the ROMAN state of Palestine ? And the loathsome middle class lesbians ranting about jews on muslim land asking them "In which case, tell the muslims to get out of the west, then - and Turkey out of Greek Byzantium (which it was before the Turks conquered it, and used forced islamification on the people for centiuries - AND the Balkans Chechnya etc and Albania too)
And Anon24 - Don't let your arsehole do your talking for you, dopey
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Anonymous27(26): @Franky_Whiskey: "Frank Whiskey" talking PC shit again.....
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Anonymous28: Oh cool, nazis are here. How adorable how all the racists/douchebags on here just HAPPEN to be anonymous. It's almost like they're too pussy to show their face.
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Vicarious_Reality: DEATH TO ISRAEL
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Talking in pro of Israel is PC, politically correct, shit. AKA the shit they want you to parrot around so you can feel great while unknowingly helping them. Really, you have no concept what pee-cee is, beetch.

@Anonymous: Thank you for conceding that palestinians are victims. Shit be hard when you're fighting an western superpower backed army.
And all you have to make up with is ignorant as piss fanatics and old Soviet hardware.

"Sorry, Hadji! No way to slowly unlearn all of that Allah crap since the joos bombarded your school a few years ago."

-Aw shuks, Dr. West!"
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ColdFusion: ha, the west bank looks like an uncircumcised penis
and antisemites everywhere in this bitch
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Anonymous29: I'm glad I live in Finland, best country on earth.
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Anonymous30(23): @Franky_Whiskey: Yep, they're pathetic victims. They should man up.
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Proxytea: Can someone explain to me where is the Rule34?
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Anonymous31(21): @Proxytea: gaza's penerated by an israelian penis.
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CreamyThang_: I was gonna post a picture, but....nevermind. never fucking mind. I forget how rabid you guys get. o_o
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Freezer: @Anonymous: Kind of hard to be at war for someone for 500 years when said thing has only existed for 70. #JustSayin
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Freezer: @Franky_Whiskey: Isn't "PC" the realm of liberals? Isn't your average liberal pro-Palestine?
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Anonymous32: 35 Israeli dead, 32 of which are soldiers.
Nearly 800 Palestinians dead, most of which are civilians.

Not hard to tell who is a aggressor, here.
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Loli_Yuri: I Focus Energy, and Lock-On to her vibrant looking Cloyster, I can't help but Harden after such a brilliant sight! I give a Lovely Kiss to her Chanseys and watch as she squeaks a small Echoed Voice...This made me Minimize the amount of Natural Power I was giving her, but fret not! My Onix was using Growth and I could see her preparing to Endure what might happen next! She gives me a small Encore to help motivate me to use my ultimate move. After she invited me to Tickle her Chanseys one last time I gave a little Bite and watched the Uproar commence! I followed up with Extreme Speed and decided it was a good time for my ultimate move HORN DRILL!! The Uproar continued but this time Explouder because I Wrapped my arms around her Poke Body and watched as she Contricted my Wonder Skin!

I could already Sketch the Future Sight of our current Destiny bond, She Binded my Onix, Their was no Escape! After a long Slam I decided to show her my Superpower! It was time to let out a nice load of String Shot! She spread her Foretress and attempted to Mirror Move Me First but instead found herself using Hydro Pump which soon turned into a Rain Dance! We ROARED with excitement as we both Captivated our exquisite Attraction for each other. After a brief pause we Glare into each other’s eyes like two Meowths and give each other a Sweet Kiss and decided to Rest after a long battle.
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Patters53: @Anonymous: That's extremely stupid in itself, even if they showed their username it still wouldn't show their face... so... yeah.
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Worgenhard: Really.. politics?
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Anonymous33: >all this JIDF
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Anonymous34: Israel is disgusting.
Fucking disgusting.

I can't believe how blind I was, with the internet you get to see all the sides, and what they are committing is terrible.

The Holocaust is no excuse to carry out another one.
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ISJI: @Anonymous:
Educate yourself, what Israel is doing is no less than State Terrorism.

Their doctrine is LITERALLY: "Kill more civilians, and more civilians, until no one has the will to fight anymore."

Even Nazis weren't as straightforward and open about their massacres as the Zionists.

Zionists are the scum of the Earth, they are to Jews what Nazism is to respectable German people.
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ISJI: @Anonymous:
>I disaaprove of massacres commited against civillians

Stay moronic, Zion-scum.
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ConsciousDonkey: "We enthusiastically chose to become a colonial society, ignoring international treaties, expropriating lands, transferring settlers from Israel to the occupied territories, engaging in theft and finding justification for all these activities. Passionately desiring to keep the occupied territories, we developed two judicial systems: one - progressive, liberal - in Israel; and the other - cruel, injurious - in the occupied territories. In effect, we established an apartheid regime in the occupied territories immediately following their capture. That oppressive regime exists to this day."

