__Eggo__: Can't figure out a way to delete this even though I'm the one who uploaded it, so I'll just post a comment instead.
The artist who made this was recently exposed as an abuser who goes after people for no reason and sends them images of self-harm and gore. They have taken down the original Twitter post at my request, since this was a commission I paid for.
I encourage people to downvote this post and to not support this artist after this.
Anonymous4: @__Eggo__: Wait, seriously? I used to be mutuals with them on Twitter a few years ago. Im quite late to the party but can you elaborate on what happened? They seemed decent D:
__Eggo__: @hannahsss They harassed and sent gore images to people who shipped a pairing they didn't like. I know it sounds incredibly stupid (and it is) but that's what happened.
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The artist who made this was recently exposed as an abuser who goes after people for no reason and sends them images of self-harm and gore. They have taken down the original Twitter post at my request, since this was a commission I paid for.
I encourage people to downvote this post and to not support this artist after this.
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