AnOniMouse: Called it!
Wasn't much guessing involved really. We all knew. Also A6, many mirths were gained, for which I am appreciative and offer a multitude of gratitudes.
ninko: Crazy crazy crazy and the craziest
What the fuck is wrong with you because you always have to be such assholes pictures?
Anonymous18: I'm just really glad the image wasn't more offensive. I was hoping that you had the dignity not to go too overboard with the whole "asinine immature insensitive internet fucktard" act. Kudos (but you're still an ass). :D
devsav: I'm probably not the only person who though "oh gee this is going to be featured within the next at couple hours" and wasn't surprised when I logged back on and saw exactly what I just said
Anonymous25: my problem is that extremist Muslims believe only suicide bombers get the 72 virgins, while Osaman was
killed by the United States Military, not in suicide there for not making this canon
ninko: Always and always will fuck me in the mind this type of images, almost the Mallorie of these images are featured, maybe is already a constumbre to Rule 34.
AnOniMouse: A31, oh of course it is. Definately. That doesn't stop us here though so here goes.
I too believe there is no hell. If any of the 'holy' texts are to be believed, whatever higher power there is, and I don't care what you deign to title it, they must be total, infinite, eternal. They are everything. Good bad evil holy daemonic chocolate lasor. Its the definition of infinite. Of course that doesn't make sense, it CAN'T. My theory is that out side of each universe is a nothing. A void. As one might expect, but it is full, of 'stuff'. Do it has everything. If it has everythin in a complete, yet immeasurable volume, it can be said to 'be' it. It must therefore be both concious and not. Although it is hell, it is also heaven, and since you could be in neither place at once, it would be awesome. To feel everything. Oh but it would hurt, so my theory is that the better a person you are in life, and I mean not neccesarily the deeds you do, since a mass murderer who is trying to to do a good thing, like save directly save even more, I dunno like killing 50 children on a visit to a nike plant to stop it killing half a country, or something, but deeds ussuallu corrolate to personal wholeness, so anyway they hurt less. The worse the person, the more the purging, but we all get that eternal bliss. We just aren't neccessarily the same people, or even people at all by the end of it.
It is hard to explain an entirely self realised quasi religion in one post, that ain't the be all and end all of my thought process, and it isn't even explained that articulately. Its 6.34 am, gimme a break.
3. Have an idea. to get even
an attack on the United States.
4.They kicked her mother at the U.S..
5.Americans They make their revenge.
He is killed, "supposedl"
and so manage to come with those pretty girls in the sky and it was not bad, though not part of his plan,
all went well for him.
I mean beautiful in the body, not in your face.
because they are not seen his face.
Anonymous30: There is a heaven and a hell. Osama bin la Aden is in hell you dumb asses bastards, because the USA Navy SEALS Him to it. Go USA,go USA, go USA!
ninko: sorry:
1. angry because he has a shitty penis
2. seeking ways as to retaliate.
3. Have an idea. to get even
an attack on the United States.
4. Got fucked to the Americans.
5. Americans They make their revenge.
He is killed, "supposedly"
and so manage to come with those pretty girls in the sky and it was not bad, though not part of his plan,
all went well for him.
I mean beautiful in the body, not in your face
because they are not seen his face.
Dar-PowerForce: Muslim beliefs dont allow the innocent killing of people, so his as rots in hell. plus i know i wasnt mad when that bullet flew through his head.
Plus image tries hard to offend, its not really feature worthy
Well its just this picture is pretty ficticious as Bin Laden, the worthless thirdworld piece of shit, ain't getting laid in heaven, he is probably getting raped right now in hell, with all his idiotic Islamic fundamentalist buddies.
Ket-Ralus: Anon54: We may have fucked up by not using the metric system, but in ISO 8601, month precedes the day, so at least we're doing something kinda right.
Anonymous46: Anon 55: "the worthless thirdworld piece of shit, ain't getting laid in heaven, he is probably getting raped right now in hell, with all his idiotic Islamic fundamentalist buddies."
U still dont know it was made by CIA? :/ Please, dike like a jew in gas chamber, dont have kids and dont support Big Bro.
AnOniMouse: ^A) Well played.
B) Hell is currently unproven. As scientific analysis is correctly thus far deemed to be impossible, please state your theological argument for this statement or your oppinion is worthless. Not that you aren't entitled to it, but it means no one will listen.
C) it was like 3 am here in the Great and Drunken Empire o' Scotland, do t'were 11/9 already.
