Titanium: nosebleed - Don't get on my bad side... you've been close to a few bans for repeated non-porn uploads iirc.
HeWhoMasturbates - It's the flag the Tea Party has commandeered and was used during the American Revolution. If you click the ? next to the tags on the left side, it will take you to the wiki pages (if there is one)
Anonymous8: Why is there so much hate for the Tea Party? They appear to be the ones who stand by the Constitution the most and they're only said to be racist because liberals think they are.
ilr: even though they were biblically misinterpreted as such, snakes themselves directly came to symbolize sex. /not_porn issue solved. -- also, sperm is just a really small snake so maybe they were right afterall
enodnu: What, no good 'Osama Bin Laden is awesome' porn lately? We need a conservative Christian to pick features for a change. I want to see Ronald Reagan assfucking Jane Fonda while he punches Che Guevara in the face.
Anonymous19: The Tea Party was inspired by Ron Paul (Ron Paul probably influenced the Wall St. Protesters also) Presidential campaign in 2007 and was a force for shrinking government, but since 2009 suck as much as the Wall St. Protesters because they got hijacked by neocons and for that reason most actually want government to expand (Teaparty; Warfare and Police States) (Wall St; Welfare and Nanny State) and only a few them want to shrink the size of government and End The Federal Reserve despise their rhetoric. And If the Tea Party is so fucking racist why do they support Herman Cain and Allen West. Seriously, The Left likes to shout the word "Racist" at someone who doesn't like Barack Obama like how the right shouted "Anti-American" at anyone who didn't like Bush. A Libertarian
Anonymous21(19): @Titanium You know that the Tea Party Party supports Herman Cain and Allen West so it is kind of hard to call them racist. And this is coming from someone who's even more Small Government then the Tea Party claims to be, and hasn't supported most of them (there are a few exceptions) since 2009 when they got co-opted by neocons, and Social cons.
Anonymous25: So when blacks make the NAACP it's acceptable, but when whites make groups of their own like the Tea Party, DAT'S RACISS?
Yeah, fuck that shit. Anti-raciss is code for Anti-white. Asian nations for asians, african nations for africans, white nations for EVERYBODY! Diversity is wonderful! Pay no attention to crime statistics, historical accomplishments, and IQ. That's raciss and a social construct. Evolution is real, but all humans are equal. Cognitive dissonance is a way of life. Appeal to emotion. Taxes are good. Society owes me. Wall street is at fault for the bailouts, not the government that handed them out like halloween candy. Guns are evil. Gays should be allowed to run amok. Abortion is alright. Your rights end where my feelings begin...
Anonymous26(25): BTW, could you give us this list of "banned" words?
I was gonna berate conservatism too, but it wouldn't let me post that.
Also, I thought you said you'd never ban speech here Titanium... What's up with this?
Anonymous27: Now if we could get a few lolis to trample the snake, it would be the greatest pic ever. Nice to see trample referenced here!
Oh, Allan West and Herman Cain join Clarence Thomas in the "House Brothas no Brotha Pays any Attention to" column.
Anonymous29(25): Nah anon29. I just hate hypocrisy, and ignorance.
Racism only exists these days because we won't drop the subject. Even Morgan Freeman said this.
Communists love using divide and conquer tactics.
It's killing the US, and Europe.
Sintime: Anon29 I'm sure you've used the same "copy paste" argument before on another featured image, the thing is it's easy to tell when someone is using anothers words and has been convinced to assume something and doesn't know why, using 'communists'ammong with the the other things brought in your previous post as a lexicon for recusant developement.
Trying to apply X to person A because you see perceived external qualities with them.
"A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race -- and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin."
Anonymous31: Please, no more political features. Porn is one of the few things that I can turn to when I'm feeling depressed by the endless tides of stupid that always show up when politics are mentioned on the internet. Please don't sully my safe haven.
Resartus: Anon 8 is right, real libertarians stand for freedom. Don't confuse them with 'Christian Taliban' nutcases who imagine a 'god given right' to control other peoples lives.
Funny feature but only marginally porn. Time to cue up Frank Zappa's Carolina Hard Core Ecstasy.
Anonymous36: If you people havent noticed most of the Featured is Relevant stuff... well of what ive seen anyways. stop complaining about non-super-graphic Porn images. Porn is still porn by any other name.
Titanium: Anon26,27 - The banned word list is based on spam.
Also, you don't seem to understand how race works. Take some sociology classes. The evolution argument of race has been blown out of the water multiple times for the last century, but it seems to keep popping up.
Anonymous48(25): Sociology?
You can't be serious...
Real scientists(biologists) will tell you otherwise.
There are genes that make skin darker, make noses bigger, make hair greasier. It's not even a debate anymore among true science.
African people throw tribal wars, rape and pillage each other, and still live in mud and branch huts. Every other race has evolved beyond this. Asians are known to be lactose intolerant. If evolution is real(and it is), then all humans cannot be the same. Men and Women are different. Blacks whites and asians are different.
Please be aware of IQ statistics. Look at the accomplishments of Asia and Europe and the Middle East.
And please, for the love of wisdom, realize that sociology is literally indoctrination of cultural marxism. These people occupying wall street are the sorts you find in sociology classes. No job, blaming wall street for something the government did, and calling for more government. Government feeds corporatism, because the little man can't compete against the corporation with the high taxes and regulations levied against him.
The young black boy is constantly exposed to degeneracy and unintelligent lifestyles. He sees welfare as his bread and butter. Again, government ruins it. He has no chance of becoming a good man, because he's bombarded with cultural marxism(shake yo ass bitch, git dat shit, drugs, killing, material trinkets). We're all under attack from government, central banks, and protected corporations. The free market and true capitalism do not exist.
