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UploaderTenure, avatar
Tags2012, Hieronymus_Bosch, Mona_Lisa, The_Last_Judgment, art, featured_image
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Info1196x1600 // 340KB // jpg
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Tenure: Bottom left-hand corner, if you can't find her.
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Tenure: She's the one getting fucked by the monkey.
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Shock_Headed_Penor: Reminds me of Bosch.
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Titanium: Shock Headed Penor - Was thinking the same thing... Garden of earthly Delights... this thing has to be a parody of something
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Anonymous1: Hell seems like a pretty rockin place
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Anonymous2: where's mona the sequel to where's waldo
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TheDeceiverGod: Does the blond ontop of the pillar on the right count as Eve, that snake looks to be holding an apple...
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Anonymous3: FEATURE PREZ
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Anonymous4: dat lady has a dick
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Daken: i seez it toos! she does have a dick!!
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Anonymous5: @Tenure: I thought for SURE that was a racial slur at a black guy before I saw see was LITERALLY being fucked by a monkey.
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Anonymous6: Classic art
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lazarus: lol best apocalypse ever, I wouldn't care about dying when I'm there.
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Titanium: Happy New Year!

I, for one, welcome our future demonic overlords.

Special shout out to >>763647
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Anonymous7: Dec. 21, 2012
Some people are going to commit suicide. We are going to have an orgy...
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Anonymous8: lol i spy a couple futas :D
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Anonymous9: Doesn't seem too bad. I bet that lava is actually Chili
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BPQ00X: I couldn't find Waldo but I found a woman fucking skeleton.
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Anonymous10: any one notice the line of dudes near the top left
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Raiden_Snake: LOL at Mona Lisa!
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Kidd: Who's New Year Resolution is to stop looking at porn?
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Anonymous11: Hungarian FUCK YEAH
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Anonymous12(11): Hungarian YEEAHH :)
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Anonymous13: Kidd: BLASPHEMER!! :D
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imaajfpstnfo: I am disappoint ....
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Anonymous14: What the actual fuck!?
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Anonymous15: Looks like a version of Dante's Inferno.
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ilr: condoms....
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Anonymous16: Meanwhile furries are yiffing in heaven. And skinfriends are the ones who ended up fucking in hell after all. Oh irony.
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Anonymous17: Doesn't look too b-
*spies the mosquito and spider*
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champofgalacticretards: see that car? look like 1930s to 1940s
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Anonymous18: ________________________________________________
You should have acted. They're already here. The Elder Scrolls told of their return...But no one wanted to believe, believe they even existed; and when the truth finally dawns, it dawns in fire.
Behold! Alduin, Bane of the kings returns in this pic!!11!eleven!one1

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Anonymous19: Daemonettes... my body is ready.
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Anonymous20(19): Giant insect raep ftw
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Anonymous21(19): This is what happens when Jesus cums.
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CreamyThang_: *dialing ex-boyfriend for a quick roll in the grass* Damn this site makes me so horny sometimes...
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Anonymous22: *Crododile demon descends from sky*

Hey guys, what's going on he- OH WHAT THE FUCK
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Sintime: Should have just featured an image of the Sun frying everything or a pole reversal, which seems more likely as a 2012 event.
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Selene: "Burning fire of purification, burn the guilt from our souls! Burn with flames our contaminated hearts! Do not be afraid! Cleanse our bodies, enter the flames our salvation is near! Akira comes! Do not be afraid!"
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Anonymous23: Impressive art.
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niegoL: End of the world and already going full blown world wide orgy. Nice work!
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Anonymous24: giant mosquitos, nice!
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Anonymous25: Sorry, but December 21sf is not the end of the world, so GET OVER IT!
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Anonymous26: this is the ultimate orgy of ultimate destiny.
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Anonymous27: This is.... amazing..
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Anonymous28: I never see another porn in my life!
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hardonguy: the 11 is close guys look the fuck out
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Anonymous29: @Kidd:
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Anonymous30: While the whole 2012 stuff is sci-fi, this picture made me laugh alot. deserved feature =p
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Anonymous31: Mosquito? Lol wtf is wrong with you people? Ever heard of a praying mantis?
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Anonymous32: Oh, wait, just saw the mosquitoes. Sorry :p
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Anonymous33: rule63 is broken
fix it plz
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Anonymous34: SINNERS! FORNICATORS! lol
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Anonymous35: *two guys loading museum paintings into a truck*
"Man, this Hieronymus Bosch is HEAVY!"
"That's because he deals with man's inclination toward sin, in defiance of God's will."
"I didn't mean it like that."

