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TagsIslam, Muhammad, featured_image, religion
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Info640x600 // 131KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: feature!!!
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Anonymous2: wow you are gonna get bombed by so many haji's
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TheMaskedMan: Imposter! Anons fear nothing and no one!

I salute you gentlemen.
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Anonymous3: Whatcha going do about it towel heads?
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Anonymous4: what the fuck is this

fucked in the head much are we now
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Anonymous5: PURE WIN
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Anonymous6: .............
im gonna walk away slowly now :/
and try to unsee
*grabs the hammer*
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Anonymous7: Anon cannot be stopped by dumbass religious extremists.
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Anonymous8: I understand that pigs...are unclean.
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Angel-A: In what way is this porn.
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Rat: It's funny because it's true. :)
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warrior: Anon 10 will have to live with their decision to post their personal info.
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craggle: chances that it's actually their personal info as opposed to some girl who turned them down: 0.001%
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Anonymous10: ^yeah! well-hanged! (so you can give anon 10's mom and sis the gang-rape orgy they deserve!!)
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Anonymous11: I'll be laughing on you bitches mortals when we all muslims in heaven and you suffer in hell
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Since we've been hearing so fucking much about islam in the last few days...featured
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Decanter: Well, at least this should clear up the issue of whether we've all become terrorist sympathizers here at Rule 34.

@warrior: Nah, we have a rule against that now.
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Anonymous12: Вау , надеюсь этот сайт не взломают исламисты
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Anonymous13: @BlueZorua: Hey, we're not mocking Islam here, it's the terrorist fundamentalist extremists who are shitting all over it. That's why they're the minority.
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BlueZorua: @Anonymous: Good point!
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LittleTLK: @Anonymous:
I'm definitely laughing at all of Islam.
Nothing is above comedy.
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Princess_Zelda: Crap, now we're all going to get shot!
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BlueZorua: @Princess_Zelda: If I get shot over laughing at this .. I'll die happy.
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Anonymous14: This is very offensive. Could you please remove it?
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JWN926: @Anonymous: GTFO
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Anonymous15: People are idiots. The attacks on that rag whose satire even a five-year old would deem beneath them has nothing to do with attacks on free speech or religious blasphemy. It happened because, France. Nobody likes the French. They're self-righteous, pretentious douchebags that act condescendingly towards anyone and anything. I condone any and all acts of violence towards the French. The only good Frenchman is a dead one.

...And those Daft Punk guys! But they're extraterrestrial robots, so they don't really count.
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Decanter: @Anonymous: Your request is offensive. And denied!
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Anonymous16: imagine that sexy ass getting fucked by isis

that will be super swell-o
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Feathery_Duck: What the... I don't even... (O_o)

This is very offensive. Could you please feature it?

France are douchebags? One word, jingoists: Lafayette. :-P
Hell to the King, baby.

First off, it's not "towelheads". Towels are used for cleanliness.

This IS a caricature of Muhammad. It actually reads "Muhammad, a dog son of a dog".
Or is that a pig? A hog? A dig? A pog? A dhog? A ...
My poor head...

OK, time for the death threats. I've been eating falafel for two weeks, and I have a lighter, you infidel cuckolds. PALLAHEAL AKBAR!
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Feathery_Duck: What do you mean, "it's a DEAD threat"?
Man, you commit ONE tiny derp suicide, and everybody's a smart-ass. Yeesh...
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Anonymous17: You sons of bitches just can't drop this shit and move on now can you?
Shame on you guys, shame. You sympathies a bigot who went ahead and decided to piss off a bunch of violent people who held something dear to them and he got killed. Then everyone goes batshit insane and declares Islam worlds most violent religion. Although violence was unnecessary, if this guy is gonna piss these Muslim people who don't take insult, knowing how mad they'd be, he definitely is going to get fucked up the ass by them. If you guys really can't tell the difference between bigotry and hate-speech and freedom of speech, you guys really need to go out more and learn a life lesson. At one time people said it was free speech to go and curse out a black man and call him an attractive and successful African because he was black, and now its appropriate to bash Islam and call Muslims sand attractive and successful Africans and terrorists because they decide to go and worship they're religion. We need someone to go sort all this shit out, and it better not be Obama. This is becoming some end-times shit right here...
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Thumper: @Anonymous:
..violent people who held something dear to them and he got killed.
so..they're violent murderers.. and somehow this pleases god, (who created them both..)
..because they decide to go and worship they're religion.
worship their religion? so you're saying it's like a reactionary-murder cult? I guess these 'worship-fests' will keep happening until all opposition is subdued, huh?
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Anonymous18: ok im American, im catholic, and I love this site but three things why this doesn't belong here:
1. its not porn
2. its offensive so I have no idea how it got featured
3. it is not porn
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sieghart005: @Anonymous: counts as scat? also offensive? welcome to the internet
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xGimpyx: Let's see those pricks bomb the internet!
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Anonymous19: musulmanes de mierda, nos burlamos de ustedes y ahora que haran? estallar el internet XD
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Anonymous20(19): si jaja musulmanes de mierda, nos burlamos de ustedes y ahora que haran? estallar el internet XD
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Anonymous21: So Charlie Hebdo became hentai
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Anonymous22: (فداك يا رسول رسول الله)
(Go to hell . America)
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Anonymous23: >defending mudslimes
>being a mudslime
>being a mudslime and think you have value
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Anonymous24: @anonymous23
OOOOOOO y'all just got told
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DARQ: I raise my pen to you sir, for our FREEDOM!!!
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tomidomino: Sigh...What is wrong with modern society, it went from being the future of mankind to just a bunch of rude mentally challenged children...What a waste.

How is this porn? This is hate propaganda not porn. Scat is not considered porn, unless if it's sexualized this is not sexual at all.

Anon: B-but this is comedy.
But it's not a pornographic comedy.

This is against the rules.
<img src="">

Translation for the uncivilized: Ooah! ooah! *pounds chest*
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tomidomino: @tomidomino: I'm never going get that image code right... Oh well.
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JWN926: @tomidomino: Visible anus is within the rules. Now shut it.
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Enkidu: @tomidomino: By site rules visible anus qualifies as porn. Plenty of people fap to dog butt, you wouldn't know how many.

Mocking Muhammad is not about hate, it's about not letting terrorists have power over us. They can take western lives, but they can't take our freedom. (and if we let them, then society is going down a bad path where violence is the path to controlling your enemies)
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Enkidu: @Enkidu: Also, there's so much overly PC bullshit going on these days, people who find this so terribly offensive need to learn to chill, it's just people having a bit of fun. A picture is nothing to cry about, seriously
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Senator_Palpatine: @Enkidu: The arsehole turds who found this offensive where the same arsehole turds who were defending the previous shit. Thats PC vermin for you (and muslims - an insult to humanity)
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Senator_Palpatine: I actually wouldn't have been happy with this previous to the last pic. I don't like insults to anothers religion. But these fanatics do NOTHING BUT @tomidomino: People like this.....Where was your ranting on the previous pic you repugnant hypocrite ?
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flamer180: @Anonymous: it is freedom of speech, thats the whole meaning of freedom of speech, to say ANYTHING you want

thats the whole point lol
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flamer180: @sieghart005: i agree, welcome to the internet anon 19, where anything goes
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flamer180: @xGimpyx: lol irk, they'll have to bomb china then lol, cause i believe the servers are held there
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flamer180: @tomidomino: porn is porn, its anyones perspective on what porn is

so therefore, this picture is porn
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flamer180: @Enkidu: I agree, violent extremist should be put in their place, they're no good for this world
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Anonymous25: Pope Francis frowns upon this post.
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flamer180: @Senator_Palpatine: muslims arent an insult to humanity, i know a couple muslims girls, and they're great people :), but muslim extremist are different story
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flamer180: @Senator_Palpatine: people are gonna cast insults all day long to EVERY religion, you just gotta learn to ignore it, ive had so many athiest try to spout their bullshi* on me, it just gets irritating after a while lol
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Anonymous26: oh GOD here come the retarded "patriots" who love this shit and think it's somehow their way of "fighting" terrorism.

you fuckers want to fight terrorism? join the fucking military instead of being some pissbaby shits screaming like mongoloids praising this shit because you think it does anything.
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PinkBallons: @flamer180: You don't need a new comment for each reply; it takes up more space and you aren't interesting enough to warrant that.
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Anonymous27: Jews cosplaying Muslim terrorists cosplaying Christians.
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finne32: Great drawing. Thank you for featuring this now. We should more than ever be able to make fun of everything we want no matter how loud the extremists yell. Muhemmed no exception.
Freedom of speech motherfuckers!!
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Anonymous28: FUCK! Now the Muslim-Boogiemen are going to DESTROY THE WHOLE WORLD!
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Anonymous29: Delicious mudslime tears
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Anonymous30: On the one hand I see nothing particularly amusing or appealing about this picture and I see plenty wrong with making an active effort to offend an entire religion.

On the other hand, even though the extremists represent a small minority of any given religion, they should have seen this coming when they killed all those cartoonists. I consider this karmic retribution. If their God doesn't like it may he bring vengeance upon me himself, although I am more inclined to believe that any God would be more upset with "followers" who kill in his (or her) name.
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TaMere: There is a funny paradox. Thanks to the liberty of speech you can insult prophets and gods and piss off millions of people. But if you draw loli porn, which hurts nobody, people call you a criminal pedophile, your pictures get deleted, and if you live in Europe or Australia you may even be jailed just for that... How can people be at same time for liberty of speech and against it ?

( I so agree with you anon30, gods and believers should be more offended by terrorism than by the moquing of non-believers. )
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @flamer180: Any atheist "bullshit" is in reaction to religious bullshit. You won't find us trying to control other people's lives, such as restricting birth control or prohibiting same-sex marriage or going door-to-door to peddle our shit. If it wasn't for crap like that, why would we give a fuck about religion at all, other than finding it comical?
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Heckenritter: I would like to see a sexy rule 63 Muhammad being fucked by Jesus.
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Anonymous31: Long time lurker, gonna pop my comment cherry on this one...