--Israel’s former Attorney General Michael Ben Yair, 3 March 2002


"We must define our position and lay down basic principles for a settlement. Our demands should be moderate and balanced, and appear to be reasonable. But in fact they must involve such conditions as to ensure that the enemy [Palestinians] rejects them. Then we should manoeuvre and allow him to define his own position, and reject a settlement on the basis of a compromise solution. We should then publish his demands as embodying unreasonable extremism."

--Chief of Intelligence General Yehoshafat Harkabi, Ma’ariv, 2 November 1973


"If we insist on ruling an entire territory and population (which was never envisioned when we made the dramatic breakthrough to Jewish statehood), we shall soon lose our Jewish majority, our democratic principles, our hope of ultimate peace, the prospect of avoiding war, the maintenance of our international friendships, the durability of the Egyptian treaty relationship and any chance of a national consensus at home. The status quo is the least viable and the most catastrophic of all the Israeli options."

--New York Times, 24 February 1988


"The guideline of our policy has always been the idea that a permanent situation of no peace and a latent war is the best situation for us, and that it must be maintained at all costs. ... we are becoming stronger year by year in a situation of impending conflict where it is possible that actual fighting may break out from time to time. Such wars will usually be short and the results guaranteed in advance, since the gap between us and the Arabs is increasing. In this way we shall move on from occupation to further occupation. ... this criminally mischievous policy has led us into the crisis we are living through today"

--Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973


"We have not been seeking peace for twenty-five years — all declarations to that effect have been no more than
coloured statements or deliberate lies. There is of course no assurance that we could have made peace with the Arabs if we had wanted to. However, it has to be heavily emphasized that we have not only made no attempts to seek peace, but have deliberately and with premeditation, sabotaged every possibility of doing so."

--Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Just liek the joos manned up from nazi germany, eh? No way naZionists always evoke the holofaux and the ovens to get away with what they want. Oy vey, goyim!

@ISJI: Beeutiful!

@Freezer: Bah, lieberals side with the unpopular side just to feel they are good ppl. They are the hipsters of politics.

In any case, I ain't pro-palestinian per se, I'm anti-zionist, and no, that is no synonim with being an anti-semite. And I believe all those hadjis need is education so they stop and think twice before pulling a lemming just because their ayatollah is angry at murrika just because the Broncos didn't won the superbowl.

That, and that they don't get their villages zerg rushed by a blitzkrieg of heeb bulldozers and dry matzo balls.
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Anonymous35: @ Anonymous 31

You sir are a illiterate cock sucker.... HAMAS has been firing Rockets at Israel and they've been able to shoot most down. The Palistinians need to suck it up and live their live instead of doing stupid shit to Isreal. Who gives a Fuck about Holy Land or the land of their ancestors! If that was the case then the Native Americans would still be fighting the US.

People bring up. "They were there first!" And I say this... "So? Grudges cause voilance and war." Which the Middle East has seen plenty of wars.

Isreal isn't going anywhere any time soon they have the best Military in the Middle East (Never lost a war and have been badly outnumbered every time.)

so to all of you who are Jew haters, HAMAS lovers or just people who Carry grudges against Isreal.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LIVE YOUR DAMN LIVES! Isreal has fought to survive and the People of Palistine are lucky Isreal hasn't just Carpet Bomb them to hell thanks to HAMAS.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: lawl at dis joo trollolo. 12/10 I laffed.
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Anonymous37: @Anonymous: Yeah the nutsack of Scandinavia! >>1122137
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Anonymous38(37): ^^ Lovin' the map pr0n.
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Feathery_Duck: If the Palestinians had used the same method as Gandhi, nobody would question their rights, and by now they would be happily home with all that sorry mess far behind them.
But instead, both nations support war-loving leaders, and everybody's unhappy.
Except the arms dealers! :-P

Now, can we PLEASE go back to mindless boyishness and tasteless sex jokes? I miss my R34.
Pretty please, with My Widdle Poony goo-goo eyes?... 8-) <3
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Feathery_Duck: OK, as a token of goodwill for piss and wuv and yiff, I'll start:

"Pull out"? I thought it was ISRAEL thoroughly screwing Gaza on the news, not the other way round.
Then again, in a faggotry contest, it's hard keeping tabs which troll cock is in which troll ass.
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greeblie: @Freezer: Don't expect rational thought processes from a paranoid schizophrenic.
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greeblie: "Zionism" in political discussion is one of those code words, like "bourgeoisie" in economic discussions or "chemtrails" in a science debate: a clear sign that the speaker is a no-information voter who doesn't have the foggiest notion of what he's ranting about.
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Anonymous39: Palestinians and jews are the same race: Arab ugly
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MrBlue: @Anonymous:

What if, just, what if, and this is a purely hypothetical scenario here,because I wouldn't want to imply that any jews could ever do something bad, Palestinians couldn't live their lives because of Israel?