D) See date. I do it OUR way. Not that yours is wrong, but 911 is just too ironic for my tastes. Oh and I knew I used the other way before.
Anonymous58: ITT, people pretending not to be mad while:
-Making fun of an average sized penis (Notice that it's flaccid, due to the refractory period from all the pussy he's getting).
-Asserting their delight over his death (quick and probably not painful, after living in relative comfort for a decade, and a life full of wealth and women besides), and subsequent residence in the non-existent hell.
-Making the SAME DAMN JOKE as EVERYONE ELSE FOREVER, as if they have any sort of wit whatsoever, despite it not even making sense. The "virgins" are just the translated form of "houri," which, even if not defined as specifically female, are given very feminine qualities and are described as amazingly beautiful.
-In general just being very insecure and soo mad.
Personally, I'm mad it's just another Osama joke. This angle's been played out, I was hoping for something about the Truthers. Although the Zadroga reference is pretty good.
Anonymous66: Just another shitty doodle that looks like it was done with Microsoft Paint. The discrepancy between actual art and shit like this is huge here.
Danielakiiki: ^ LOL @ people mistaking a unique style of art as 'Crude'. Keep doing what you're doing man, this feature was lilke shooting fist in a barrel.
Anonymous70: You know, because I'm so ingenious/stupid, I can actually summarize this entire image and ALL the possible emotions and responses it produces from all the people who view it into one word.
Anonymous76: if i hijack a plane and crash into something, can i get featured?
also, anon81... men with smaller penises can pleasure women quite well if they know how to.
you dont need to be large to be in charge.
infact, most of the idiots with larger penises just thrust in and out, no skill at all, thats why it takes them atleast an hour or two just to get the woman excited enough to feel herself getting CLOSE to an orgasm.
important bit of info, its people with smaller penises who created the book on sex, and know how to please women.
champofgalacticretards: Osama Bin Laden was dead. WTC is rebuilding, WTC, PA and Pentagon have memorials and museums for honoring our victims. All I say I am not mad but imaajfpstnfo should drew Twin Towers, Pentagon, planes, Madrid trains, London public transporters and others as "Seals" shot him like a rabbit in a head and chest. Heaven and Hell? My belief is this Planet Earth.
Anonymous82(37): How the fuck can a scientist prove theres no heaven or hell? What did one die and magically come back? Fuck you anons,fuck this feature, fuck titanium, fuck your grandmother, fuck rule34, fuck the word fuck, fuck all who fap, fuck the aids filled faggots, fuck atheism, fuck the big bang theory, fuck democrats, fuck republicans, fuck paris hilton, fuck dr phil, fuck binaden, and last but not least fuck steven hawk. Yea im mad so what. None of you wont do shit but talk shit behind your computer like im doing. You all deserve to cut your hands open and fap with the blood of the losers you all are. OREGON DUCKS NUMBER!!, thank you based god, eat shit and die, happy 9/11 :)
Franky_Whiskey: PROTIP:Nobody ever really liked Bin Laden. He was like the Wario of the world, who's biggest feat was taking a flaming shit on the Uh-Essay and getting raped 10 years latar by some fat spec ops gringos.
The same gringos who told him 20 years ago "Hey, we's pals, Wario Bin Laden, go take a flaming shit on Russia for us. Here's twenty bucks to get them Taco Bell supplies for the logging, hyuk hyuk".
All in all, he died without noone liking him too much, and is undah teh seaaaa getting clawed by Sebastian and Flounder with King Neptune's approval.
Usawmah Bomb Landin, Born in a used gyro stand in March 10, 1957 - Died a remorseful troll in May 2, 2011 "And nothing of value was lost"
Dar-PowerForce: Who cares, Americans pwned the Middle East and the world, eurofags can try and try to hate, but Just remember what happened to the Japanese.
AverageAnon: imaajfpstnfo- I know, but the Americans wont believe it cause the American media covered it up and made it sound like they weren't losing. Same thing with Vietnam (minus the pussybombs.
AnOniMouse: I think we broke A92. I mean I think he litterally had a stroke heart attack, was told he had seven cancers and three orore venereal diseases broke. Also, if you aren't illiterate amd READ it. Like UNDERSTAND these epistoleral symbols, I said we as of yet CANNOT scientifically determine afterlife. Not can.
Its funny, some Americans like to think they won both world wars for us eurofags, truth is we mostly finished One by ourselves, then the Germans forgot about military protocol and sunk a passenger liner of theirs, and America got prissy and joined in. But I'll admit we did need help on the reinvasion of the northern french beacheads, if 'tweren't for a single British battleship that would have been a whole new Dunkirk. No one remembers that the Allies also fought Japan on the Chinese front either. We did it TOGETHER peeps. It ain't called the 'Allies' for nought.