*slow clap*

SMH ITT Why Kids Shouldn't Vote. Freedom of speech/expression =! Freedom from consequence. While you maintain the right to offend, under those same conditions, you give up your right to be protected by the state you often times speak out against. Laws are like Gravity, Freedom is like weightlessness, even on cruise control you have to steer. Let this be a reminder to all you trolls, do some fucking research before you make a funny, many people lives shouldn't be at stake because of your shit tier sense of humor, and if your shit tier taste in a first world pasttime is more important than the lives of those who were targeted by a mentally unstable individual who 'didn't get the punchline', or more justified than people's freedom to follow whatever religion they want, you might be privileged.

Please, I know some of you are very upset about the one individual's reaction to that one shithead comic's joke, as a lover of comedy I can sympathize with you entirely, but if you're this deep down the rabbit hole, I'm sure you know what a false flag is, but do you know what blowback is?

I'm willing to bet any amount of money, those French Fascists that were all over the news a couple years ago paid off some patsy who was able to play the part of "just another towelhead", but no, one dark skinned commits a heinous act against white people, suddenly whatever religion he claims, is invalid, yet, let a disgruntled white or asian middle class, anti-social nerd go on a rampage of the same exact degree, or even worse, and you internet "justice trolls" hail them as memorable examples of upstanding Eurasian males, while on the surface, every other white person is playing the role of "Well, that ONE white/asian person's actions do not represents the acts of the whole".

Quit being hypocrites, I love this site, but I'm going to stand in solidarity with our Muslime userbase, complete strangers I've never met, but have shared the passionate passtime of jacking it to drawn lines and curves, with. Not because I believe what that ONE GUY did to those people was right, but because I think it is always ignorant and ultimately self-destructive to fall for media bullshit when it caters to your agenda, in this case, the racist-semi-internet-troll proxy-state fascist utopia innawoods.

Fucking lost my boner because of this thread, if you're an edgy "adult" atheist, and you claim we don't give a fuck about religion, then why would you even acknowledge it, why would islam have anything to do with the fact that Human beings are capable of sick, twisted, and evil things, just look at some of the fetishes the "well-adjusted" engage in behind closed doors, afraid of what everyone would think of them if they only knew how hard raping and garroting prostitutes made them.

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Jaximus37: for who made this picture and people who ls laugthing at it i hope all of u burn in hell fuckers
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Calvar: lol @ those getting buthurt on a rule34 site...
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Nuxersopus: The whole purpose of this picture is to make people mad. Why are you falling for it?
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Anonymous32: Ah, I was waiting until some satirical xxx image would feature on this website. It just takes a couple of features until someone posts a hilarious image concerning what goes on in the public media. Such as Muslim extremist, Obama, Ebola, etc.
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CrotchboobAddict: uh-oh.. soon we will have Je suis Paheal, or whatever does hipsters typed on twitter after they shot up the commie papers.

still, fuck all muslims.
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AnonV3: Butthurt butts on butthurt central.

Fuck you admins! I can't troll this, it trolls itself!
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Zvantastika: I'm offensive and I find this islamic... but really, last feature "is offensive because pro islam", this feature "is offensive because anti islam". Fuck people, really.
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tomidomino: @Senator_Palpatine: Hypocrite...Do you think I nest 24/7 on Paheal? also you have just met me for the first time so you're just talking out the side of your neck.

It's ok though, I'm not mad. I was never mad in the first place.

@Enkidu: But seriously who is gonna fap to this when there is way better images to fap to? They must be either desperate or depraved, I shutter at the thought of it.
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Gallows187: i don't give a shit about ANYTHING you people said about religion or freedom. THIS FUCKING SHIT IS NOT PORN ....
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Gallows187: 98 other shots of Muhammad on the page, you can't even claim it's one of the random other rules y'all make up to post non porn. Not only should it not be featured, it shouldn't even be here. Not because it's Muhammad shitting on a book that has no more or less value to me than any other book, but because this is a porn site. Stop thinking you're more than what you are....
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Anonymous33: Stop featureing shit like this and forceing me to see it, well, there goes my sex drive, bye bye sex drive.. *waves goodbye to sex drive as it flys out the window and off to heaven*
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Farfegnugen: @Gallows187: Not porn? Then you should report it.
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Farfegnugen: Holy shit, you did. Damn, what a retard.
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JWN926: @Farfegnugen: Tell an idiot to do something, and they'll most likely do it...
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Gallows187: @Farfengugen, feel free to look up. I reported it before I made my comment.
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Gallows187: Yes, clearly I'm both an idiot and a retard because I don't jerk off to pictures of dogs pooping on books. You two win the Internet.
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JWN926: @Gallows187: You're the one who can't be bothered to read the site rules and see what is allowed and what isn't. Have fun crying in the rain.
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Farfegnugen: @Gallows187: You don't understand this site very well.
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Gallows187: It's January. You could have at least assumed I was crying in the snow. You and your boyfriend sure do seem to be running things around here, though. Good job.
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Gallows187: Neither of you seem to understand the site very well. You seem to pretty much only post naked pictures of cartoon women. Not a single mythical figure pooping on a book by either of you. Didn't you know that's what this site is for? Back out in the rain with both of you until you learn.
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JWN926: @Gallows187: Again, read the rules. And you might want to study up on common sayings.
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Gallows187: Because you know a saying is common when people have to research it.
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Anonymous34: I would have preferred a rule 63 Muhammad humping the book, but a scat is fine too.
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ElAdministrador: Allahu Akscat.
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Anonymous35: Guess, that people get some sort of satisfaction from provokating muslims, and even more satisfaction (sexual satisfaction?) when extremist muslims commit massacres because stuff such as this...

Everyone have their fetishes, i guess....
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Seriously? You blame the cartoonists for the insane reactions, the killing of innocent people? Anyone who is that rabid, and cares so little for the lives of others (not at all, really), is going to be killing people anyway. They don't even deserve to be called "human".

Oh wait, they are already doing that on a hourly basis. All that ever changes is WHO they kill. Based on a whim. No actual reason.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Gallows187: The fact that some people don't know it doesn't mean that it isn't common.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Also, reporting a featured image is an exercise in futility. Do you really think we are going to delete it because you are pissing and moaning about it?

Image report is for RULE VIOLATIONS ONLY. Using it for opinions is report abuse, a bannable offense. Keep it in comments.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: And the people who keep repeating "not porn" seem to have problems with anus recognition or are oblivious to the rules.

site rule 8. If there are under 60 images of "real" porn of a character, then "soft" porn is allowed until there is enough "real" porn. By "soft", I mean ecchi, topless men, lots of cleavage, sex juices, fetish wear, bulges, camel toe, bare ass, and generally less explicit erotica. Otherwise, visible penetration of orifices (except dildos or other inorganic penetrating mouth) or visible genitals, anuses, or female nipples is required.

This pic is not rule 8, so the otherwise clause applies.
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Farfegnugen: Protip: If the image of truth offends you, click on the text box "Featured Image" and it'll go away.
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Anonymous36: Wow.

THAT many people asspained because their precious "minority" religion (second largest in the world lol) is getting ripped on.

Cuz they clearly must need defended while France and an increasing amount of the rest of Europe is a sea of burkas and the entire west is infected with this many sympathizers.

Please be trolling. Please don't actually be arrested city teenagers who haven't outgrown shit like multiculturalism. Please be trolling.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: The next person who reports this image gets a ban.
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Anonymous37: The only way this image could be any better would be if Muhammed piss be upon Him) was a pig rather than dog.

Because, y'know, Mooslems and Joows are afraid of pigs for some reason.
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Santtu: Really you are just insulting an entire population's beliefs because of something only two people did.
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Anonymous38: why not a pig?
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ColdFusion: Anyone else find it funny that this site is in much more danger from people like Chris Hansen than from islamic terrorists?
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Anonymous39: Muhammed Kalb ibn kalb translates to Muhammed dog son of a dog.

Basically it's calling the Muhammed dog a son of a bitch.
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flamer180: @Anonymous: joining the military actually wont help this country, you'll just be a tool for the corrupt government to command you around like a puppet lol
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flamer180: @PinkBallons: actually i AM interesting enough to warrant this, says many other people besides your ass (who may actually be the boring one) who knows, but then again its not always about being interesting lol, maybe your just a spoiled person always used to getting the entertained you think you need lol, sounds like you live in america haha
typical average american

i dont look at everyones comments at once lol, i prefer to do it my own way, so suck it
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flamer180: @PinkBallons: let me put it to ya this way, if IM not interesting to you, i dont know what the hell is
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flamer180: @TaMere: i also agree with anon30, and i also agree with you tamere

loli is just a fking picture, people shouldnt get sooooo offended over a fking picture ffs, oh but when you draw someone nude, that isnt pornography, its art, which is also some bullshit, cause you know theres probaley some people in that art class wishing they could jack off to that person
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flamer180: @jubilation_t_cornpone: of course your an athiest, of course lol the most people who usually respond to me are athiest lol usually always interesting too

you know you just sound like an idiot right? and yes that IS personal, because how are you just gonna put words into the mouth of EVERY athiest. Your just a fool for doing that lol

actually you will find some athiest trying to control peoples lives, its just you havent explored the world long enough to find that out yet lol

you find religion comical because apparently you dont care whether your soul burns in hell or not
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flamer180: @flamer180: even some athiest by the way, would agree with me and say your a fool
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flamer180: @Anonymous: honey pot of a site? what the hell is that even supposed to mean? lol

its still freedom of speech fool, if those terrorist want to get mad because of a joke lol then let them
and if you kill, let them, freedom is good, but if they kill then they'll most likely go to hell, their just desserts

and btw the terrorist are asking to burn in hell, just let them lol
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flamer180: this is porn, deal with it for the people who cant lol
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Decanter: @flamer180: Most atheists would probably care plenty about their soul burning in hell if they thought it had a chance of actually happening. You will find that most simply think claims of hell's existence don't have any evidence to show for it. Many are dubious about the idea of souls.

@Anonymous: "freedom of speech not freedom from consequences" is usually a way of saying "say what you want, but we reserve the right to kill, imprison, or otherwise punish you for it", which is basically the definition of not having freedom of speech.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @flamer180: Irony: you say I sound like an idiot, then you use "your" instead of "you're" several times in the same comment? LOL

Provide an example of an atheist trying to control other people's lives. I'm not talking about trying to talk them out of their silliness; I mean passing legislation that actually restricts their behavior. For instance, preventing gay people from getting married or closing abortion clinics.