What if Israel had built a wall guarded by soldiers that separates Palestinian lands and makes working the land harder because they have to make huge detours everyday?

What if Israel controlled the access to water, yet again making the Palestinian lives harder?

What if Israeli soldiers could control and arrest Palestinian citizens at best, and sequester and imprison them for years, or even kill them, at worst?

What if Palestinians lived under constant threat from the Israelian soldiery?

What if enormous numbers of Palestinian families had been expelled from Israel in 1948?

Seriously, if you want to say that Might Is Right and that Palestinians should just accept being slowly wiped-off their land, just fucking say it upfront.
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Anonymous40: Fuck the arabs up and fuck them good, also fuck you anon 38 Palestinans are sucide bombing arabs just like you and the jews are the chosen people.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Well, since 1948, Mr. Blue, it looks entirely like those who curse Israel shall themselves be cursed. Looks like it's been happening that way reeeeeeal steady. Looks like it's going to keep happening that way too, since the surrounding arc of failed and failing states (I blame the Ottoman Empire there) refuse to accept the Palestinians into their nations and keep them as impoverished, and as crazed, as might be, to use for catspaws. So blame the failed and failing states for starting and continuing this.

Wasn't like anybody took much of an interest in Palestine the Greater until a bunch of Jews (European and other) moved in and made a success of the place. Some of it. The surrounding states did not emulate the example... Cursed, yes?
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rickslamu2: Image reported. Political Shitposting does not belong on this site.
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JWN926: @rickslamu2: Yeah, because the site admins totally didn't see this and make it the featured image and lock the tags or anything. Not to mention announcing the feature...
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Freezer: @greeblie: Or "free-fall speeds" and "steel-framed buildings" in any discussion of 9/11.
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Freezer: @ConsciousDonkey: So... When was Mr. Leibowitz Prime Minister? Never? High-ranking government offical? No? High-ranking Rabbi? Community leader? No? A tenured professor and Jewish philosopher? That's the guy you're quoting? That's like trying to argue Obamafail and using nothing but Cornell West quotes. Context counts, yo.
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Anonymous41: Israel is them must dieeee...!!! xD xD xD
-islamic malay from malaysia-
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ilr: i cant map to this
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Anonymous42: >killing mudslimes
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Anonymous43: @rickslamu2: Well said mate. Unfortunately, it's a pompous tit of a moderator who'll be responsible (Frunk_Whiskey anyone ?)
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Anonymous44(43): @Anonymous: Fuck off you bigotted backward bulging eyed walking turd. Go back to flying your planes into the sea to please jihadi madmen.
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Anonymous45: @MrBlue: "Their land" ??????????? How is it "their land" ? History ? JUDEA (land of the jews predated Palestine by umpteen centuries - CHRISTIANS were in "Palestine for a couple of centuries before muslims.
Tell you what dickhead - lets get muslioms OUT of the west. They are here uninvited, are parasitical, and a threat to our people wherever they invite themselves.
Turkey - thats GREEK CHRISTIAN LAND. As is Syria. As is Lebanon (Palestinian bastards have turned the Paris of the levant into a bombed out shithole)
One thing I hate more than massively intolerant psychopathicially violent bigot muslims is arrogant pompous know-fuck all peabrains like YOU, "Blue"
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Anonymous46: Death to Isreal
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Anonymous47: "Peace loving Israel". The same Israel that attacked a US Navy ship, the USS Liberty in international waters about 12.5 nautical miles (23 km) from the coast of the Sinai Peninsula, north of El Arish, by Israeli fighter planes and torpedo boats on June 8, 1967.

As a US Navy veteran of Vietnam, these were my brother bluejackets that were murdered by the IDF and I will never forgive them for this.
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Anonymous48: wow, nice "discussion". perfectly replicates the political reality of the israel/palestine conflict: both sides spout more arguments than they have brain cells. and war, war never changes...
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TongueTwister: Let's all keep calm and leave Israel alone.
Let's keep political content away from a fap site.
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TongueTwister: But in any case, death to this image!
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Franky_Whiskey: user image
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Freezer: @Anonymous: "I will never forgive them for something they did to someone I may have known a half-century ago."

