Anonymous7: @Anonymous: What.... There was never any characterization for either of them really... You can't know that. They never even go into sexuality on the show...
Anonymous8: @Anonymous2 @Anonymous5 It's pretty fanon that Vinyl is the wild one and Octavia is the timid one, just like how Lyra is the wild one and Bon Bon is the timid one.
Anonymous9(1): @Anonymous: With LyraBon that's not exactly true. BonBon is far from timid, her character was portrayed as very assertive and serious in the show. In fanon neither Lyra and BonBon are timid either, but BonBon is always more sound and logical in their relationship while Lyra is playful and careless. As such BonBon is often seen as the voice of reason and control, making her the dominant one, although despite that Lyra is not a submissive type like Tavi.
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