Executioner: Considering Naruto's a full shota now he must still be in the acadamy... therefor he must of stole that headband since it's before he graduated...
Anonymous2: Suruga probably doesn't watch the show and has no idea what age Naruto was when he graduated.
Though, really, it's just in his style to draw boys this way, and Naruto WAS a very short (and obviously prepubescent) 12-year old. Mistaking him for 10 wouldn't be impossible.
Anonymous4(2): I have no idea where to get his stuff. There were a couple of downloads of some image packs on the old forosdz (maybe still around in the new version) and not4chan... but those are gone now.
or someone drew post acadamy Naruto like this...
Though, really, it's just in his style to draw boys this way, and Naruto WAS a very short (and obviously prepubescent) 12-year old. Mistaking him for 10 wouldn't be impossible.