Because that's reasonable.
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Anonymous49: Lets shoot over 3000000000 missiles a day to a country to justify our retarded arguments. - Hamas 2014
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TongueTwister: Can someone please get rid of this image and stop bashing Jews? Why are we still anti-semetic even after the Holocaust?
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TongueTwister: And let's leave Jews alone. Live and let live.
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Anonymous50(37): @ilr: That's a win.
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ConsciousDonkey: @Freezer: Well, if you really insist the quotes have to be from israeli prime minister, there is one for you:


"We’ll make a pastrami sandwich out of them. We’ll insert a strip of Jewish settlements in between the Palestinians, and then another strip of Jewish settlements right across the West Bank, so that in 25 years’ time neither the United Nations nor the United States, nobody, will be able to tear it apart."

--Ariel Sharon, replying to Winston Churchill’s grandson question about what Israel intends to do with Palestine, 1973

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TongueTwister: I also reported this for not being porn and being politically and racially sensitive, provocative and offensive. What if you were a Jew? If you saw this anti-semetic chatter on this very picture, how would you react?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @TomTornados: Everybody should leave everybody alone. That's what "live and let live" means.

And fighting over what? Fucking religion. What good it causes is greatly outweighed by the suffering it causes, many times over.
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TongueTwister: @jubilation_t_cornpone: What I'm fighting over is anti semitism. I'm not much of a religious person, but I find anti semitic comments to be retarded, immature, barbaric, and simply racist. And you're right. Everyone should leave everyone alone. What we really should be hating and blaming is the image uploader. Not a country or a race.
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G_Goobington_the_2nd: @TomTornados:
Do you even know where you are?
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TongueTwister: @rickslamu2: That's the way to go!
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TongueTwister: @G_Goobington_the_2nd: I'm currently vacationing in Austria.
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traffik: @TomTornados: Clearly you don't understand what "No exceptions" means. No subject is so sacred, taboo, or controversial that it doesn't belong here.

(except Lilo)
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JWN926: So... it's what? 3 retards so far that can't seem to get it through their heads that the admins already know the image is here and it isn't going anywhere?
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Farfegnugen: Someone is offended by a feature image? This a new thing that has NEVER happened before.

Except the million times before this.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @TomTornados: In any case, reporting an image with a reason of "ideologically sensitive" is not valid. Please point out the rule that is being broken. Image report is for rule violations, not opinions. Don't do that again, unless being banned is your goal.
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traffik: @JWN926: Yeah, that's ridiculous.

You can't argue that a picture should be removed on the grounds that it's "offensive". Every single pic on this site is offensive to somebody. Should anyone be able to demand that any picture be removed, for whatever reason it offends them? I'd love to see one of these people try to make a logical argument that that should be the case.

On this site, the pics that piss you off rub elbows with the ones that get you off. If you can't deal with that, then you really shouldn't be here.
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TongueTwister: @Farfegnugen: @jubilation_t_cornpone: You can debate me with that on Skype.
While yes, ideologically sensitive wouldn't be a valid reason, the proof that there's lack of (or apparent) sexual content of this picture still stands.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @TomTornados: Where do you think anti-semitism came from? The jews allegedly killed the alleged jeebus. Why do verious ethnic groups hate each other? Because "the enemy" believes in the wrong cartoon god, when there is no evidence that ANY of them exist. Hatred manufactured by ancient retards out of thin air.
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TongueTwister: @Farfegnugen: The previous image of Germany would be considered porn because it had a penis on it. Where's that in this picture?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @TomTornados: But you REPORTED "ideologically sensitive". By agreeing that it is invalid, you admit to report abuse.
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fishmonger: The fun thing is that these images are featured exactly for this reason. "'HOLY FUCK I'M SO BUTTHURT!' 'AW HELL NO, MOTHERFUCKER!'" And, that is exactly what was desired. Check out previous featured images and look at the number of comments... hell, just look at the number of comments on this image alone. It's done intentionally. Why feature an image that a person or two might comment something like "This is nice," when you can generate countless amounts of butthurt and rage? It generates traffic, generates ad revenue, etc.
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Farfegnugen: @TomTornados: Wow, I almost broke my chair laughing. I'm not going to talk to on Skype. I barely want to talk to you on this site.

I don't think this website is for you. If you think this image is bad, there's been FAR, far worse. This image just scratches the surface.
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TongueTwister: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Yeah, that was my bad. But as I've said before, if this image of a still map of Israel with no dicks on it, it's not porn. If it did, I would be pissed off over the nature, but I would have no reason to report it and I would have to painstakingly wait for a new featured image to come. I mean I don't condemn trying new things every once in a while, but if it persists, there's a problem.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Featured images have always had more leeway than regular images. That goes all the way back to titanium.