Of course I think religion is comical and you reinforce that by talking about hell, one of the most ridiculous concepts ever created. Like "satan".

Why would I worry about my "soul", when there's no indication that such a thing even exists? It's just something people fabricated to delude themselves into thinking they will cheat death. If you think otherwise, provide evidence of it.
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Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone:All covets which are as valid as any human generates with such limited information, as well as being someone who only has 3rd hand information. All ideas said here, are only thr result of someone else else's idea, which require belief to operate.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: Some ideas can be demonstrated. For instance, the workings of the internal combustion engine. No belief is required. You get in the car and it moves down the road, without being pulled by a horse. No need for someone to tell you.
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Anonymous40: @Decanter if you're free to do/speak whatever you want, then people have the freedom to do/speak whatever they want to you. Simple. If you're free to shoot people, then others can do the same to you.

The modern world especially those on the Internet tend to get apeshit when people call out on their actions because most of them weren't ready to face the consequences of their actions.

And this is why Islam forbids the drawing of their Prophet; to prevent these kinds of things from happening. See what happen to Jesus? He got used in various medias and not in a good way. What the terrorists did was wrong, but so is Charlie Hebdo. Charlie Hebdo's rendition of Islam's Prophet would send a message to future generation that it is okay to draw the Prophet in a bad way.

I understand what Charlie Hebdo's motive that they want to make a joke out of everything that's serious. But not everything can be made into a joke. You joke about death and soon, everyone would see death as a funny thing and it would lose its meaning.
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Alopex: How is this porn in any concievable way?
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Starbourne: @Anonymous:
As much as I want to avoid partaking in this shitty comment section so I can avoid to be apart of a dead-brained "discussion" and be categorized as stupid as others who bitch and moan in any comment section, there are times I can't resist.

So, what part of "say what you want, but we reserve the right to kill, imprison, or otherwise punish you for it" did you not understand?
If I call you a piece of shit, it DOES NOT give you the right to commit physical harm upon anyone. Sure, we can argue whether or not my coarse language was justified or in context, but it still does not waver your fucking right to take someone's live away.

Here's another example: If call two blacks an attractive and successful African, one gets offended and the other doesn't, who deserves more respect? With the advent and popularity of the Internet, I can easily call blacks far more offensive names than that. After all, there is that old saying that EVERYONE pisses on nowadays, [b}always looking for a excuse to be offended[/b]: [i]"Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

TL:DR - Just because you are personally offended, DOES NOT give you the right to personally attack others for it.
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Starbourne: @Starbourne:
Correction: always looking for an excuse to be offended: "Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: "I understand what Charlie Hebdo's motive that they want to make a joke out of everything that's serious. But not everything can be made into a joke. You joke about death and soon, everyone would see death as a funny thing and it would lose its meaning."

There are lots of things that make fun of death. For instance, the movies "The Wrong Box" and "Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma's Hung You In the Closet and I'm Feeling So Sad".

In the latter movie, a woman has her husband stuffed after he dies and hauls him around with her wherever she goes. She has his coffin on a trailer that she toes behind her car. When she arrives at her destination she hangs him in the closet.

Last I heard, people still consider death a tragedy and it still has meaning, even if they have seen those movies.
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Schoko: Holy shit. Is that a dog???
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Alopex: The only "concievable way" that matters would be the rules of the site. How many times to we have to repeat that said rules allow visible asshole as porn?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Duh, tows behind her car.
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Anonymous41(40): @Starbourne of course it doesn't give people the right to kill, but that doesn't mean that they won't or can't to dish out their perceived 'justice'. You call blacks attractive and successful African and you think that they won't retaliate in any way they deem fit even if it is against the law?

And in these day and age, words can hurt more than actions. Your quote might apply to you but not others. You might be immune to cyber bullying and what not, but others are not. What Charlie Hebdo did would leave an impact to the world and not necessarily in a good way, this image we're talking about is an example.

I'm not saying that the terrorists are justified, but I'm not gonna say Je suis Charlie as well.

@jubilation_t_cornpone the subject of death was just an example. And those are movies where people know how to disconnect/differentiate from reality. It is a different thing if you see it happen in front of you. If someone cracks a bad joke about the death of someone you hold dear, you would react differently.
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Anonymous42: I came buckets, and those buckets hurt my pee pee.
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Gallows187: in honor of free speech, let's ban anyone who doesn't agree with us.
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Starbourne: @Anonymous:
"And in these day and age, words can hurt more than actions."
My counterargument to that is, this current generation has became significantly more superficial compared to others. We care about shit that either doesn't immediately or directly affect us as normal functioning human beings of society. That's the key thing here. If someone insults of own mother, someone who gave me life, sure I would be pissed off, but I have the better sense of judgement not to go so far out of my way to commit a far more heinous crime.

"What Charlie Hebdo did would leave an impact to the world and not necessarily in a good way."
That is not a good counterargument because it is ambiguous, or at least the latter part of that sentence. You focus too much on Hebdo but not the retaliation that followed. That is where your counterargument can also be appiled.
Sure you are right, REGARDLESS, of what side we choose, it left an impact in a "not good way". Then again, if we sit on our hands and NOT do anything to prevent such atrocities in the future, then the world knows that they can get away with similar events such as this one. Which is also not a good thing.

There is also another quote floating about as well, by Voltaire "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

On a side note, I appreciate your arguments (even though I disagree with what you say) don't involve direct insults, finger pointing, or name calling.
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CloneShepard: İnb4 ButtHurt Muslims.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: "If someone cracks a bad joke about the death of someone you hold dear, you would react differently."

The people I hold dear can be proven to exist. I have had direct contact with them. The person they hold dear may not have even existed. All they have are stories about such a person. And words he is claimed to have said.

It's like killing because someone insulted Shakespeare. It isn't our fault they get so obsessively wrapped up in this shit.

The people I hold dear have never been the cause of bloodshed throughout a large section of the world, for many centuries.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: And that goes for jesus too. There's been plenty of killing in his name as well. Crusades, anyone? There's no evidence he existed either. Stories again.
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MrAnon: This STILL isn't rule 34. No actual sex is happening. This feature is proof the mods here don't even listen to their own rules.

Now may all the bigots continue with hate / snickering. Good day all.
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JWN926: @MrAnon: ...I like how you try to make it seem like you're the one that decides what counts as R34 around here.
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Anonymous43: That is not nice at all. Makin gfun of ANY religion is not nice. The religion is not that thing, that is bad, it's the humans! Humans abuse the religion in their word, like ISIS but it's also unethical to make fun of religions. But since this page is running by western people you don't give a fuck. I mean you ignorant people make fun of your own religion the whole time. But it's not nice at all. I'll tell you that!
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RustyTrombone: Here comes the airplane into the R34 serverfarm.
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janonymous1515: I demand that muhamad pics be the only features from here on out until the majority of Muslims stop being oversensitive angry 8 year olds
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Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: You aren't born with that knowledge in your head and it has to be taught, as well there's other methods for producing the same thing. There's more than one way to build an engine, that doesn't mean one is right or wrong.
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Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: @Starbourne:

What you both fail to understand is trying to see the world or experience something through the eyes of another other than your own. Both of you have really localized arguments which favor your world. I think that's the problem with all of this. The simple excuse "I'm not offended/bothered by this" (So no one else should be, or I don't understand how they can be).
The fact that you're taking time to comment and reply, because something is obliviously rousing within you causing you to comment says something at least. I'm sure either of you can be pushed further to do more.
Again, not everyone experiences the world the same way you do or thinks about things the same (which they shouldn't).
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Thumper: I would like to forward the theory that islam is not a religion as much as a way of government. a predominantly racially-based government masquerading as a religion in order to infiltrate and out-populate the lands of other races they could never hope to conquer head-on. (islam is a government in the proven element of 'one man, one vote, one time'. even when a democracy is established, the citizens of islam set up the only government they'll serve, a theocracy.) and, true to their bedouin roots, this has become a 'floating' government, with outposts of self-determination, 'no-go zones' sharia law and so on, cropping up wherever they settle/colonize..
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Anonymous44: loli gets posted nobody cares
futa gets posted nobody cares
beast gets posted nobody cares
scat gets posted nobody cares
necro gets posted nobody cares
insult to islam gets posted everybody and their mothers lose their shit

b-but a few extremist ruin the entire batch
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Anonymous45: I expected maybe one or two more images on this picture
But this has become a controversy now, which I will never understand why. I find this hilarious that the Islams are complaining about a picture showing one of their terrorist(?) members shitting on their Quran, which is basically saying this terrorist hates Islamic religion and is disrespecting it in every way, in my point of view (My. View.) this should be used as propaganda to enrage the Islams to counter the terrorist acts.

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Sintime: @Anonymous: There's always people complaining on any one of those posts, at any given time.
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Anonymous46: @Alopex: Why didn't you complain at the previous one you hypocrite ? The uslims have shown what evil turds they are - gloating at the previous disgusting pic, now ranting about their evil religion and evil murdering "brothers" being lampooned
Shows what parasitic vermin for you all ARE (And your cock sucking gay/lesbian bastard lapdogs even more so)@Anonymous: And "Thumper" (for it is you) it's NOT a "tiny minority" of the bastards. Its not even a minority involved in extremism, bigotry and support for the inexcusable. Stop conning yourself
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Anonymous47: Muslim terrorists make a mockery of Islam more than any drawing ever could...
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Selene: Shouldn't a Martin Luther King Jr. image be featured?
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JWN926: @Selene: ...Maybe when its actually the day of...
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CreamyThang_: @Selene: No.
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Anonymous48: I came buckets, and it hurt my pee pee.
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Anonymous49: If the comment section is any indication of atheism, thanks but no thanks.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Atheism is lack of belief in gods. Nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't imply anything else.
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Anonymous50: @Anonymous: All the porn is NSFW, but not all the NSFW is porn. Don`t mix them up.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: LOL at the votes on this pic. You guys can't see the actual votes, but there are ten times as many as the score would indicate. The positive and negative are mostly cancelling each other out. Even funnier, Ad0lf_Hitler voted it down. I guess if it had been mocking jews, he would have been for it.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: I don't have the knowledge of HOW the internal combustion engine works without teaching, but I can tell THAT it works by simple observation.

