DrIggy: I've named this one "Dango Freaks" and it was inspired by Anko's psycho love for dangos shown in several episodes by how much pissed off she is when someone eats her dangos, or prevents her from eating them.
On another note, I'm not too satisfied with Naruto's face in this one, but I've fixed it as much as I could. Hope you enjoy it nevertheless. :)
Anonymous5: I like how nobody is pointing out that he put the sharp end of the stick in first, ouch. Say hello to puncture wounds, bleeding, and or guro.
On another note, I'm not too satisfied with Naruto's face in this one, but I've fixed it as much as I could. Hope you enjoy it nevertheless. :)
Thanks Driggy! :D
@anon5: Here's the sample picture I used when drawing and coloring the dangos:
I'm not seeing the pointy end of the stick exposed. :P
@anon1 and anon4: Glad you like it. :D