Anonymous12: Stopme and retype678 quite trolling you don't like naruto then just stick to pictures with the sasuke tab and grow up no one would praise sasuke because no one but you two LIKE him he sucks let us Narutards enjoy our porn in peace pls and you know go fuck yourselves
Anonymous14: anon 11, shut the fuck up and quite bitching... you're just like stopme so fuck off and die so your mom can be happy she doesn't have to know you're still alive and fucking over everyone's day by breathing. all you do is complain about shit.
Anonymous22: stopme (aka retype678) has just shown his true face. He thinks that only he can request hentai pics with Sasgay on them, but when Naruto fans do the same, he rages very hard. So much for tolerating the shitty pics he uploads every day, eh?
Anonymous23(22): @stopme: Why should WE praise Sasuke? Really, you sound just like a religious fanatic who fights with people from other religions when they don't bow down to their god. You really are a sick individual...
Anonymous24(18): Anon20 needs to crack open a basic anatomy textbook some time. The bottom of a glans isn't solid, and from the angle we're viewing in this shot we'd be seeing the underside, not the top.
Anonymous25: Are you people serious? who cares if naruto dick is there are u gays gay, just admit it sasuke or naruto i really dont care i came for pussy not dicks you homos stop crying over sasuke so much his dick bigger then urs.TY
Anonymous28(15): Sorry, but you're all stupid for taking a shitty piece of art for a shitty series this seriously wow anon 26 it mustn't taken you all knight to come up with something like that how do you do it?
Anonymous30: You are all as stupid as each other for arguing this much over requests and replying so seriously to obvious trolls. My goodness have the users changed on this site...
kakashi team or minato team
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Anon 11, only Narutards like this bullshit.
Also, is nobody going to point out his dick is upside-down?
Arguments? What arguments?
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