Either way, it's based on more than ancient dickheads saying shit.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: People often complain about futa and the like, but no one ever REPORTS it. That's happened on this pic four or five times, to the point I had to threaten a ban on the next one.
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Anonymous51: Protip for all ya religious folk out there:
If there is an afterlife/god, and he is anything what christianity/islam tell us he is, then you are all all ready damned beyond all hope. Even Jesus wouldn't forgive you for the stuff you fap here.
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Anonymous52: Fuck muslims, they're useless.
Their fucking religion is too cruel and stupid.
"Oh you drew our allah and we didn't like it? well fuck you cunt and die".
Muslims are stupid.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Selene: We're running out of pics to use for MLK. We've already featured all the good ones. Somebody needs to draw more.
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Gallows187: you mean this post ISN'T MLK? Cuz I had a dream, and it was pretty much this...
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Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: and what if I cannot observe, what if I cannot understand? Then none of that applies.
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Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornponeI've seen reports of every kind on pics and peoole complaining in the comments, a certain Fandom suddenly comes to mind ...
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Anonymous53: Believe me, you americans are all fuck up everyday now... Prepare to die????
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Anonymous54: @Anonymous: Go back to lurking. :3
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Anonymous55: JE SUIS CHARLIE!!!!!!
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Anonymous56: C'mon, some people did the same for Jesus Christ and there wasn't any flame wars.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: Duh, as a user, YOU DON'T KNOW THE REASON for reports. On pics where you think someone is reporting to complain about the content, it could be a DUPE report, having nothing to do with the content.

I already said there was pissing and moaning in the comments. I said no one ever reports futa and the like.

LOL at referencing the Certain Fandom, since inflaming them was your INTENT. YOU were responsible for all the complaining in the comments. On purpose. So you should actually be too embarrassed to bring it up. But of course you aren't.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: What in the fuck does "cannot observe", "cannot understand" have to do with futa reports? Did you reply to the wrong comment?

Yes, many people do not observe the rules and can't seem to understand them.
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Anonymous57: There should be a public Moo-ham-mad drawing fest in Texas so we can just shoot anyone who comes to stop us from drawing the prophet.
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Decanter: @Selene: We don't really know what to feature. Nothing left for MLK himself, and no one admin has the time to go through all the site's images of black people. I believe last year we did a lactation pun feature for MILK day, which we could also do again I suppose.
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Anonymous58: bunu yapan orospu çocuğunun 7 ceddini sikiyim
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: I linked to the comment of mine that I think you were replying to.

If you cannot observe and cannot understand, then DON'T MAKE UP SHIT, pulling it out of your ass, as those who created religions did.

The ancients had an excuse for their ignorance about the true nature of the universe. Today we HAVE explanations for many things, so it's a mystery why religion has persisted into modern times. I guess people are so afraid of death that they will grasp at anything that makes them think they will "cheat" it.

These jihad fuckers wouldn't be so willing to die if they didn't think they had their never-never land afterlife waiting for them. Then you have the christians with a hardon for armageddon, for the same reason.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: They basically WANT the world to self-detonate, to get to the never-never land quicker.
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sharpys: The day Paheal is in decline is the day it began to feature politics seriously. Seriously, it lacks clever offensiveness & finesse in what it tries to convey. Here we see it plain as day: Islam is shit because by extension it's spouted bullshit; You can't get any further than that and leaves very little to the imagination. You also can't do a whole lotta shit with that message because the result is just too narrow-minded. This merely slides Paheal to be in line with the French right wingers and this irks me due to the fact that now we've become nothing more than the extended propaganda of an already growing French conservative landslide.

We're neutral to everything ffs! We don't give a shit of the outcomes, we PORNIFY them! That is Paheal. This faggotry here, it's borderline but it ain't close to being classified as porn. Maybe you edit in a pair of balls in then MAYBE it could be considered, but this shit here: it's sappy, sloppy shit and I've seen MSPaint art that qualifies tiers higher than this.

What should've been done with this concept was have it taking a dump on the editors of Charlie Hebdo (God rest their souls) akin to a sexualized brown shower. Scat is not my thing but I am merely presenting an alternate solution to a shitty feature for an already shitty event for France & Muslims both.

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Farfegnugen: @Decanter: You know, you could just skip it this year and do another Muhammad image. People are really loving it.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @sharpys: We don't draw the pics, ya know. We feature what we can find. Why didn't YOU edit the pic to add balls and upload it? Then we could have avoided all this "but it isn't porn" drivel.
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Decanter: @sharpys: Did you miss the previous featured image or something?
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Anonymous59: Yeah, you keep telling yourself that when your imagining the 72 virgins bullshit....PMSL
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Anonymous60: @sharpys: You got some kind of valid points here and then, but this isn't a political feature, it's a provocational religious feature as a result of previous feature, nothing more. You don't have to like the image, i don't like it, but here it is as lots of other shit like in my opinion is whole my little pony collection, should we delete it? LOL
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Thumper: @Anonymous: it wasn't me, I don't go anon anymore. I've gone anon like 3 times since the 'captcha' thing was applied here. and none of those in the past 6-8 weeks anyhow..
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Thumper: @Anonymous: yah, you're fucked in de head mon. it's amazing what can be forgiven sin-wise. there's literally like 1-2 things that are auto-damning.
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Thumper: -so anon 31 was sharpys all along? hmm..
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Thumper: The whole point of christianity is to sin all the fuck you want, then buy your way out of it by "accepting christ".

The comical thing is: they're always yammering about the US being a "christian nation" and forcing bullshit like "under god" on everyone.

If that's true, why don't we use the same system of justice that goddy-poo does? Commit all the crime you want, then tell the police you believe in them and it will all be dismissed. Then commit more crimes.
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Anonymous61: crap there gunna nuke our imagination...
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: If we allowed that, the site would be empty. Literally every pic on the site has someone who doesn't like it.
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Anonymous62: CMON BRUH...I'm trying to beat my meat but this satire is killing it. Like I lost my bonner cause of this bs..IT'S NOT EVEN PORN! Like can a dude bust a nut without seeing this political/media influenced/cartoon? I came here to view porn not hateful crap against other people. Put something sexy up there not this shit, like can a dude jack off without seeing this pop up everytimr I search something. ADMINS TSKE THIS CRAP DOWN!
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mantinziza: fucking butthurt central, holyshit...... I dont give a fuck one way or the other.....

argue with your brick walls, im gonna laugh at the comments that are funny because thats the only time worth reading here, holy shit..... never seen so much butthurt this is the fucking internet people..... none of these comments are gonna change a damn THING
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ColdFusion: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Now I'm imagining some kind of alternate history where nazis team up with jihadists against israel and the US. Glorious.
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Anonymous63: This is the most controversial feature yet.
Don't be surprised if it gets taken down soon...
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Rocketmann: A whole site full of perverted images of cartoon characters, including some underaged, and nobody bats an eye.
One picture insulting a figure in Islam, and everybody loses their minds.
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Thumper: @jubilation_t_cornpone: now, you've been listening to the poorly educated. fun fact: going to whores is o.k., having as many wives and kids as you want is o.k. as long as you can afford them. if somebody murders a member of your family, it's o.k. for you to hunt them down and kill them. -a few off the top of my head. the point is, most of the misconceptions about christianity is caused by pastors/reverends/priests sugar coating the scripts so as to keep the 'pass-the-plate' money coming; the little old ladies living on cat food don't really need that medicine too, now do they? and they might not come back, all this talk of going to whores, and killing..
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YotsubaGroup: Look at all the scumbad Muslims in the comments section bitch about how this offends them. Lel.

No one gives a fuck about you dirty rats, you kill people over a comic strip and for that you all deserve to removed from the face of the Earth.
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Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: You can quite literally and often SEE in the comment section the complaints and the person REPORTING them, often being the one who reported and commented on the image as the one reporting it. You're making this seem so complicated when it isn't.
On, referencing a certain "fandom" I was simply refuting your point that people often are driven to do things through text and become extreme, regardless of being religious or not, that does not matter. It's just an image right? It's the same thing here, this is only an image and people can get or offended if they choose to.

On "Making up shit" that's exactly what a lot of people doing, and relying on a 5 senses based concept to do so. There's nothing verifying what we know other than ourselves and our flawed understanding of it. Closing your mind off and thinking this way, makes no you different than these "Jihadist" you despise, you both follow a narrow set standard of thinking and demand things be X and not Y.
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Sintime: @Sintime: Oh if you cant observe and understand, then there goes all of the theories that persist today... which require some sort of belief to even develop.
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Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: You certainly haven't carried out or questioned many of these scientific studies which you believe in faith, I guarantee, from the way you are speaking you haven't. You simply believe them to be true through 3rd rate handed down information, which is exactly the way these religions begin, no answering questions, not attempting, not thinking, but following.
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Sintime: The point is, people are NOT as thick skinned and apathetic as they claim, they will casually switch that mode on when they feel they have no connection to the current material presented. They choose to be stirred to some degree, even choosing to remain stagnant is a choice.
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Sintime: @Rocketmann: What? Try looking through images and comments again.
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Anonymous64: Boy do I love images like these. Really rile people up.
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Anonymous66: Meanwhile u can depict women being raped/gangbanged & underage sexual images and nobody says shit, it's praised even...hypocrites.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: If the featured image thumbnail bothers you that much, click on the words "Featured Image" and it will go away.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: What makes you think I believe them? I find them interesting, but it doesn't matter to me whether they are really true or not. They don't affect my life.

Some have physical evidence (which I haven't seen) and some are theoretical.

The difference is that I could participate in the research if I wanted to. (And if I was qualified to do so.)