The answer to society's problems was created in 1787. It wasn't perfect, but it gave us the best shot.
/pointless ranting
Also, DON'T TREAD ON MY 34(I can't believe I mentioned degeneracy on a porn site)
Anonymous50: Anon48, you seem to have crossed your streams of conservative argument. You're supposed to say "Blacks are inherently inferior, and deserve to be owned as property by the rich" in one post, *then* say "Blacks are only poor because they aren't trying hard enough" in the other. You don't do both at the same time.
CreamyThang_: Anon48, You're a very bad egg. We're going to fry you and eat you with dry toast. Maybe some coffee, but not the danish because it's fattening.
Titanium: Anon48 - I am aware of the IQ issue (the Bell Curve) and others. You seem to have blind faith in "hard" science without understanding what science is. You clearly do not understand what sociology is, nor what Marxism is (there is no such thing as cultural Marxism... Marx says culture doesn't matter, money does.)
Anon40 - will read. However, the journal name makes me uneasy. I should say that I do not believe race does not have biological components. I am saying that beyond morphology, race is social.
Anonymous54(25): Anyhow, race is bullshit anyway. Morgan Freeman said it best.
"Stop talking about it. You stop calling me a black man, and I'll stop calling you a white man."
Or something along those lines.
The only thing that matters is being as free as possible without causing degeneracy or hurting people.
Anonymous56: okay... now you've gone to far. for the first time rule 34 has now insulted me. AND MY PEOPLE!!!! and no it has nothing to do with metallica! its UNITED STATES HISTORY YOU FUCKING DUMBASS! (no offence if you live in another country)
Anonymous68(66): 69th lolololololololololololololololololololol hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha p o o p
Anonymous69(66): 70 bits 2^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30^30 to the infinity^128x256x512x1024x2048x4096x8192x16384 bits LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
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HeWhoMasturbates - It's the flag the Tea Party has commandeered and was used during the American Revolution. If you click the ? next to the tags on the left side, it will take you to the wiki pages (if there is one)
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The Bible =/= the constitution of the United States of America. Or so it's supposed to be...
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Awesome song to listen to while fapping to this.
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but LOL
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DragonShade44 - you surprised?
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Oh and silly Titanium, didn't you get the memo? America elected a secret muslim from Kenya, so therefore racism is over!
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where at least my hentai is free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to enjoy my doujinshi to me.
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Yeah, fuck that shit. Anti-raciss is code for Anti-white. Asian nations for asians, african nations for africans, white nations for EVERYBODY! Diversity is wonderful! Pay no attention to crime statistics, historical accomplishments, and IQ. That's raciss and a social construct. Evolution is real, but all humans are equal. Cognitive dissonance is a way of life. Appeal to emotion. Taxes are good. Society owes me. Wall street is at fault for the bailouts, not the government that handed them out like halloween candy. Guns are evil. Gays should be allowed to run amok. Abortion is alright. Your rights end where my feelings begin...
I was gonna berate conservatism too, but it wouldn't let me post that.
Also, I thought you said you'd never ban speech here Titanium... What's up with this?
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Oh, Allan West and Herman Cain join Clarence Thomas in the "House Brothas no Brotha Pays any Attention to" column.
Racism only exists these days because we won't drop the subject. Even Morgan Freeman said this.
Communists love using divide and conquer tactics.
It's killing the US, and Europe.
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Trying to apply X to person A because you see perceived external qualities with them.
"A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race -- and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin."
Funny feature but only marginally porn. Time to cue up Frank Zappa's Carolina Hard Core Ecstasy.
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? tea party 1
? gadsden flag 1
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Also, you don't seem to understand how race works. Take some sociology classes. The evolution argument of race has been blown out of the water multiple times for the last century, but it seems to keep popping up.
You can't be serious...
Real scientists(biologists) will tell you otherwise.
There are genes that make skin darker, make noses bigger, make hair greasier. It's not even a debate anymore among true science.
African people throw tribal wars, rape and pillage each other, and still live in mud and branch huts. Every other race has evolved beyond this. Asians are known to be lactose intolerant. If evolution is real(and it is), then all humans cannot be the same. Men and Women are different. Blacks whites and asians are different.
Please be aware of IQ statistics. Look at the accomplishments of Asia and Europe and the Middle East.
And please, for the love of wisdom, realize that sociology is literally indoctrination of cultural marxism. These people occupying wall street are the sorts you find in sociology classes. No job, blaming wall street for something the government did, and calling for more government. Government feeds corporatism, because the little man can't compete against the corporation with the high taxes and regulations levied against him.
The young black boy is constantly exposed to degeneracy and unintelligent lifestyles. He sees welfare as his bread and butter. Again, government ruins it. He has no chance of becoming a good man, because he's bombarded with cultural marxism(shake yo ass bitch, git dat shit, drugs, killing, material trinkets). We're all under attack from government, central banks, and protected corporations. The free market and true capitalism do not exist.
The answer to society's problems was created in 1787. It wasn't perfect, but it gave us the best shot.
/pointless ranting
Also, DON'T TREAD ON MY 34(I can't believe I mentioned degeneracy on a porn site)
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I'm expecting a feature of him tomorrow, though obviously would not be totally surprised if there isn't one.
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Anon40 - will read. However, the journal name makes me uneasy. I should say that I do not believe race does not have biological components. I am saying that beyond morphology, race is social.
"Stop talking about it. You stop calling me a black man, and I'll stop calling you a white man."
Or something along those lines.
The only thing that matters is being as free as possible without causing degeneracy or hurting people.
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