On a related note: some moron just reported " insults culture". Next person who does it gets a month ban.
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JWN926: ...Judging from Gamma's comments, I highly doubt they had much culture to begin with...
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fishmonger: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Oooh ooh, can we take wagers?
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TongueTwister: @fishmonger: I agree. But, that's what happened to Justin Bieber, too. While Justin Bieber was just trying to make music about love (even though in real life he is a bad role model), his presentation doesn't match his reception. This image on the other hand does and it deserves the criticism it gets.
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TongueTwister: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Just be thankful that the featured images ARE pornographic no matter how offensive they are. This one is NOT.
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traffik: @TomTornados: When are you going to figure out that you're not going to win this?

Voting this image up just to spite you.
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TongueTwister: @traffik: You're just only person.
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TongueTwister: ONE^
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JWN926: @TomTornados: Pointless statement. You're just one person as well.
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traffik: @TomTornados: So are you. I don't really care about the image's overall vote count. I don't even like the pic.
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Farfegnugen: Let's all be fair here. >>447710
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Feathery_Duck: @rickslamu2: Sorry for Double Penetration?
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Anonymous51: Sure is Rule 34 in here. Just look at all them bewbs.
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meow-meow: @jubilation_t_cornpone:
jews dont even care about religion. its just an excuse. they hide their true intentions under it, like wanting to manipulate everyone in the world, oppress everyone but their own superior race.
i cant be the only one who thinks Hitler mimiced the jews, or wanted to show the world how he saw them. but not directly.
way to cry about the HOLOCAUST too. which was allegedly not even quite how people know it, or even caused by the jews themselves, to set something up for future plans.

how come i dont see people whining on a thanksgiving feature like this? oh wait a minute. maybe there arent enough native americans left alive to do so? they werent even doing anything to deserve it either to my knowledge.
so go on, mr/ms/mrs tom tornado, tell your illuminati what happens here so they can shut the unsatisfied people. i mean goyim. they arent people. we arent people.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: It doesn't matter whether jews care about religion or not. The people who want to wipe them out do, so religion is still to blame.

I wish the entire middle east would just sink into the earth, including the oil, so the rest of the world wouldn't have to put up with their shit on a nonstop basis.

Being FORCED to use renewable energy would be better for us in the long run.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @traffik: LOL, you guys can't see the actual votes. There are around twenty, so obviously most are canceling each other out. So yep, it's controversial.
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JWN926: @jubilation_t_cornpone: But then we can't add insult to injury by paving everything there over and building a new Disney Land. D:
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @TomTornados: Featured image >>438712 isn't pornographic. Originally it was protected because Ruffnut was rule 8, later because it was a featured image.
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Krawczyk: @Anonymous: That's a good idea. DEATH TO ISRAEL, RETURN GAZA TO GREATER ITALIA!!!!

@fishmonger: Anne Frank pr0n is best pr0n!

@TomTornados: Why stop at leaving alone? We need to learn from our poni brethren and love and tolerate equally! Yes, not leaving, but loving!

user image
I went back in time and got Hitler hooked on pone and look what resulted!
user image user image
user image user image
user image
Middle east unity now assured! All the world truly is now arrayed against the Puritan american filthpigs!
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Anonymous52: I was gonna just comment by saying "God that took me forever to find." Then I scrolled down to find that the comments section is the size of fucking "War and Peace".
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Pyroanon: @Anonymous: That's cuz only 1 thing gets porn browsers more fired up than religion and politics: Political/Religious porn.
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Anonymous53: I'd dip into that Fertile Crescent if you know what I mean.
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The_koolaid_Pimp: Finally, some good porn.
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Proxytea: I believe everyone on Paheal, ever has commented on this post.
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JWN926: @Proxytea: Not quite yet.
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Anonymous54: Shit, JIDF here is strong
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Anonymous55: What is this? I don't even...
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Anonymous56: 1) All you peeps calling those who are shitty at Israel anti-semites, get off your high fucking horse. These people hate the Zionist shitheads in Israel, not Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein living in the middle of US suburbia, just keeping to themself.

2) If you don't see the clear as day puppet strings that Israel twiddles over the US, you're an idiot. They own a buttload of media over there, including mediums that the more attentive people watch, and as a result they convince numbskulls to keep voting for idiots.

I mean... don't you find it a little suspicious that John Stewart of all people hasn't mentioned shit about Gaza, for instance?

Even if there's no grand global government conspiracy to take over the world, you can't deny that Zionists gonna Zion. And every other country in the world won't matter one bit to them, on the way.
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broman88: the same why "The Cleveland show" logo would be 34.
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Freezer: @Anonymous: Don't you find it a little suspicious that every "Down with the Zionists" asshat here hasn't mentioned Hamas, for instance?
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Anonymous57: All of these people on this PORN SITE trying to act like they have some big dick political ideals. I'd face palm at it, but the level of stupidity generated makes me fear for my safety knowing they can vote. Probably.
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Farfegnugen: Welp, looks like I'm voting for Channey in the next election, again.
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Anonymous58(56): @Freezer
Actually I tend to find the ratio of people complaining about Israel:Hamas to be about the same ratio of civilians killed by side. It's happened in your favour, it's just such a minor detail that it's essentially insignificant.