There is NO WAY to validate religious bullshit. It's just talk, fabricated out of thin air. And always will be.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: The only scientific theories that I "believe" are the ones that drive engineering and result in concrete results that DO affect our lives. Such as the internal combustion engine mentioned earlier. The others are entertainment and I think they COULD be true but I don't claim they are.
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Anonymous67: what the fuck are you muslims doing here? isn't porn forbidden by your religion? fucking hypocrites
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renega: you are terrorist, not we are! (we = muslims)
this picture is evidence too
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Anonymous68(67): @Thumper: do you realize that christians have stopped following the literal meaning of the Bible since Galileo? the Bible says it's ok to fuck prostitutes? the pope says it's not and it's not. same for killing and many other things.
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Gallows187: The Pope is about as Christian as I am.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: It's impossible to follow the literal meaning of the bible because of the huge number of contradictions.

Especially those between the old and new testaments. Y'know, because goddy-poo changed his mind about that shit in between. The "creator of the universe" couldn't decide what he wanted to do with mankind, like a woman trying to decide on which dress to wear.

I find the "chosen people" shit in the old testament to be hilarious. It's ludicrous enough that the creator of the universe is obsessed about man (and his sex life) at all, but to have a hardon for a particular group of people?

Which is more likely? That he had a Chosen People, or that the writers of the old testament created the god who "chose" them?
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Alopex: @Anonymous: I don't know, maybe because I didn't SEE the previous one? Smartass.
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Anonymous69: Get out you're robes today! & burn some crosses in the park 卐 kigy
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Anonymous70: @Farfegnugen: yup...:D ;) >70 (thumbs up)
that's right.
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Anonymous71: I came buckets, they hurt my pee pee
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Two people banned for reporting the image again.
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Anonymous72: could somebody explain me how put image in comments, and put the text in bold or italic way ?
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BlueZorua: @Dahlshita: Sure! All you do is copy the direct link from photobucket, and then type in [img] paste your image and then [/img] at the end.
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finne32: Either it's all ok to poke fun at, or none of it is.
I want more muhemmed picture featured because why not.
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Zvantastika: @Alopex: Here you go then: >>1514615

Yey, 2 bans so far, I bet my pants there's going to be other 2 by the end of the week.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Giant inline image deleted. See the rule about page-stretching comments.
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Anonymous73: Lol, all i have to say to Muslims raging about this picture is: *psst* your on a porn site-- Hypocrites. You can visit a porn page yet claim moral righteousness and at the same time murder, rape and blow up innocents that do not believe what you do and its OK .. wat?
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Flashlight237: As far as I can tell, this is pretty much an accurate representation of what the terrorists do to the Muslim name.
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Mr-H: user image
We all know we have this same face lookin at this.
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Anonymous74: @Anonymous: Well u are the only douchbag here for saying that. And that shows that americans are the only self-rightous, pretencious, ungrateful douchbags. For u every other country could die if america would still live. Yet u forget that if it wasnt for us, the portuguese and the spanish, america would not even exist today, so instead of being a douchbag start thinking about that next time u even try to insult another country.
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Farfegnugen: @Mr-H: I've been making it each time I looked in here, all week long.
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Thumper: @Anonymous: in the book of judges, sampson spent the evening with a whore, then later that night god lent him strength enough to tear the city gates off their hinges and use them to beat his enemies to death. god didn't see fit to condemn him for spending time with a woman. interesting that your 'pope' would find fault with such behavior..
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Thumper: @Anonymous: -again with sampson; when he asked his future father in law for his daughters hand in marriage, her dad set a bride-price to be 50 foreskins from the neighboring enemy philistines. sampson went on a raid through their territory and total brought back 100 foreskins. again, no-one had a problem with this, the death of mortal enemies is a good thing ;) ('thou shalt not kill' is more accurately translated 'thou shalt not murder' ie: lie in wait to kill, as in a scheme or pre-decided/cold-blooded plot to do so.)
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TerraLovesLuka: mfw a bunch of faggots acutally getting "offended" at a picture of a fictional character as a goat taken a dumb. Hey Muslims, just to be clear, I love you, your religion isn't above mockery and neither is your prophet who is fictional. Love this heathen. And also don't whiteknight Islam, Christians and Jews. Fuck why would you but okay.
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Thumper: @BlueZorua: dude, be careful linking pics from photobucket. their allotted bandwidth runs out really quick; and that's it for that account for the month, there.
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pentakiru: bitches aint shit but hoes and pricks
lick on deez nuts and suck a dick
gtfo after ur done and hop onto my ride and make a quick run
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Anonymous76: I could only make it halfway through the comments before dying of laughter.

My favorite part was when this guy showed up and started acting like he knew what he was talking about (or even proper English for that matter). I especially liked this part, where he tries to explain how he is interesting enough to warrant half the posts on this image, all the while punctuating his posts with the word "lol" for emphasis.

Of course, this page wouldn't be the same without all those butthurt moralfags, so I'd like to take a moment to thank them, too. Come on up here and take a bow, Gallows187, tomidomino, you have successfully made yourselves the edgiest namefags on paheal. And, of course, the ever present peanut gallery, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, and

And, of course, this fucking comment is just pure gold.

10/10, would read again.
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BlueZorua: @Thumper: What do you mean? I've had pictures on there since 2011 that still work.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Thumper: The old testament is FULL of nonstop violence, including genocide. The modern-day vermin such as ISIS are fucking amateurs compared to the bloodthirsty monsters portrayed in a book that is claimed to be the source of all morality. Read up on the story of the amalekites. Their "offense" was living on land that the israelites wanted. You know, the land "promised" to them by the god they made up.

1 Samuel 15:3: Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

You know, because babies and fucking farm animals are evil.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: For some reason, the preachers don't dwell on those parts. I wonder why. And I wonder how many christians know about them.
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Anonymous77: Wow lots of comments on this one, people really dont like scat or something?
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Anonymous78: :P
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Franky_Whiskey: Well, fuck me squared and sideways...JT managed to draw a shitstorm bigger than any of my feetchurs. GG bro, GG.
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Anonymous79: What an empty gesture. You feature this to show you support "free speech" but have already banned drawn images based on their content and are likely to expand that ban.
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Zvantastika: @Anonymous: "already banned drawn images based on their content" Soooo, you're pro toddlercon? gtfo
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jubilation_t_cornpone: If you are referring to underage, that is forced on us by external entities, in particular governments who themselves do far worse things and are therefore in no position to judge the behavior of others. Such as Russia.

We do not have total control of the servers; they can be shut down on us.
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EveryoneHereIsPerverted: I See The Missile's Dropping
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Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: The thing that makes me think you believe them is that you say you do, and you're placing you're entire being into those concept(s).

IF the others do not matter because they "don't involve your person" that reeks of isolated mentality, you aren't an island if you didn't know. A lot of these religions and believes do not effect you either, but that doesn't stop you from taking your current stance.

When you say religions(s), you're all encompassing them all, if you do not wish to do so, then change your terminology on it.

What you're saying is entirely based on concepts of the 5 senses and not extending beyond that which is highly fallible. You act as if there's some cap on the Universe that will never change, and that men really know anything at all.

On your engine excuse, again, there's multiple ways to define, create, or supplement an engine with the same result. Which is right and which is wrong? You seem to cling to this singular idea of that.

Much in the same as what you say is just talk, which can't be validated because you're just parroting other created concepts.
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Anonymous80: mudslimes are fucking savages.
better to glass that entire fucking region from space, it's the only way to be sure.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Sintime: Krystal is not a religion. Krystal is not real. Krystal was plain fap fodder in her debuting game. Fock off.
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Anonymous81: @Thumper: Oh hey an actual Fox News watcher.
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Sobana: I wonder if anyone from Islam has started worshiping this picture yet.
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Anonymous82: с огнём играете, ребята.
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Krawczyk: @Gallows187: That just means you're not a furfag.

@jubilation_t_cornpone: And America.
Fuck America in her rancid putrified pussy! Burn that cunt 'Liberty' along with that Stasi whore Merkel!
user image

@Anonymous: Don't forget how they all seem to find looooads of time for smack, whores, and alcohol too!
user image
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: "A lot of these religions and believes do not effect you either"

In that case, I have no need of paying attention to them at all. They can believe what they want, however silly it is. Belief in fairies, bigfoot, alien abductions, atlantis, santa, the healing power of stones, non-invasive religion, whatever. I consider them all equivalent, no different from believing Magilla Gorilla is real.

However, there are plenty who do affect me, or try to. Do you have any idea how many religious fucks, of multiple religions, would ban all porn on earth if they could? Or the entire sex industry? Or unmarried sex in general? Not to mention the assaults on birth control. Those are the ones I am against. I find the others merely comical.

Of course there are things beyond the five senses. Radio waves, ultraviolet, infrared. But we can detect them with instruments and we can manipulate them with other equipment as well. Can you sense the radio waves your smartphone sends and receives to connect to the internet? Bless my soul, there must be something going on to allow you to look at porn on rule34.

Even something as fundamental to modern society as electricity cannot be directly detected with the senses. Unless you grab a live wire under heavy wattage. Then you will briefly sense intense pain before you die.

Regarding engines, you continue belaboring the obvious. Yes, there are different types of engines, because the different types are better at specific tasks. A jet engine is better if you want to go supersonic. Rockets are better in space, due to lack of an atmosphere. An engine is "right" if it performs a specific task better than other types, and "wrong", or at least "not optimal" if it doesn't.

I never made a statement about the internal combustion engine being "right" or "wrong" anyway. I said I can directly verify that it works, i.e. performs the task it was intended to do. I can go from Houston to Dallas because of it.

Honestly, you're just jabbering now. Why don't you admit you're just trolling?
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Anonymous83: it's sad how ignorant people can be. My gf was a Indonesian Muslim, THAT DOSNT MEAN SHE WAS A SUICIDE BOMBER! It's the Muslim extremists that try to blow themselves up. I am an American born Arizonian raised Christian. we got along wonderfully even if we didn't see eye to eye all the time. She died of a brain tumor in 2012 I loved her and she loved me. This experience made me believe in God more bringing me closer to him. Ignorance is all I see from most of you because you don't like what Muslims stand for. All I knew is we both loved one another and believed in God and that was good enough for us. I don't care what your believe in but if you cannot come to accept others you will never survive in this world.
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Anonymous84: Please take this down. This isn't porn, this is just a disgusting image made to offend a tiny number of people who will never see it while being a gross offense to a massive number of people who WILL see it. This is not appropriate for this site, please take it down. Less politics, more porn.
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Anonymous85: @Anonymous: hahah lol no
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YotsubaGroup: You don't see this many people crying on pictures of other religions or even on 9/11 pictures, fucking Muslims really need to take themselves and their shitty religion less seriously.
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Anonymous86(81): @Anonymous:
Jesus fuck, it's one guy.
He was from 1200 years ago.
Also, MUHAMMAD allowed pictures of himself.


