HW-Chrissy: just some girl who wrote me an email (back in 2003) about how offended she was because of me drawing link and his sister (omg incest) having sex.
I found this so amusing that I decided to draw a picture about this incident.
Anonymous4: just 4 your Information Chrissy, your old site has been hacked, pix of some deformed baby multiplied all over the screen?? I guess shitty Virus/Trojan shit is also involved.. What happend to you anyways, you suddenly disapeared!
HW-Chrissy: Nah, it's not been hacked. Let me explain (for the hundreth time...)
In 2005 Lolicon became illegal in my country. Just as illegal as real childporn. o_O
(Same shit is happening in Japan right now. Thanks very much, Unicef.)
So, in order not to break the law, I deleted all my lolicon (incl. everything Windwaker-related) from my site and tried to just keep it running.
(There were at least SOME pictures left. :P)
I felt so constrained by this law, though, that only a few weeks later I took the whole thing off the net.
It just wasn't the same anymore without Toon Link and Tetra, my old buddies...
Well, and several months later some joker must've taken the unused url and connected it so this... whatever it is.
Anyone could've done that.
There's no hacking involved.
Stormfin: Your preaching to the Choir, Rat, my friend. Every Hallowe'en, I just steal the money I made from Unicef and buy some Bionicle. And then they started doing it in April...After years of plannning.
SinEater: HW-Chrissy said "In 2005 Lolicon became illegal in my country. Just as illegal as real childporn. o_O
Same shit is happening in Japan right now"
Damn son... What country do you live in? O_o
...But if I am correct, George W Bush passed a bill stating that Lolicon is illegal, or something like that, here in the U.S. so I guess we're probably heading in that direction. GOD, I HOPE NOT!!!!!!!
As for Japan, WTF!?! Lolicon becoming illegal yet scat and vomit porn ain't? Fuck that shitty ass shit!
Anonymous6: I'm glad to see that you are still alive Chrissy. I seriously thought that you had been arrested. It's a shame that they put a stop to your art. I really enjoy it. BTW your site is still up at WWOEC but it's missing some of your work.
HW-Chrissy: (Grammar Nazi Attack imminent...)
Actually it's spelled "Scheiße". :D
With an SZ (Eszett).
Hm... Germany appears to be famous in the US solely for its sick porn.
But if it wasn't for you foreign people talking about this all the time, I'd never have known this stuff even existed. So it can't be THAT popular over here. ^_^'
Also, Lolicon will never die.
We'll form illegal underground organisations if we have to. We're millions!! :D (...or are we?)
nebula: Wut!? If Japan succumbs to anti-loli laws, all hope's lost D: How can they be so hypocritical? As inventors of lolicon, they should flaunt and cherish their pedophilia like they did for decades! >_>
HW-Chrissy: I still have faith in them.
So far Unicef haven't been able to do any real damage to the system.
The doujinshi business is way to lucrative for the japanese government. They can't destroy it.
No matter what sick shit the artists come up with
(I'm not speaking of loli here. ^^) they will not be stopped.
Anonymous12: Chrissy? Since your site is down, why don't you upload moar of your pictures here? I read that you had done a lot of Aryll/Link. If you are worried about the law, then just use a proxy or send somebody else your pictures so they can be posted.
Anonymous13: Lolicon isn't illegal in the US yet, no one will ever get that bill passed since it breaks the ammendment that gives us FREE. FUCKING. SPEECH.
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I found this so amusing that I decided to draw a picture about this incident.
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Are there official grammar rules on how to conjugate the verb 'to lol'?
Then how about "I lol'd."? XD
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In 2005 Lolicon became illegal in my country. Just as illegal as real childporn. o_O
(Same shit is happening in Japan right now. Thanks very much, Unicef.)
So, in order not to break the law, I deleted all my lolicon (incl. everything Windwaker-related) from my site and tried to just keep it running.
(There were at least SOME pictures left. :P)
I felt so constrained by this law, though, that only a few weeks later I took the whole thing off the net.
It just wasn't the same anymore without Toon Link and Tetra, my old buddies...
Well, and several months later some joker must've taken the unused url and connected it so this... whatever it is.
Anyone could've done that.
There's no hacking involved.
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Same shit is happening in Japan right now"
Damn son... What country do you live in? O_o
...But if I am correct, George W Bush passed a bill stating that Lolicon is illegal, or something like that, here in the U.S. so I guess we're probably heading in that direction. GOD, I HOPE NOT!!!!!!!
As for Japan, WTF!?! Lolicon becoming illegal yet scat and vomit porn ain't? Fuck that shitty ass shit!
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Actually it's spelled "Scheiße". :D
With an SZ (Eszett).
Hm... Germany appears to be famous in the US solely for its sick porn.
But if it wasn't for you foreign people talking about this all the time, I'd never have known this stuff even existed. So it can't be THAT popular over here. ^_^'
Also, Lolicon will never die.
We'll form illegal underground organisations if we have to. We're millions!! :D (...or are we?)
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Sometimes underage girls can be pretty, too, you know...
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So far Unicef haven't been able to do any real damage to the system.
The doujinshi business is way to lucrative for the japanese government. They can't destroy it.
No matter what sick shit the artists come up with
(I'm not speaking of loli here. ^^) they will not be stopped.
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cuz anon haet teh chrissy.
chrissy scared now...
Send all your pics to someone in the U.S. and have them post the pics here!
not like it's that bad
for those who don't know... mila is that one girl with all the freckles on windfall island