Anonymous3: Agreed anon2. Sure it could be sweet or whatnot, but actually seeing it in canon would be the most boring thing ever. I only watch the show to see Naruto get his ass kicked, and will Hinata do that? I think not. NaruSaku FTW! And for the pain.
Anonymous6(5): Lol. Their daughter will get a lot of experience.
@Anon2 & Anon3
What's your problem? You want another pairing? Pay money/make commissions. But at the moment you only do nothing and whimper.
Anonymous9: Screw Neji...his fucking kid will be a killer powerhouse chakra battery with byakugan...Hinata is going to give birth to the ultimate being :P
DMAN8: you can tell she acedently walked in on them because of the suprised thing next to her head and if you look at the mid right part of the screen her hand's on the door as if she opened it
Anonymous18(17): A16&A17 - why so butthurt?
Agreed with Anon5-6. If you want Hinata with Kiba/Sasuke/Neji/etc make requests or commissions.
This pic, according to the artist, was a commission and the wishes of her client don't have to coincide with yours.
Anonymous21: why the fuck does everybody love DK Studios, he's a fucking wetback who sucks at drawing anime/manga ecchi/hentai. ALL OF HIS SHIT SUCKS!!
Anonymous25: Anonymous21: you can suck my dick and the dick of your father FUcking bastard you are gay and i piss in your mother.
if you have problems with DkSTUDIO and her drawings
YOU CAN GO OUT THERE and fuck you dog!
Anonymous28: What the hell am I doing, going here for just the porn?
If I want entertainment, I just have to read the comments. Nothing can match a flame-war between trolls, fanboys/girls, and the spectators.
@Anon2 and Anon3
What's your problem? You want another pairings? Paid money/make commissions. But at the moment you only do nothing and cry.
@Anon2 & Anon3
What's your problem? You want another pairing? Pay money/make commissions. But at the moment you only do nothing and whimper.
And have a nice day (but only after you kill yourself)
And you is a whimpering dickhead. And yes, first I'll dance on your coffin. Have a nice day, whimperer.
Agreed with Anon5-6. If you want Hinata with Kiba/Sasuke/Neji/etc make requests or commissions.
This pic, according to the artist, was a commission and the wishes of her client don't have to coincide with yours.
- Reply
And bitches are bitching.
if you have problems with DkSTUDIO and her drawings
YOU CAN GO OUT THERE and fuck you dog!
If I want entertainment, I just have to read the comments. Nothing can match a flame-war between trolls, fanboys/girls, and the spectators.
remember this is only for entertainment
dont flame or fight and get a life anon fucker
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