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Krysa_Alisa: I honestly hope the artist will get all the crap beaten out of his head. I know a lot of muslims and thet're very nice persons, they don't kill people or plant bombs, so why would you make such an offence about their religion? Btw I like how prophet is depicted as a dirty creature but europeans were the ones that lacked hygene before their cross crusades.
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YotsubaGroup: @Krysa_Alisa: The fact that you wish harm on someone for a drawing a picture is all the proof I need that muslims and muslim apologists are fucking garbage.
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Krysa_Alisa: @YotsubaGroup: some people can get smarter only by harm.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: It's still harm over a fucking PICTURE.
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Krysa_Alisa: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Yes, this picture was created by someone with an IDEA, a terrible idea that needs to be beaten out.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Well, since we are talking about what the world NEEDS: Religion is a terrible idea that needs to be beaten out. If you balance the good that comes out of religion with the suffering and aggravation it causes, how would it come out? It's really astonishing that religion exists in the modern age anyway.

Not that I am proposing that such beating actually should take place.
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Krysa_Alisa: @jubilation_t_cornpone: oh... oh... So you're a fedora atheist? In that case yes, you absolutely know what people should and shouldn't believe, and when you become world president we'll all praise you for being smart and putting an end to religion.
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datnonymous: @Krysa_Alisa:
>I know a lot of muslims and they're very nice people
>They should totally beat this guy who made the picture
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Franky_Whiskey: The Paheal shogunate, trolling sandniggers liek a baws.
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Krysa_Alisa: @datnonymous: you know, being a nice person doesn't mean you should be okay with people insulting you.
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datnonymous: @Krysa_Alisa: Of course, but getting offended by a mere picture to the point of beating isn't what "nice" means. For that we have a word "fucktart".
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Krysa_Alisa: @datnonymous: so an image is less insulting than words? How exactly? What I see is artist saying "I hate islam, it is a terrible religion and prophet was a dirty pig".
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datnonymous: @Krysa_Alisa: I'm not sure what you meant by that. Muslims get offended by everything and anything. Isn't that the point?
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Krysa_Alisa: @datnonymous: they get offended by insults. Don't you too? Or you just suck it up?
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datnonymous: @Krysa_Alisa: Everything's an insult for them. That's the point. And no, I don't go beating and killing people just because they insulted some fucking non-existent god.
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datnonymous: @Krysa_Alisa: Also, if not they themselves are being insulted, but their god, then shouldn't he be the one that gets offended and acts up? Or does he just suck it up?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Krysa_Alisa: They aren't being insulted. Some bozo that maybe lived over a millennium ago is being insulted.
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BlueZorua: @datnonymous: Oooh. user image Krysa getting told.
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Krysa_Alisa: @datnonymous: uh..
How exactly is everything an insult for them? Islam is a big part of their culture, so of course insult to their religion is an insult to them.
Or are you just another science enthusiast who knows better how people should live?
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Krysa_Alisa: @jubilation_t_cornpone: read my last comment
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @datnonymous: Like all gods, he doesn't do much of anything, except in stories thousands of years old.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Krysa_Alisa: That is their fault, not ours. If a large group of people thought Bullwinkle was real, and got offended if people made fun of him, how would that be different?
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Krysa_Alisa: @jubilation_t_cornpone: you're confusing stupidity with something that's been a big part of muslim's live for a very long time.
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Krysa_Alisa: *lives
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BlueZorua: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Psh, I do still believe in the Christian God. Don't have to be quite THAT offensive.
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Krysa_Alisa: @BlueZorua: oh wow, so insulting your god is bad and insulting other people's god is good. Nice.
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BlueZorua: @Krysa_Alisa: Now who's Autistic? I just said that meaning there's no point in comparing any religions god to a cartoon character. Fucking moron.
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Krysa_Alisa: @BlueZorua: allright, you're just butthurt, you can leave.
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BlueZorua: @Krysa_Alisa: What's with you and hurt butts? Did your dad stick his pee pee in your butt when you were young?
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Krysa_Alisa: @BlueZorua: you're copying my comments. Please leave thankyouverymuch.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @BlueZorua: I make no distinction between the two. You didn't answer the question. How is getting upset about insults to an alleged god different from getting upset about insults to any other character you think is real? For the sake of argument, the Bullwinkle people believe just as strongly as you do.
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Krysa_Alisa: @jubilation_t_cornpone: I just said that stupidity (believing that a cartoon character is real) shouldn't be confused with religion that's been a big part of muslims' lives for a very long time.
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BlueZorua: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Hey, you're excused man. At least you got more sense than this Krysa person.
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Krysa_Alisa: @BlueZorua: you're not contributing to this conversarion, leave already.
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BlueZorua: @Krysa_Alisa: Shh. The adults are speaking.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Krysa_Alisa: It's not a contradiction. It's possible for something stupid to be a big part of people's lives for a very long time. For instance, racism and sexism.
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BlueZorua: @jubilation_t_cornpone: While I don't believe in the God the Muslims do.. There is the factor that the entire religion is based from violence. Why would a God want for the Jewish people to be eradicated from the face of the earth??
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Krysa_Alisa: @jubilation_t_cornpone: racism and sexism are negative phenomenons unlike religion.
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traffik: Oh, holy fucking shit-- boring thread is boring. This pic offends some people. WHO FUCKING CARES. Everything here offends somebody. The folly is in being conceited enough to believe that your sacred cow is more off-limits than everyone else's. It's all fair game. If you don't get that... then what in the FUCK are you doing here?
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Krysa_Alisa: @traffik: right, ignorance is bliss. Why care about anything?
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datnonymous: @Krysa_Alisa:
>not negative
>not the worst thing ever that has plagued humankind

Honestly, it's only good at identifying idiots.
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traffik: @Krysa_Alisa: "Caring" is not the same thing as being completely unreasonable and tunnel-vision. That, to me, is ignorance.
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Krysa_Alisa: @datnonymous: explain.
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Krysa_Alisa: @traffik: how am I unreasonable?
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BlueZorua: @Krysa_Alisa: Seriously?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Krysa_Alisa: Religion not negative? Are you shitting me? The current chaos is not new. People have been dying because of religion for centuries.

Do you deny it? You said "religion", not "religion in the sweet way I practice it".
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Krysa_Alisa: @jubilation_t_cornpone: "religion wars" were wars for resources, religion was used only as an excuse to start a war.
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Krysa_Alisa: @jubilation_t_cornpone: and terrorism appeared because of globalisation.
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traffik: @Krysa_Alisa: Well, for one thing, you addressed my first comment with a complete non-sequitur of an answer, dodging it entirely. Why don't you tell me-- tell all of us-- exactly why this subject matter, this particular subject matter, should be exempt from being satirized? Try ]i]real[/i] hard to make a case that actually makes sense.
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traffik: @traffik: bah-- real hard, rather.
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Krysa_Alisa: @traffik: there's a difference between satire and the pic above.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Krysa_Alisa: Yet religion is an integral part of the conflict. How many of the jihadists would be so willing to die without the promise of heaven?
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traffik: @Krysa_Alisa: OK-- tell us why it should be exempt from being made fun of, then.
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Krysa_Alisa: @jubilation_t_cornpone: those are brainwashed people, fighting for people who want power. Where do jihadists get all their equipment from, what do you think?
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datnonymous: @Krysa_Alisa: And science, globalisation, wars for resources and co. weren't brought to existence by the very god itself? I don't think you understand what religions preach at all.
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Krysa_Alisa: @traffik: it is a religion, religions shouldn't be made fun of because of reasons I stated above.
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BlueZorua: Ugh, I actually assumed the picture was strictly made for humor purposes.
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traffik: @Krysa_Alisa: Wait. You honestly think that religion-- all religion-- should be exempt from being made fun of? Are you for real?
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Krysa_Alisa: @datnonymous: I'm an atheist so I don't know much about religions, but I'm pretty sure god's aren't supposed to do everything for people, people are supposed to help themselves.
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datnonymous: @Krysa_Alisa,@BlueZorua: Religion is nothing more but a vast joke on itself. It and everything related to it exist for nothing more than humoring.
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Krysa_Alisa: @traffik: they shouldn't be made fun of without a proper reason.
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Krysa_Alisa: @datnonymous: prove.
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traffik: @Krysa_Alisa: It isn't up to you to decide whether someone else's reason is 'proper' or not.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Krysa_Alisa: Most religious people have been brainwashed. If brainwashing helpless kids into religion was not allowed, like other forms of child abuse, it would disappear overnight. Fortunately for me, the brainwashing didn't take. I never really believed, despite being bombarded by that shit.
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datnonymous: @Krysa_Alisa:
>Science is bad

What kind of atheist are you? Don't tell me you're one of these trolltheists?
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Krysa_Alisa: @jubilation_t_cornpone: good for you. But other people believe,maybe because of difficult life situations or because their family is religious, and it gives them HOPE. And you just shit in their souls and say you're right and they're wrong.
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Krysa_Alisa: @datnonymous: I never said science is bad.
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dugong_operation: @Krysa_Alisa: You're a piece of garbage and I hope you kill yourself. :^)
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Krysa_Alisa: @dugong_operation: such a lazy trolling attempt.
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datnonymous: @Krysa_Alisa: Science enthusiasts claim otherwise.
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Krysa_Alisa: @datnonymous: by science enthusiast I meant a neckbeard who says "science is my blade, intelligence is mt something"
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BlueZorua: @Krysa_Alisa: Krysa, I've been mocked by people who didn't believe in God my entire life. I'm going to say to the people in this conversation what I say to those. I would rather believe in a God and an afterlife as opposed to the thought of dying nothing more than the cease of the life of your cells taking place.
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Krysa_Alisa: @BlueZorua: I don't think you understand me. I'm trying to say religions and religious people shouldn't be mocked, so I don't care what you want in your afterlife.
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BlueZorua: Life is a big enough mystery as it is WITHOUT having to worry about the afterlife.
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traffik: "And you just shit in their souls and say you're right and they're wrong."