Anonymous88: Wow... this, this is the definition of "trolling" this motherfucker just trolled a whole country! Ahahahahaaaaa XD artist is WINNING (of course 9/11 is a tragic event and should not be made fun off, but the shock factor of seeing somebody with the BALLS to make this outweighs such things...
abcde26: this shit is hillarious I was laughing at the ceremony lol everybody told me to shhh!!!! And iwas like fuck off retards and then iwas about to put an I love osama bin ladin t-shirt that iprinted from this picture but ithink they wouldve raped me in jail o_o
missprettylittlepony: Hey America,
My name is Osama, and I’m laughing at every single one of you. All of you are broke, paranoid, no-lifes who spend every second of their day wondering what happened to their country. As a superpower, you are finished in the world. Honestly, do any of you even produce anything anymore? I mean, I guess it's fun just letting the Chinese make everything, but they’re halfway to owning your economy by now. This is even worse than if the Russians had kicked your ass.
Don't get me wrong. You did hit me, and it was a great shot. I've pretty much won, though. I’ve led your country to Middle East-style secret police surveillance, and Middle East-style fundamentalism. Where are you respected any more, other than in Saudi Arabia? The rest of the Middle East went straight to democracy on its own, so your only girlfriends left there are the Saudis (they’re just like your new Tea Party; Shit is SO cash). You are all fucked, and you should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and some of my 72 bitches
abcde26: imaajfpstnfo dude you are so right about america and their pussybombs and iwill draw a pic of small dick japanese screwing those pussybombs /:3
Anonymous94: missprettylittlewhaetever, um, making shit and debt that we will never pay (come on u know it to be true) isnt owning half of our economy. Whats worse really? Globally assured destruction from Russians? or Chinese weirdos begging for money that we took and didnt give back? lol, as for the middle east? um, have you been there? yeah they won okay....oh and we're building a new tower Osama, supposed kamikaze proof, so um......nice try, you got 3000 on the board but all ur bases are belong to us so really thats like.....genocide? America, fuck yeah.
Anonymous95(94): But our girlfriends the saudis own the middle east, so yeah thanks fucker we own the place to, just remember Osama, look at whose getting droned, and whose not. Plus our economy got better since 08' not by much but noticeable but thanks, you gave us something to do for a decade.
Anonymous96: I like how everybody's comments turned from "happy 9/11" to "blah blah Religion blah Japanese people" Goddamn, have you people learned how to stay on topic for once? This is a PORN site, not a highschool debate team where everybody just throws around useless comments and bringing racism into this
:D I am happy cuz im a carrot
Anonymous98: It's funny because the terrorists won. America is FULL of fear. Of each other, of The Other... full of fear, fearful of its own shadow. And America casts a long shadow.
I hereby declare 9/11 now and forever The Day Of Sparittercus!
Andy Whitfield 17 July 1972 – 11 September 2011
GOOD NIGHT SWEET PRINCE Two of acting's greatest pillars, one cut down too soon, have finally finished crumbling!!!
Anonymous102: IT" S BEAUTIFULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Honey_Badger: I will wave my United States flag and drink beer with excitement the day I see nuclear bombs destroy both Mecca and Medina while those haji fuckers are dancing like stupid idiots around a black hut. That should wake up the mooslims from their false cult disguised as a "peaceful" religon. Death to all those cowards that have no balls to fight the US military head on and instead have to target innocent defenseless people. I hope I get to see those massive mushroom clouds in HD and I want to see that stupid black hut and that stone have the nuclear warhead land on it first, then it explodes while those haji fuckers realized what they will be a glorious day for Planet Earth and humanity, Death to islam and their cowardly terrorist fuckers and all the so called "moderate" mooslims because they secretly support the terrorist as they have not denounced nor give their locations to the US and the UN, that means all are fair game when the nukes turn the Middle East into a radioactive glass crater. With the attacks happening in France, I hope France is the first one to drop a nuclear bomb on those haji fuckers.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Honey_Badger: In the meantime, do not report images unless they break site rules. That in itself is a rule violation and can get you banned.
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At the bastard, not you imaajfpstnfo.
