Anonymous1: Pound puppies? Are you fucking kidding me? If this was a cartoon I don't remember it, but I seriously thought my childhood couldn't possibly be ruined by you fuckers! Oh fuck you internet... fuck you right in the ear.
Anonymous2: Nice rendition of Bright eyes. And the water efect are very good. Oh Anonymous1? Why you've watched this pic in first place? If you pass mous eof the small thumbnaills you got the name of the pic, telling you wha tis about, so why you watched it in first place? Also if your dearest childhood memory is Pound Puppies(tha tyou said you are not remembering), the you probably got trashed and tormented like hell at school, aren't you?
Anonymous5(4): (anon3 again, accidentally submitted unfinished comment) Starbreaker, STOP BEING A J.E.R.K.. pornexpert, you're such a critic. I HATE CRITICS!!!
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They go to a site called "Rule" F***ING "34" and then cry when they get Rule 34.
And I KNOW you prob. didn't "search" for Pound Puppies but, seriously, don't go to 34 if you got a complex.
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