That's a funny statement. The way I see it, we're defending the right to feel and say what we want to. You can feel however you want-- be amused, be offended, feel sorry for us, whatever, I don't care. But when you tell me I shouldn't be able to express something, whether it be in spoken words, writing or drawing? That's you] trying to force your will on us, not the other way around.

For someone who claims to be an atheist, that's pretty much right out of the religion playbook.
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BlueZorua: @Krysa_Alisa: Don't you not understand where I'm coming from?? I'm saying the same thing. People who want to believe in an afterlife shouldn't be mocked over it. But, usually are in the long run.
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Krysa_Alisa: @traffik: ugh. Another liberal. Before saying something, you should think. But if you think it's allright to tell people how to live, be prepared for more terrorism.
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BlueZorua: @Krysa_Alisa: However, I have thick skin. And people who mock me for being a Christian don't bother me.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Krysa_Alisa: "difficult life situations"

If they are unable to face reality, surely there are other fantasies, less problematic ones, they can utilize to distract themselves from it. I do this myself. But the difference is: I am totally aware it is just a fantasy, like reading a novel that I created myself and never wrote down on paper.

"because their family is religious"

The brainwashing I just referred to. And it's possible to have a religious family and not be religious. I've done it for decades, and I get along with them fine.
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Krysa_Alisa: @BlueZorua: I though you said that to me as I didn't read the "I'm going to say that to people in this conversation".
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BlueZorua: @Krysa_Alisa: Huh?
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BlueZorua: @jubilation_t_cornpone: And I'm not brainwashed, it was my decision to believe in God.
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traffik: @Krysa_Alisa: Dummy, YOU'RE THE ONE TELLING OTHER PEOPLE HOW TO LIVE. You are literally telling other people how to live.

And how is terrorism a comparable response? You cite terrorism and wonder why you come off like an insane person.
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dugong_operation: @Krysa_Alisa: I'm not trolling. I really hope you do it.
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Krysa_Alisa: @jubilation_t_cornpone: are you sure you can face reality yourself? There are still a lot religious people, and you have no business offending them for no reason.
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BlueZorua: @dugong_operation: C'mon, I don't like Krysa either .. but you shouldn't wish for someone to fatally wound themselves.
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datnonymous: @BlueZorua, @Krysa_Alisa: Now kiss.

Stupidity requires to be mocked. And religion is the greatest stupidity of the all.
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datnonymous: *them
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Rapetacular: It's not exactly news that krysa's logic is a little messed up...

His hypocritical antics gets pretty clear once you take a quick look at his comment logs...
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @BlueZorua: If I was going to delude myself into thinking there's an afterlife, I would create my own tailored to what I would like. And it wouldn't require restricting my current behavior, performing boring rituals, and otherwise jumping through hoops to "earn" it. It would just happen.
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traffik: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Just ban the fucker. "be prepared for more terrorism" sounded a lot like a threat to me.
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Krysa_Alisa: @traffik: maybe my poor english skill made my idea sound different. What I was trying to say is that offending other people's beliefs can create conflicts and is generally not a smart idea.
You can't force other people to stop believing, so just leave them be.
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BlueZorua: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Alrighty, not going to argue with someone else. Got my fill of bullshit from Krysa already.
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traffik: @Krysa_Alisa: For what it's worth, your English skills are pretty damn good. It's your ideology I find faulty.
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Krysa_Alisa: @traffik: "threat"
Yes, obviously I'm a terrorist and have alreay found out your exact location and sent a squad of armored mercs to kill you.
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traffik: @Krysa_Alisa: You may not be a terrorist. And you may not be a religious nut. But you're operating on the same mindset, that other people should conform to your view of the world.
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Krysa_Alisa: @traffik: so what's wrong with my ideology?
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traffik: @Krysa_Alisa: I literally just told you.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @BlueZorua: What were the circumstances? Did you make that decision from a standing start, going in cold, or were you already immersed in religion? Also, I said "most" were brainwashed. There are always exceptions to anything.
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Krysa_Alisa: @traffik: there are a lot of posts here, I might've missed you saying.
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BlueZorua: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Might I first inquire why it is you take such interest in my religious beliefs when you yourself claim all people who believe in such are "ignorant" ..?
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traffik: Here are the differences between your ideology and mine.

My ideology: I should be able to believe what I want to. So should you. I don't ask that you believe what I believe, I just ask that you allow me to believe it.

Your ideology: You should be able to believe what you believe, and I should also believe what you believe. If I don't believe what you believe, I am wrong.

This is the same way of thinking that dictators, terrorists and religious zealots subscribe to. It results in most of the human suffering in the world.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Krysa_Alisa: Duh, people get offended for no reason all the time, and many TAKE offense for no reason. Why are religious people special?
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Rapetacular: @traffik: Well I do agree someone should probably ban Krysa.. but not because of that...

He's been going around posting negative comments, and basically being annoying towards artists and fellow fetishists alike.

He even fishes for opportunity to post negative comments by purposely viewing gay related arts just so he could insult gay people... On a small scale, maybe it doesnt seem much, but this is Krysa. He takes it to the next level. he even does it to any art that poses a slight defect in his standards.

It's been so bad that some artists made an art specifically to point out this fact. Tossing his "ideology" here is just another form of that.
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BlueZorua: @Rapetacular: Thank you.
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traffik: @jubilation_t_cornpone: My 'ban the fucker' comment was meant more or less facetiously. I know he wasn't threatening me for realsies. But sometimes, you'll take any excuse to get a thorn out of your side lol.
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traffik: @traffik: Oops, my last comment was meant to be a reply to Rapetacular. I fucked it up.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @BlueZorua: Just trying to confirm the "I was not brainwashed" claim. Doing it of your own free will doesn't mean you weren't brainwashed. Hearing the shit constantly from an early age can make you WANT to sign up.
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Krysa_Alisa: @traffik: my ideology is that it's a disgusting thing to just offend something that's dear to other people. I'd get a lot of hate from USA patriots if I said founding fathers were faggots and that brits should've won the war for Independence.
This pic does exactly that. Why isn't it depicting a jihadist instead of prophet? It'd be a lot more sensible too, as terrorists only cover by Islam while trying to achieve their mercenary goals.
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traffik: @Krysa_Alisa: See, here's the thing though-- I could give a fuck less if you said that! And the reason for that is not that I don't care, it's that those very founding fathers fought for the right to say that.
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BlueZorua: This has been an interesting conversation.
Alas, I feel my presence is no longer needed.

user image
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Krysa_Alisa: @traffik: ah, yes, freedom of speech and such. But are you ready to just go out in the streets with a sign offending people? Do you think they'll care about freedom of speech?
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traffik: @BlueZorua: I'm feeling the same way.

I'll finish up by saying that I stated my case in the post comparing the two ideologies. I stated it in the simplest terms I could.

Trying to force your way of thinking onto other people is trouble. As I said, historically, it leads to nothing but suffering. My stance requires that I support your right to think otherwise, but I think any person would have a pretty difficult time stating a case that it's untrue.
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traffik: @Krysa_Alisa: Ugh, you posted this while I was writing what I intended to be my last post. As much as I don't want to reply...

Look. I'm not the one who posted this. Just because I support someone else's right to, doesn't mean that I am the type of person who would post this, or walk around with a sign making fun of Islam. I just think that a person who is so inclined to should be able to.

You have missed the point of literally every post I've made, so it's fair to say that you just don't get what I'm trying to say.
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Anonymous87(81): So, not saying to change it now, but maybe M00t leaving is enough reason to feature him next?

I wonder how much the R34 crew browse 4chan.
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Franky_Whiskey: Fucking bastards and your pissy butthurt threads. I'll fuck you all up, as soon as I get sober.
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fishmonger: @Franky_Whiskey: Whereabouts do you live? I'm hoping you don't live in America... I'm a lush through and through, and even I'm not drunk this early in the morning.
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BlueZorua: @Franky_Whiskey: You kinky bastard.
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Franky_Whiskey: @fishmonger: Eh, I've been this way for at least a week. Like Archer once said, sobering up will straight up kill me.

In any case, I'm getting on the wagon soon- hopefully it will be another six months before I have to endure another little episode like this.
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Franky_Whiskey: @fishmonger: Also, I dunno what's a lush. I'm an alkie, a nasty one. But I still get my shit done.
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Franky_Whiskey: @BlueZorua: Oh, you don't know how kinky can I get...sakhar...
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Krysa_Alisa: @Franky_Whiskey: cool, cool. Everyone really cares about you being a drunk blockhead.
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Farfegnugen: Oh wow, the butthurt party never ended.
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BlueZorua: @Franky_Whiskey: Go on..
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Franky_Whiskey: @Krysa_Alisa: More than they care about you and your shit-tier trolling, cockmotherfuckingsucker.
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Franky_Whiskey: @BlueZorua: :3
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BlueZorua: @Franky_Whiskey: Rawr. ;D
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BlueZorua: @Franky_Whiskey: Does Mr. Whiskey go both ways? ;p
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Thumper: (too late to properly respond) anyhow, regardless of what moral compass someone adheres to, I believe the key to determining how condemn-worthy the philosophy is, is the degree they tolerate who isn't of like mind. 'live and let live' and all that..
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Franky_Whiskey: @BlueZorua: Oh yes...beds be warmer when one shares 'em without prejudice.
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Krysa_Alisa: @Franky_Whiskey: oh god the faggotory.
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rewind2846: @flamer180: Oh you naive fool. Freedoms also come with both responsibilities AND consequences. That's how life works. In the United States, as in most nations that hold this concept, you are free to say anything you like and freedom of speech laws protect you from (and here's the part you don't understand) GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP of your speech.

However, there are still legal restrictions on hate speech, libel and slander, and "fighting words". There are other actions people can take against those with whose speech they disagree, such as boycotts, strikes and protests.

tl;dr - rights come with responsibilities and consequences. Only a two year old child would believe otherwise.
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BlueZorua: @Franky_Whiskey: I'd like to share a bed with you, if you catch my drift.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Krysa_Alisa: Is "Faggotory" the name of the faggotron factory you were assembled at, Don Faggotio?