Still, ismellafeature.png
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imaajfpstnfo clearly knows how to get featured... I am disappoint that others did not follow his lead.
im jelly & im mirin
Wasn't much guessing involved really. We all knew. Also A6, many mirths were gained, for which I am appreciative and offer a multitude of gratitudes.
no attractive and successful African, YOU mad
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What the fuck is wrong with you because you always have to be such assholes pictures?
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The day of the twin towers.
And grabs him than one way to grab attention, and give them your
sweet souvenir to be pissed.
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Aaa he tries to say that he is in heaven and those who died in the attack are in hell.
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Also, there is no hell.
P.S. The actual hell is in your own mind. *W*
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all speak English here.
As you have noticed English is not my forte.
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ninko - ok
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killed by the United States Military, not in suicide there for not making this canon
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I too believe there is no hell. If any of the 'holy' texts are to be believed, whatever higher power there is, and I don't care what you deign to title it, they must be total, infinite, eternal. They are everything. Good bad evil holy daemonic chocolate lasor. Its the definition of infinite. Of course that doesn't make sense, it CAN'T. My theory is that out side of each universe is a nothing. A void. As one might expect, but it is full, of 'stuff'. Do it has everything. If it has everythin in a complete, yet immeasurable volume, it can be said to 'be' it. It must therefore be both concious and not. Although it is hell, it is also heaven, and since you could be in neither place at once, it would be awesome. To feel everything. Oh but it would hurt, so my theory is that the better a person you are in life, and I mean not neccesarily the deeds you do, since a mass murderer who is trying to to do a good thing, like save directly save even more, I dunno like killing 50 children on a visit to a nike plant to stop it killing half a country, or something, but deeds ussuallu corrolate to personal wholeness, so anyway they hurt less. The worse the person, the more the purging, but we all get that eternal bliss. We just aren't neccessarily the same people, or even people at all by the end of it.
It is hard to explain an entirely self realised quasi religion in one post, that ain't the be all and end all of my thought process, and it isn't even explained that articulately. Its 6.34 am, gimme a break.
TL;DR, if this was tl;dr 4 u, don't bother.
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pisses me the fucking English.
After reading what you put AOM, I really wish I had not bothered lol.
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Well done, attractive and successful African - I'll down a cold one on your sake! :)
and now back to looking at pony porn
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2. seeking ways as to retaliate.
3. Have an idea. to get even
an attack on the United States.
4.They kicked her mother at the U.S..
5.Americans They make their revenge.
He is killed, "supposedl"
and so manage to come with those pretty girls in the sky and it was not bad, though not part of his plan,
all went well for him.
I mean beautiful in the body, not in your face.
because they are not seen his face.
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1. angry because he has a shitty penis
2. seeking ways as to retaliate.
3. Have an idea. to get even
an attack on the United States.
4. Got fucked to the Americans.
5. Americans They make their revenge.
He is killed, "supposedly"
and so manage to come with those pretty girls in the sky and it was not bad, though not part of his plan,
all went well for him.
I mean beautiful in the body, not in your face
because they are not seen his face.
And cmon Titamium. At least wait until it's ACTUALLY 9/11/11. I mean sheesh.
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It's proven 92% of all afganistani people don't know about 9/11.
They wanted the economic destruction of america. They won.
They wanted america to destroy themselves. Our liberties are weaker than ever.
So why not elect republicans? So our rights can completely go to the oligarc uber rich and we all become sevants.
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There is no hell but robot hell, but it won't be built for like, 100 years.
There is a heaven, Bin Laden is in it, he is pals with jesus and god and they hold parties at Hitler's place, but they don't really like him.
The virgins are all female and all beautiful and some are even underage.
hope that helped some of you answer some of your questions. :D
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Plus image tries hard to offend, its not really feature worthy
That said, this is some hellafunny shit.
Thank you. My bro would have appreciated this.
~R.I.P. James "Little Jimmy" Hartley, May 23 1978 - September 11 2001 *Love ya bro*~
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Anyway, I don't know why it is called 9/11. It didn't happen on the 9th of November. Fucking American Media...
Well its just this picture is pretty ficticious as Bin Laden, the worthless thirdworld piece of shit, ain't getting laid in heaven, he is probably getting raped right now in hell, with all his idiotic Islamic fundamentalist buddies.
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Also, his cock has a bushy beard of its own.
U still dont know it was made by CIA? :/ Please, dike like a jew in gas chamber, dont have kids and dont support Big Bro.
B) Hell is currently unproven. As scientific analysis is correctly thus far deemed to be impossible, please state your theological argument for this statement or your oppinion is worthless. Not that you aren't entitled to it, but it means no one will listen.