(Did anyone else see that movie??)
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Titanium: imaajfpstnfo - you know I love ya but I can't feature everything you draw... I wouldn't have anything else to feature...

Also, the site is running fast! WTF?
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Anonymous36: Anon17 is win.
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imaajfpstnfo: tit, s okay, I am not disappoint at yo, I am disappoint at me for failing you.
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Anonymous37: this is perhaps the greatest feature in the history of this website
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Anonymous38: Looks like about half the women have dicks.

That's the way for the world to end.
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Anonymous40: Happy New Year!
Awww... i love you all!
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Anonymous41: The apocalypse looks pretty cool.
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Random_Set_of_Letters: I hope Rule 63 is working 2012
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Anonymous42: So what? 2012 is looking kinda good actually. HAPPY NEW YEAR. May this tribute to the internets and it's users perversion continue it's existence!
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Anonymous43: Ah, for once the featured image is really beautiful artwork! Someone has probably told you this already, but this work is clearly inspired by one or more paintings depicting the Last Judgement, found in several altarpieces (look it up). The most effective way of making people faithful to God was to scare them by placing these altarpieces in the churches, I guess.
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jaycro: .......... looks like the 60's ta me
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Anonymous44: is that a sonic rainboom in the background?
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korblborp: This is the way the World ends..
Not with a bang, but with a "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!"
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Anonymous45: That party is OFF THE HOOK!
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DonkeyPunch: Happy New Year from the UK! I look forward to the features, shitstorms, new DNPs and other stuff this year will bring. :-)
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pomponio: I'm loving this! :D

My only complain is that for a Bosch parody, it's severely lacking in weird ass Renaissance symbolism :c
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MrAnon: Good advertisement for that condom brand!
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Anonymous46: Picture takes "buggery" to a new level with those fucking bugs
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LadyPerbas: Lol. :D Skeleton boning a woman on the bridge.
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Anonymous47: no this picture represents the 60s while theres war going on around them they just smoke and have sex
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Anonymous48(47): no this picture represents the 60s while theres war going on around them they just smoke and have sex, this is what they saw when they did shrooms
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BrickShitHouse: I don't care what the Mayan's supposedly predicted (for instance, dick), they didn't see Cortéz and his bloodthirsty buddies coming, so they have even less qualification than modern psychics (for instance, dick).
Do like this image though.
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Anonymous49: I can't believe it, a feature that doesn't suck pony turds.
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Anonymous50: Fucking hey! ; a skeleton. Good stuff!
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Anonymous51: IT Y2K!!! planes will fall from the sky, satellites will explode, trains will derail! were all gonna die... wait, that already went past... which fake apocalypse is this again?
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Anonymous52: oh god... it's alduin
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Anonymous53(51): nothing like a bit of fear to make people clean the shelves in every store across america, only to reach 1/1/13 look around and then try to return it all....
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Anonymous54: Happy New Year! But Not end of the world. YOU DUMB!
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Anonymous55: I whole heartly support the New World Order.
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Anonymous56: Bang Her.
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Anonymous57: this is funny cause your religion is a lie
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Anonymous58: the dragon is like
Dragon: FUCK YA BITCHES !!!!!!
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Anonymous59: Why is that crows head up that chicks butt?
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Anonymous60: Nice feature, but I can't help but think it would've been better if we waited till December 21 to feature it. Still, neat!
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Anonymous61: Is that demon sitting over the cave.. taking pictures?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Vigilante22, "this is just stupid" is not a valid reason for image report. It's an abuse of the reporting system, which is for rules violations, dupes, and missing tags when tags are locked. In other words, that report was stupid. Don't do that.
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Anonymous62: She's getting screwed by a praying mantis. xD
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Anonymous63: happy Dew Year
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LadyPerbas: @Anon60: Luckily she's going to live through that, because she's getting screwed by a male and it's the females that go nomnom on their partners in the middle of sexing. :-/
The mantis is even more lucky, he gets to have second round.
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Anonymous65: No no. You've got it all wrong this is heaven.
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Swift_Nimblefoot: Hyeronimus Bosch would be such a hit these days as a porn artist...
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Anonymous66: I love the artsy features. Keep them coming!
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Anonymous67: Does anyone else remember seeing something like this at the turn of the century? It looks so familiar.
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Anonymous68: so we FUCK AND CUM instead of RIP AND TEAR?