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BlueZorua: @Franky_Whiskey: o_o
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Anonymous88: Pardon my ignorance, but is this by any chance the image that caused the Paris attacks??
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Thumper: @Anonymous: no..
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traffik: @Anonymous: I'm pretty sure you could just use Google and find the image that provoked the attacks. It never fails to surprise me that people can't (or don't even think to) take that simple step to answer their own questions.
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YotsubaGroup: @Anonymous: This is the image that caused the movie "Mars Attacks" to be made.
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YotsubaGroup: You know guys, I am truly proud of the way the French government, citizens, and the newspaper that was attacked have handled this whole ordeal. It's truly inspirational to see a Western European country finally take a stand against the insanity that is radical Islam. I highly suggest you all check out this news report.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @jubilation_t_cornpone: The well read ones do. And they don't even have to get superstitious.

While you're extremely proud of yourself -- to the point of arrogance -- for not doing what you clearly view as unworthy superstition, I'll tell you the difference between religion and superstition may seem subtle, but it's this: it's in what you do with it, and what you let it do with, or to, you. It's all in the way you use it. Particularly wrt moral behavior -- being a fair person. It amy, or it may not, spring from within religion -- but there is no religion ever that DOESN'T associate with and promulgate a code of moral behavior. Some moral codes are better than others -- religion does morals as part of its centripetal social function, which is one reason there is religion in the first place, which should be acknowledged, not defied.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: At least not because some damned jerk told you you should defy it. Or some klutz teaching Sunday school made you think it would be virtue to defy it.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Urbane_Guerrilla: I have no problem with religions that have a moral code. It's just that most go overboard, prohibiting things that are NOT moral issues. Like unmarried sex between adults. Like alcohol and drugs. Like the porn industry. Like birth control, the stupidest restriction of all.

And based on what? Ancient fuckheads saying things, claiming a "moral authority" that they cannot prove exists.

Also, as I think I already said in this thread: codes based on "commandments" from some god that said ancient men pulled out of their ass is not "morality". It's just following orders. True morality is when you control your OWN behavior, without promise of reward or threat of punishment.

I submit that atheist moral codes are more pure, because we do it because we WANT to, not because someone TOLD us to.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Defy religion? I never thought it was worthy of consideration at all. I wouldn't pay attention to it in the slightest if it didn't force itself upon me in the political arena, someplace that it never belonged.

It was forced on me as a child (without such brainwashing it wouldn't exist). I went through the motions, but when I finally left home, I never thought about it again until the 1980s, when the militant christianity started.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Also, you are doing a little "defying" of your own. How many religious figures would approve of your being on a porn site? You obey their bullshit version of morality only when it doesn't interfere with what you want to do?
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Urbane_Guerrilla: No, even you aren't going to start in on a) don't murder, or b) don't steal, and c) it's a lot better if you don't even think about stealing, or d) be real nice to mom and dad, at least if they're not a pair of abusive sociopaths pretending to virtue, as "bullshit dicta." Just for some examples of what really does work, helpful keeping a society both cohesive and worthwhile as a means of surviving, indeed living well.

Atheism is a very modern sort of invention -- and about all the morals the capital A Atheist possesses are found in religion, and in religion first. Before atheists were around, that is. I don't reckon that solely a matter of timing. Atheists can attain morality, but only on the personal level, with absolutely nothing to contribute to the societal. Do not societies function well by refraining from certain actions? You can think of which sorts of actions.

Religions stay around because they help -- and voluntarily, not compulsorily -- keep societies glued together, counteracting social forces tending to pull them apart. This is all part of that great survival mechanism called 'civilization.'

Turning directly to your essentially rhetorical question, I propose to you an answer you probably won't expect. Ever heard of the Unitarian Universalists? About as freeminded as anybody you'll find, and about damn near everything. For that matter, how about the Episcopalians? They too recognize that masturbation is a moral null: you're unlikely to get sick nor your days' span shortened doing it.

No offense, but I can quote your own words to show that religion in your family was *most* ineptly handled. Assuming you yourself aren't become some kind of Anton LaVey C.O.S. sociopath since impressionable youth. Even COS has a moral code, which it is quite explicit about -- creepy, too: revolves around "it's okay to cheat outsiders."
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Urbane_Guerrilla: "found in religion, and in religion first." Not true. A lot of the ancient philosophers came up with rules too. The golden rule did not originate with jeebus. There were multiple versions with multiple sources.

Fully half of the ten commandments were about worshiping the cartoon god rather than being good to your fellow man.

The others all fall under the golden rule, which again, was not original.

And many religions were not even remotely moral, especially in the Western Hemisphere and Africa. Unbelievably horrendous practices were followed.

Some religions help but some cause harm (sometime the same one doing both simultaneously): worsening the aids epidemic in africa by interfering with condom distribution, interfering with birth control, fighting same sex marriage.

I really think that if you weigh the good done by religion with the harm it causes, I think the final balance will come out negative.

LOL, Unitarians, most of the other religions consider them just atheists organized like a church. Why bother, I'm happy just being an atheist. I have a social structure with the local atheist group on You don't have to have a fucking religion to organize and do things for the community. Some people join totally non-religious service organizations.

There's another way of doing anything that religions do. Without all of the drawbacks.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Well, not everything that religions do. Secular organizations don't delude people into thinking they will "cheat death" or "see loved ones again". If you're going to promise silly shit like that for reasons of comfort, don't make people "earn" it by wasting their current lives on idiotic rituals and praise to a cosmic asshole. Just say it will happen no matter what.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: I indicate simply that religion was around before atheism ever was thought of, and that atheism is not ancient but strictly modern, and anything it's got for moral code is but lately come, not original. While that doesn't stop your reasonable or reasoned atheist from recognizing a good thing -- it doesn't show there's an atheist capacity to devise nor invent morality.

Jeez, Jube -- the intensity of that bitterness (you're really working up a temper) ought to tell you something, and tell you to examine it rigorously. You aren't choosing what you choose because you love, and that is well and truly doubleplusungood, fella. Carrying hate around is a strain -- and your language tells me you hate, hate. Very much too much hate. Hate doesn't justify. And I'm mentioning it because you'd hate to.
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Anonymous89: Atheism means not affiliated with religion. Atheism was around before religion was ever thought of, because there was no religion. People seem to think that "atheist" means someone who rejects religion, when really the "a" in the word just means "without," as in amorphous or asexual.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Hate? If religion stops doing things that are detrimental to society, I will return to my original state of ignoring it entirely.
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Thumper: @Anonymous: meh, I don't watch fox news; they're too leftist/communist..
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Jube, your last dozen posts tell me you have just about no idea of what *is* detrimental, and a wild, bitter determination to assign blame to religion. That won't do. Makes you come off like a high-function autistic, or obsessive-compulsive. Defective, man.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Religion, whether organized or not, so broad is your brush. That's careless in thought and deed.

Interesting -- it just occurs to me that big-A Atheists aren't taking a leaf from the Quakers' book... they're using all the names of the days of the week, various gods mostly. Not going so pure as to say Firstday, Seconday (2 D's or one?) and so on...
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BlueZorua: @Urbane_Guerrilla: I hope you're joking.
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BlueZorua: @Thumper: Oye, I hope you're joking too.
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Thumper: @BlueZorua: no I'm not; 'fair and balanced'? they're already admitting they're halfway to the other side in just their motto! besides, how the fuck can you be 'fair' and 'balanced' when one side lies and the other side hides? they both suck. ain't no such thing as news anymore. only thing gettin' more accurate is the weather.
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BlueZorua: @Thumper: And just like that, so ends a friendship.
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PinkBallons: @BlueZorua: I hate you so much.
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BlueZorua: @PinkBallons: Hey, if you want a hug all you have to do is ask.
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PinkBallons: @BlueZorua: I'm not being tsundere. I legitimately hate you.
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BlueZorua: @PinkBallons: Boo hoo, my feelings have been damaged beyond repair.
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PinkBallons: @BlueZorua: At least I got you to accept someone else's opinion for once.
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BlueZorua: @PinkBallons: Please, elaborate.
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PinkBallons: Every fucking time someone states an opinion that differs from yours, you jump on them. And not in a "Let's discuss this" way, but a "My opinion is fact" way.
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BlueZorua: @PinkBallons: Alrighty then, what ever you say. I was obviously joking with Thumper, but yeah.. if you want to continue to bitch and complain .. go right ahead.
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PinkBallons: And you expect me to believe you were joking on >>1549110? What about >>1557342, where you admit you were joking then continue being a douche?

All that aside, jokes are normally funny. Guess I shouldn't expect much from someone who relies so heavily on gifs.
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BlueZorua: I never said I was joking those times. Why don't you go fuck yourself? Find something better to do, because I'm done feeding you the attention you so desperately want. And as for my gif posting, you're probably just jealous you don't have a fabulous collection like I do to express yourself. Besides doing that, it often gets a chuckle out of other users here.

Oh, and I found a picture that accurately reminds me of the way you're acting.

user image
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PinkBallons: Tell yourself what you will.
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Anonymous90: @Anonymous:
Don't forget them robes and ropes.
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Anonymous91: One way or another, those Arabs always explode.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Urbane_Guerrilla: I didn't realize that you had started this shit up again two months after my last post.

I already listed what I find detrimental, but here it is again:

1. interference with birth control
2. mistreatment of homosexuals, when religious reasons are claimed (or more precisely, used as an excuse, since the real reason has always been ick factor)
3. interference with people's sex lives, including the sex industry
4. refusal to get medical treatment for children
5. constant fighting BETWEEN religions, even different versions of the same one, catching innocent people in the crossfire

Are you claiming that religion is NOT responsible for these things? Or that they are NOT detrimental to society?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Forgot fucking evangelism. People showing up on your doorstep uninvited to push the horseshit.
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NynDeezNutz: Now we Need a pig version :D
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Anonymous92: Legit, this ain't even porn. its just some inflammatory anti islam post. A funny one, albeit, but this belongs on 4chan not r34.

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