C) it was like 3 am here in the Great and Drunken Empire o' Scotland, do t'were 11/9 already.
D) See date. I do it OUR way. Not that yours is wrong, but 911 is just too ironic for my tastes. Oh and I knew I used the other way before.
T'was a 50 story inferno.
Fully fueled multi-thousand jet aircraft=/=hurricane.
-Making fun of an average sized penis (Notice that it's flaccid, due to the refractory period from all the pussy he's getting).
-Asserting their delight over his death (quick and probably not painful, after living in relative comfort for a decade, and a life full of wealth and women besides), and subsequent residence in the non-existent hell.
-Making the SAME DAMN JOKE as EVERYONE ELSE FOREVER, as if they have any sort of wit whatsoever, despite it not even making sense. The "virgins" are just the translated form of "houri," which, even if not defined as specifically female, are given very feminine qualities and are described as amazingly beautiful.
-In general just being very insecure and soo mad.
Personally, I'm mad it's just another Osama joke. This angle's been played out, I was hoping for something about the Truthers. Although the Zadroga reference is pretty good.
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so i can still go to heaven
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I'm glad I didn't even get to see this picture.
Remember 9/11.
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Everyone calling me crude is a Frenchman. There, I said it.
Heck, think of it this way: by making light of what we hate most, we achieve something close to orgasm: catharsis.
In other words: In bad taste, but just right.
smoke weed every day
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One, single eight letter word.
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also, anon81... men with smaller penises can pleasure women quite well if they know how to.
you dont need to be large to be in charge.
infact, most of the idiots with larger penises just thrust in and out, no skill at all, thats why it takes them atleast an hour or two just to get the woman excited enough to feel herself getting CLOSE to an orgasm.
important bit of info, its people with smaller penises who created the book on sex, and know how to please women.
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The same gringos who told him 20 years ago "Hey, we's pals, Wario Bin Laden, go take a flaming shit on Russia for us. Here's twenty bucks to get them Taco Bell supplies for the logging, hyuk hyuk".
All in all, he died without noone liking him too much, and is undah teh seaaaa getting clawed by Sebastian and Flounder with King Neptune's approval.
Usawmah Bomb Landin, Born in a used gyro stand in March 10, 1957 - Died a remorseful troll in May 2, 2011 "And nothing of value was lost"
Look up pictures of 9/11 victims and first responders.
Rule 34.
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*nobody in usa, fixed that for you
know many people happy about that out of the us
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For some reason this picture and the Marshall/Gumball one have really sparked from RAGE! I like this.
Its funny, some Americans like to think they won both world wars for us eurofags, truth is we mostly finished One by ourselves, then the Germans forgot about military protocol and sunk a passenger liner of theirs, and America got prissy and joined in. But I'll admit we did need help on the reinvasion of the northern french beacheads, if 'tweren't for a single British battleship that would have been a whole new Dunkirk. No one remembers that the Allies also fought Japan on the Chinese front either. We did it TOGETHER peeps. It ain't called the 'Allies' for nought.
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Is the 72 virgins thing even in the Qu'ran?
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My name is Osama, and I’m laughing at every single one of you. All of you are broke, paranoid, no-lifes who spend every second of their day wondering what happened to their country. As a superpower, you are finished in the world. Honestly, do any of you even produce anything anymore? I mean, I guess it's fun just letting the Chinese make everything, but they’re halfway to owning your economy by now. This is even worse than if the Russians had kicked your ass.
Don't get me wrong. You did hit me, and it was a great shot. I've pretty much won, though. I’ve led your country to Middle East-style secret police surveillance, and Middle East-style fundamentalism. Where are you respected any more, other than in Saudi Arabia? The rest of the Middle East went straight to democracy on its own, so your only girlfriends left there are the Saudis (they’re just like your new Tea Party; Shit is SO cash). You are all fucked, and you should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and some of my 72 bitches
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:D I am happy cuz im a carrot
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I hereby declare 9/11 now and forever The Day Of Sparittercus!
Andy Whitfield 17 July 1972 – 11 September 2011
Two of acting's greatest pillars, one cut down too soon, have finally finished crumbling!!!
Blaaaagh forgot to log in X_X
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Site Rule 14. Don't abuse the "Report Image" button.
Uh, is the POASTER BAND a musical group?
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Last I heard progressivism is against censorship.
This one is one of the few exceptions. ...figures.
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Not know much about muslim dogma but I think being assasinated by the enemies of Islam qualifies as martyrdom.
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hiel hitler
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