...i don't know if i like
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Anonymous69(68): the girl in the bridge is getting boned
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Anonymous70: @TheDeceiverGod: your sn apple :/
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RandomGuyNamedChuck: And the bad part is?
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cupudotexe: if this a hell,...i think hell is not bad afterall
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Anonymous71: Bottom left, Chimpfuck - AIDS!
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Anonymous72: This is one of those features that allows you to proudly watch porn in work & school baby!
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Anonymous73(35): Anon68, and that's Mona Lisa getting fucked, too!
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Anonymous74: This is going to be a great 2012 World ending Orgy
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Anonymous75: wheres kim jong il
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Anonymous76: This reminds me of last spring break. Nice artwork though.
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Anonymous77: the last orgy
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Anonymous78: Yay.
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Decanter: I don't know why Tit didn't wait until 2012 to feature this. Oh well.
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Franky_Whiskey: ^ and shit never came

now what am I supposed to do with all of this coke-filled condoms, this dead hooker and the tiger fursuit!!??
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Roflcakes: Really regretting my decision to rob that farmer of all of his horses now...
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Decanter: @Franky_Whiskey: What you are supposed to do? One word: Sagat
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BPQ00X: Well It was like any other day.
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Zombie_guy: @Kidd: GTFO
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Anonymous79: @Roflcakes: Why take all of his horses? You only need four.
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Anonymous80: "But for me it was Fish & Chips Friday as usual."
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RogerTheRabbit: @Roflcakes: Hey, free glue.
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Anonymous81: Meh
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Saintish: Note the dragon getting screwed by a Trans-Mat beam.
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DragonShade44: This is hilarious and amazing.
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Zeus: So many babies will be born 9 months from now....
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DarkAtHearts: 2 more hours till the end of the world in CST.
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Anonymous82: If Paheal was a place, this is what it would look like.
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Anony-Miss: Lol!!
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ReliablyAweful: my idea of the rapture, but in a cloud rather than dark ominous area.
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Anonymous83: Bravo! Truly a masterpiece. Coincidentally, this is what I see every time I close my eyes.
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Twistytie: And to think, someone actually spent time drawing Mona Lisa getting fucked by a monkey...
Great art though, very pleasing.
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Anonymous84: arse come on. You should have used the Mayan Priestess pic. >>717726 She has ass for days
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Twistytie: Also, can we consider this Rule 34 on skeletons since there's also a skeleton fucking a girl on a bridge over there?
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Anonymous85(82): @Twistytie: There is a lot of shit going on here, trust me, tagging would probably take a loooong time.
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Anonymous86: A select quotes from iron maiden songs:
Seven deadly sins
Seven ways to win
Seven holy paths to hell
And your trip begins

Seven downward slopes
Seven bloodied hopes
Seven are your burning fires,
Seven your desires...
"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the
beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short...
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the
beast for it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and
sixty six."666 the number of the beast
666 the one for you and me
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Anonymous87: True story?!
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Anonymous88: @Anonymous: Or the internet as a whole.
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Anonymous89(88): OMFG Tranny man near the bottom!
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Suzuka: Never knew we had a tag for just "art"
I learn something new from this site every week.
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deathstriker: That's OK Mayians, we all do mistakes, not the end of the world....oh, wait.
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r34home: you can earn money with your art !
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Anonymous90: That looks exactly like what was happening here yesterday after my neighbours house blew up... just with less blood
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Faptacular: Everyone else still alive?


