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TagsFluttershy, Friendship_is_Magic, My_Little_Pony
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Info638x659 // 107KB // jpg
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Derwol: I like.
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Masako: the brutal way to fix Fluttershy but I will not negate or approve this ~~ suffering/crying Fluttershy = all fault those who created futashy
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port7: why.jpg
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JWN926: I expected these pictures to start showing up sooner. I am disappoint.
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ClericBard: Looks like a Bean Burrito..
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Legovlas: Poor Futashy :(
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Anonymous1: I don't see what that fixes exactly. It's not like a vagina will magically sprout from there.
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Kitty_D: And the silliest thing, Anon1, is that Futashy *here* has *no* puss. Despite that she does otherwise. Lazy artist.
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Anonymous2: LOL
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Nightweaver20xx: I grabbed my crotch when I saw this. NOT IN A SEXUAL FASHION. OW GOD, WHY.
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UACtv: i guess that guy is just as sick and tired of all of the futa pony porn as me.
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bloodlordjm: U FUCKING ANIMALS!!!!!! poor futashy what happened to love and tolerate
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monsparkle: I disapprove of Futashy pretty much 100% but dear God man, this is horrible.
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Anonymous3: ^Eeeyup
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CreamyThang_: D: Sweet Lord and the Saints of New people hate Futa-Shy that much?
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bloodlordjm: @CreamyThang_ sadly yes dont really see why i find her adorable
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Chef_Retardee: This must be featured for great controversy.
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bAv-R34: I'm quite sure that 'fixing' an animal only involves snipping it's balls off so it wouldn't go around humping things or whatever. Also, I'm sure that it'd only be done with fucktons of anesthetic and some proffessional tools, not with a sober pair of hand scissors to the <i>shaft</i>, for fuck's sake.
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bAv-R34: I really should test those font things before posting. All I heard is that they were changed. test.
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Anonymous5: This picture is horrible nightmare fuel whose existence demeans the audience, artist, and human race as a whole, a despicable piece of shit that gives nothing but a sensation of nauseating revulsion. The creator of this picture should be dragged through the street and then shot in the head.

Best Futashy picture to date, though.
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pomponio: YOU BASTARDS!!
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RaiKen: *screams on the inside, in pain*

OH MY GOD, WHY?!?! Any man/guy that sees this while immediatly feel PAIN in their lower region! >o<;;

Also, why all the Futashy hate? You guys click the pictures and look at them. Don't blame the artist or the idea, blame yourself for watching an image you don't like/that you hate.
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DKblitz: ^like you did

It's just a pic calm down
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SSB09: ...and that, kids, is how Girls are made...

The End :)
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Say-No-to-Futa: Futa is a terrible thing to happen to my favorite character, to all the men out here who like this, are you gay? No? Then why are you fapping to a disgusting spotted dick? Quite frankly, this is the best thin to ever happen to this monstrosity of a creature, please pass on the message, and say no to futa.
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Anonymous6: So sayeth the puta.
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Syko: the fuck is this
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Anonymous7: Damn! Fluttershy is my favorite, and I'm not too happy about futashy, but I wouldn't wish this on anyone. At least the human version of Pinkamena and Dash are pretty sexy in those comics. Plus, fluttershy is so adorable, she could have two dicks, and I'd still dawww and love her.
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Takuto_Shindou: I hate pony futas,but this is WORSE!
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Krawczyk: nah, pretty sure futas are worse, especially when they're originally hot chicks ;Þ

PS Sora wuz here.
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TrashPirate: I can live with this quite tolerably.
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ChaoticTentacles: Am I the only one seeing the the double jointed legs???
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bAv-R34: >mfw featured image (?)
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ChaoticTentacles: This is the features pic, ok who is choosing the featured pics?
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teckworks: Oh lord, the Umadium radiation levels are off the scale!
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DonkeyPunch: Oh god my eyes...
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MamaGoat: I do believe I have lost my appetite.
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warrior: all of the butthurt, butthurt on every side.
all this butthurt shitis one of the many reasons I am glad I don't like this pony stuff
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Anonymous8: heh ive always hated mlp my hatred only grew when i couldent go to a furry site anymore without it being flooded with mlp yiff so when i see them in pain i cant help but smile
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warrior: @Anonymous8: Then you are butthurt too. I don't care enough to be butthurt.
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Anonymous9: You don't cut off the dick when you fix something.

Not that actual "fixing" is much better:
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Krawczyk: anon8 is TRUBROTIER!
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jinx: Its as if the attempts to troll is getting very bland at this point.
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The_Elder_Troll: Futa isn't my ideal porn but this is a bit extreme don't you think?
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Silvio_Dante: Her spotted dick is making me laugh.
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Anonymous10(8): can someone please explain what trubrotier means im curious to know exactly what krawczyk called anon 8
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Anonymous12(8): wtf is a trubrotier it dosent sound like english
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That_Random_Guy: Well its about time someone does something about futashy!
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Anonymous13: @That_Random_Guy: I agree.
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Anonymous14: @That_Random_Guy: I agree. This picture makes me smile. It's wrong to like Futa.
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Anonymous15: Im crying. Not her please
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Rule34rulesmylife: I don't like futa, but this isn't cool. I am disappoint.
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Anonymous16: trubrotier ????? what the hell does that mean
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Anonymous17: wat. no thanks.
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Ravehcok: @Rule34rulesmylife: Same here. I don't like Futa. It's just so unrealistic and for me pointless. That said, this made my dick crawl back and try to hide, made me sympathetic for Fluttershy, and made me think how stupid people can be. If you don't like futa, don't diss people who do. This literally killed all sexual desire. Fuck, I was gonna work up my wood with a couple more pictures and then read some clopfics. I guess I'll go play Metro 2033 instead. BTW you can get it for free now if you find the THX Metro page on Facebook now.
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Anonymous19: @Say-No-to-Futa: How ignorant can u be. gain some knowledge and dont be ignorant plz
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Anonymous20(19): @Say-No-to-Futa: How ignorant can u be. gain some knowledge.things like that just piss ppl off EVERYWHERE.if u dont know why ppl do what they do (fapping to futa and not being gay) ask a question without the insults.
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Anonymous21: This is shit.
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SavageMoon: Gag?
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Anonymous22: You people are butthurt about futas...shut the fuck up why do you hate them?

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