And assuming you aren't trying for an entirely strawman argument;
No, not in the slightest. People don't tend to make statements that make them look bad. However I do find the primary source of voting pseudo-intellectuals knowledge not going into detail about a conflict in which his, and his boss's religious homeland is an aggressor... interesting.
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Decanter: @Farfegnugen: Who's Channey?
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Farfegnugen: @Decanter: Looks like I forgot how to spell that fucks name. I meant Cheney
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Anonymous59: How the fuck is this regarded as porn?
I didn't sign up for debate club, I came to masturbate. At least the other geography picture gave Germany a dick.
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Feathery_Duck: So... the Gaza strip is shaped like a cock, and yet there's an Israeli dick fucking it?
Dudes, this is ghey.
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Anonymous60: Lol. Ano 57 does have a point.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Man, the way some people talk about our Lord and Savior's kinfolk, you figure they're completely graceless and godless and Jesus wouldn't know 'em.
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Candycock: @Anonymous: Well, features seem to be about destroying erections and being disturbing/funny in general. Nothing kills the mood more than politics so in that regard this is a successful feature. The porn part might be up for interpretation though.
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Anonymous61: This comments section is a clusterfuck. Close enough to porn for me, hnng.
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Anonymous62(61): @Anonymous: Egyptians and Jordanians are getting fucked by Israel, clearly.
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Anonymous63: even on a rule34 comment section the jews will try to make you believe the palestinians don't exist
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: It's kind of hard to ignore a group of people firing rockets at you. They know they exist, they just want to them to go away, much like how the rest of the world wants everyone in the Middle East to go away.
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Anonymous64: Neither side are innocent, but it's always great to see the absolute shits come out and try to justify attempted genocide.
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sinner_of_anarchy89: looks amazing for some reason
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Anonymous65: Come on. There isn't even a penis poorly copy and pasted onto this.
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Anonymous66(56): @Anonymous: yes there is lol. look at gaza.
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Anonymous67: land of god my ass
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Lord_Adam_Trollingsworth: JIDF shills please leave.
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Anonymous68: [IMG][/IMG]

@Lord_Adam_Trollingsworth: Now, let's not go calling people JIDF. More just regular, run-of-the-mill willfully ignorant and filled with standard American anti-Arab/pro-Israel bias.
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Anonymous69(68): @Anonymous: Fuck,
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Anonymous70: @Anonymous: The last sentence of that article made me tear up a bit.
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Anonymous71: This is the thread that never ends, it just goes and on my friend. Some idiot started it not knowing what it was, now they'll go on spouting hate forever just because it is the thread that never ends, it just goes on and on my friend....
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Anonymous72: All i have to say to the Jews and Jew lovers (particularly Anonymous 7). You Jews and Jew lovers are pure evil dirty filthy bloodsucking scum!!! As the late great Helen Thomas once rightfully said: "(JEWS) GET THE HELL OUT OF PALESTINE!" FUCK YOU JEWS AND JEW LOVERS YOUR TIME IS COMING!!! FREE PALESTINE!!!
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Franky_Whiskey: Jewish Intense Denial Force? Trolling them goyims since 33 A.D.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: I like democracies. I see a bunch of you don't.

Well, you're scum, looking for a place to fall.
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Anonymous73: GAS THE KIKES
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Anonymous74(68): @Urbane_Guerrilla: I like countries that don't routinely commit human rights abuses. I see a bunch of you don't.

Well, you're scum, looking for a place to fall (whatever the fuck that even means).
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AJNZulu: Not porn, didn't fap. Left unsatisfied.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @fishmonger: And we have a winner. DragonII reported the image TWICE after that warning.
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Anonymous75: @Urbane_Guerrilla: It's not a democracy unless everyone gets a say in everything that happens to them.

I haven't seen that in Israel or any Israeli controlled countries as of late. And we have the freaking technology to do it, too - don't you dare tell me we couldn't use the internet to referendum /everything/.