Thought so. Let's all go make fun of the dumb-shits that built bomb shelters.
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Mole: So what's up with the green parrots?
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Dick_Chappy: Tenure,
You glorious bastard.
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Anonymous91: i noticed an asian girl so i came
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Anonymous92(90): @Faptacular: Actually, more then 500k people died in the last days from things like.. getting shot from a policeman or their brother.
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TrashPirate: So now its time to make up another Sales ploy... I mean end of the world theory so we can profit off of... or I mean supply the populous with bulk canned food, bottled water, toilet paper, and bomb shelter materials.
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Anonymous93: this was featured half year ago
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Anonymous94(86): @Peacock: ASLO get yours guns ands weapons before the dumbass president Obama and his gov. Take them away.
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lazarus: We are all dead, we got killed by invisible gas, and we'll using ghost computers.
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RogerTheRabbit: @lazarus: we were dead all this time. *dun dun duuuuun*
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GirlaPH: Lol, I was listening to Final Bowser Battle from Super Mario Galaxy while looking a this.
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Candycock: That skeleton may lack a penis but what he does have is determination.
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Sodomius: Orgy Boom.
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Thrakerzod: Yep, that's Detroit alright.
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Anonymous95: @Titanium: Demonic whosit?
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Anonymous96(86): @Random_Set_of_Letters: your a fag.@Anonymous: Daemonettes, in wh40k they worship slaanesh.
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Anonymous97: And I grew up thinking I was the only one who found Hieronymus Bosch hilarious.
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Anonymous98: I like chicken
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OGRE: You fuckers ready for >>1000000 ?
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champofgalacticretards: real Mayan calendar said January 21, 2013 as known as the rise of Cculber007!!!!
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Anonymous99(86): @darthomega55: guns n roses nice !
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Anonymous100(81): @OGRE: I just hope to god it's not mlp
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Anonymous101(86): Don't see many coons.
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Anonymous102: All my wat goes to this.
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WhiterunGuard: i must have passed through an oblivion gate by accident. BY THE GODS !!
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Anonymous103: Praying mantis fuck? WAT THAE FAUQ?!
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Anonymous104: Anon83 ... How does that make the president or gov "dumb" if anything it's the populace that is, yourself a good example. You would justify some idiot running around shooting people then hiding behind "It's my right to be irresponsible"
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Anonymous105: Fap There Yule.
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Anonymous106: there are more private guns in germany than in the usa but less than 1% of the shoting incidents. people need to qualify for guns so no stupid redneck can blow peoples heads of.
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Anonymous107: If you see it from far away you could see satan's face
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Anonymous108(81): Fuck me it was a mlp get
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Anonymous109(86): @Anon 101: yes the school shooting and murder ofchildren in conn was sad, but "what if" this country was invaded and we as Americain citizens didn't have the 2nd amendment rights to form groups to help what is left the military in occupied areas. Because the govmernt and a stupid fucking moron pres. Decide to away 2nd amendment rights . Come on just look what to England , there govmernt took away gun rights. And if they get invaded the British citizens are helpless against invaders . Stupid attractive and successful African .
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Anonymous110: This is the... there are no amount of words to describe how fucked up this is. It's the biggest shit since... oh who knows... (continues ranting on and making no sense)
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champofgalacticretards: @deathstriker: real Mayan calendar said January 21, 2013 as known as the rise of Cculber007!!!!
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Vicarious_Reality: Havennnn i seeeen this befooorrrrre
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ZB: @Titanium: TITANIUM!! WHAT THE FUCK!! I thought you were gone!!
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RogerTheRabbit: @ZB: its an old post. Or maybe zombies.
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fishmonger: @ZB: This image has been featured before; his comment is from the last time it was featured. If you mouseover his comment, you'll notice that it says it was posted 11 months ago.
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Anonymous111: The one who painted this is not of this world...

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Meta_Kirby: Yea old Titanium post got me too. Then, i moused over his comment and a small part of me died.
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ZB: Ah damn it! I miss ya Titanium boy!

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