Anonymous1: I knew it was a matter of time before someone 'steals' these arts of Szajn's and post them here. Rule34 always repost other artist's works without permission.
Jac_Webb: Well Anon1 if you think the Artist would take offence then contact them and if they do they can get a hold of the higher ups here and have there art put on the DNP list... I think that's how it works. I don't know, just a roving moron.
Are you fucking dumb? Drawn Porn is art since the beginning of mankind, and a genre with high reputation under big artists also, as a sidenote, you unintelligent wanker. Go to school instead of masturbating all day.
Are you fucking dumb? Drawn Porn is art since the beginning of mankind, and a genre with high reputation under big artists also, as a sidenote, you unintelligent wanker. Go to school instead of masturbating all day.