Furthermore Israel being a 'democracy' doesn't stop the fact that they're bombing motherfucking civilians, while they've taken less than 4% of the casualties as military personnel.
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Anonymous76: Human history: these people conquered this land from those people who conquered from those other people. There is no land on earth (excluding Antarctica cause its ice) that is owned by the "original" "owners". The difference today is technology "laws" and "modern" "culture" make proper conquering next to impossible. Whoever you are, wherever you are, the space you live on was "stolen" at some point (excluding Antarctica); to argue any side is inherent hypocrisy. ME? I'm a misanthrope because people like ALL of you exist.
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Anonymous77(75): @Anonymous: It's not like animals or plants didn't steal their land too, it's not an inherently human problem.
The problem lies with our methodology and that thing that does seem to be oh-so-very-human(anddolphin), spite. Shit's gonna keep going until someone goes 'ehhhhh maybe I shouldn't slap back for that thing that happened way back when...'
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CrotchboobAddict: I just don't give a fuck about gaza and israel, hope they kill themselves... Am I the only one? Marxist is the biggest problem for Europe right now and for some reason they support bitches for gaza, and also for some reason Russia in the Ukraine business, Like they think the red army will rise again.. this is all so confusing...
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Feathery_Duck: Fuck this thread and topic!
Heeey, that would make a nice new feature! (evil grin)
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CrotchboobAddict: And i've heard a lot of nationalist support russia because Ukraine is supported by the western jews.. You see what i have to deal with?
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Feathery_Duck: @Anonymous: Right you are, fine sir. Animals settle, humans occupy, conquer and start ravaging. There are no wars in the animal kingdom.
Well, except for ant armies, actually. They can wage bona fide wars.
And now this site has taught you something intelligent! XD
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Feathery_Duck: Rule #1 of Godwin: "If we are debating, then you must be a Nazi."
Hitler fucking hated jews.
Me, I love fuck juice.
Nao fuck off with the politics, take it to a place that actually gives a fuck, and let me watch some cartoony squirting pr0n, plox! (wankers)
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CrotchboobAddict: @Anonymous: Sure, there's countries that is owned by original owners.. Just what are u suggesting?
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Anonymous78(75): @Feathery_Duck: Seriously? Have you never seen two seperate families of meerkats fighting? Or seals smash each other up over who gets to be alpha male? Or lions rip each other to shreds for dominance? Get out of here with your faux-facts, animals fight and war over just as petty crap as people, we just happen to have the memories and hate to keep the war going after its point has finished.

And while I'm at it, dolphins not only slaughter other pods, they rape and murder the females and babies, too. As a power display.
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Pakoniggy: @Anonymous: RACE WAR NOW!

Holy shit, this is the best /pol/ simulation ever!
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Anonymous79(72): @CrotchboobAddict:
That Israel was NOT and NEVER and NEVER will be an original owner!!! and as for you@CrotchboobAddict: The Red Army WILL RISE if Putin has his way!
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Lord_Adam_Trollingsworth: @jubilation_t_cornpone: top kek
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l0rd0ct0d0rk: i think i see the porn, not sure, the dotted lines kinda look like a lady wearing a hat with a fu man chu and her boobs hanging out
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Anonymous80(72): This is to the pro-Israel shitheads! Hey! If Israel is a "democracy" as you call it then why does it murder the Palestinean's? Hm? Why are the Palestine's occupied? Hm? Answer me that, ya dirty filthy, evil, lying JOOS!!! FREE PALESTINE!!!
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rakamui78: Where is the porn here?
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neo4812: this is not porn
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Feathery_Duck: @Anonymous: Wondering why I would discuss with some Anon, but anyway...
I actually meant that animals settle IN A TERRITORY, not that they settle their differences like British gentlemen.
Seldom do you see two animal species waging some sort of organized, collective war. Small Bedouin-style tribal raids, tops.
Except ants. Read Bernard Werber to learn a few interesting stuff facts. Ants are amazing, and I happen to be their Egyptian God.

As for your name-calling?... Son, you'll have to do WAY Better than that if you hope to get me mad and ranting. I'd already heard it all before your parents ever met... and the rest, I took the time to INVENT. Just for fun. No fib.

Silly Muggle, you're just a meshuggenah skumbridh bazawenken waiting to get coaled with your kalam bredenh. :-P
(Incidentally, that's Yughur dialect from the Caucasus.)
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Feathery_Duck: Translation of the above: a zany pimp wannabe just begging to get publicly humiliated with your jibba-jabba derp nonsensical talk. Yo.
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Anonymous81: Never really understood the whole "Jews are secretly running the world" concept. Is the point of such a theory to give you a target for your anger? There are people of all 3 major religions at the top of the food chain.
On a related note, what's up with the people saying "kill the joos"? Your average Jew isn't running some massive shadow government. Why do you feel that he or she deserves to die? It would make just as much sense to say that all Muslims should die, simply because some worthless excuses for human beings happen to use that religion as a pretext to commit atrocities. Maybe we should kill all Christians. After all, the majority of people in America are Christian, so it stands to reason that most of the school shootings are committed by Christians.
As far as the Israel/Hamas conflict goes, Israel is a state. Whether or not you agree with it's policies or how it came to be, it's a state. Hamas is a terrorist organization that uses their own countrymen as meat shields. I don't know what the best solution to the problem is, but I do know that it's absurd to expect Israel to simply allow terrorists to launch missiles at them. Using the casualty ratio as "proof" that Israel, and by magical extension, all Jews, are evil? Really? Israel has better anti-missile systems than whatever suburb the terrorists have made into their current headquarters. Has anyone looked into the ratio of missiles fired in either direction? Israel is handling things poorly, but what few traces of moral high ground exist in the conflict (between Israel and Hamas, not Israel and Gaza) are on Israel's side.
[Cue anti-Israeli/Semitic/Zionist/logic rants]
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Anonymous82(75): @Feathery_Duck: I'm well aware what you were implying. And you are wrong. Animals fight over their territory all the time. They stake it with their urine, begin initial territorial disputes with posturing and displays, and go to blows as a last resort. Cats, dogs, meerkats, dolphins, lions, tigers, bears, they all do it, in packs/groups if they're a social species. And 'tribal raids' are still warfare, just like 'conflicts', 'disputes' and 'surgical strikes' are warfare in human society.

Furthermore, I ask you to point at any insulting text in 76 or 73. Please don't get all FOX on me.

Furthermore, I object to the implication that you're older than me. I haven't directed any ad hominem attacks your way and it's frankly immature to fire the first shot. I also object to your protesting my anonymity, if you are. But I don't want to strawman that, and just leave it at 'I'm a privacy advocate'.

Yiddish ad hominem attacks aside (great debating skills btw) I again restate my statement that Israel has caused flabbergasting amounts of pointless civilian deaths while taking minimal military losses themselves, that they are not a true democracy as they don't referrendum every decision made, and that Zionism is bad (though that last one is a new one) and challenge you to debate them like the adult you wish to present as.

@79: Conspiracies and such aside, the hard facts are that Jews large amounts of financial and media enterprises.
The speculation of that is that it's being used to push a Zionist agenda from the shadows. But ultimately, yes, it's a venting point for people's anger due mainly to the banks and people losing their houses after the bubble being burst by some rich jackasses. Personally I abhor anti-semitism, and all forms of blanket discrimination. But the Zionists believe it is their mandate that they are the chosen people, and are destined to rule the world.
Again, Zionists. The Jewish extremists. Not Jews. Jews are Mrs. and Mr. Rosenthall (excuse me if I'm butchering surnames here) who may or may not give two shits about their religion outside of Hanukkah and Passover. That should be fine -- Mr. and Mrs. Smith-Christmas-and-Easter don't deserve to catch the shit that the KKKristian nutjobs do, after all. Jews are totally cool.
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Feathery_Duck: @Anonymous: "Get out of here with your faux-facts"
You're welcome.

For the rest, I was essentially responding to a certain tenseness with some definite silliness. Yiddish is a part of the Yughur language, but only a part. Very complicated language. Very complicated COUNTRY. Let's not add further complexity to this thread.

Srsly now, I didn't intend to get into any ad hominem escalation. While I feel you may have started in this direction, maybe it was just my perception, so I'll apologize for that.
Just for the sake of bringing some much needed relaxation into this tense world.
Besides, you've just complimented me on my maven shmoozerai. :-) Points for fair play.

As for the significant uncivilized brutality of Israel's practical policy, I respectfully decline the debating invitation. I don't like to argue with someone who has a point. I also don't like to take sides when there are so many wrongs on BOTH sides.
I consider that both populations are the respective (but very asymmetrical) victims of the idiocy of their leaders, and if they had any sense, they'd oust all the sorry bunch, kick their tukhas into the Red Sea, sit together, and talk their problems out.
But unlikely to happen.

I'll let you focus your rationality skills on those who may still need to take a few steps back.
I feel I'm already too old to get so excited about such topics. Even on Facebook, so let alone on R34Fapheal!

Shalam, yoh.
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Anonymous83: its time to nuke the Middle East with Israel include.
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loliKhorne: @Anonymous: No, just arm the Jews and look the other way and they will sort it out.
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Anonymous84: allah vult.
jesus sucks jewish cocks in hell while drowning in goat shit.
same as mohammed and moses.
while their followers countries are full of arabs and getting purified by them by sucking their arab cocks.
they make these type of drawings.
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Anonymous85: Say it with me boys:
Judea and Samaria are liberated, not occupied!
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Anonymous86: The comment -_-
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Anonymous87: I long for the day that everyone and everything that ever came from this piece of land is obliterated.
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Anonymous88: Go Jews Go!

But always know... Jesus Is King.

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