Anonymous1: Imagine being so woke that you make this flea market niggger version of Guy to replace him in the upcoming game,Crapcom is trying to kill itself on purpose i swear.
Street Fighter 6 is gonna be casual trash,without a doubt.
Deskjet23: @Anonymous: Imagine being so insecure about black people existing that you feel the need to complain about the skin color of a video game character on a fucking porn site. How about you go outside and touch some grass?
Pyroking: @Anonymous: Dude...learn to have fun. The game isn't even out yet! Plus, her design isn't bland or anything and she also seems like tons of fun (both to play as and watch).
Anonymous3: @Anonymous: shut the fuck up you speck of cum. youre not even worth the time god used to create you. life has given up knowing you still breathe you worthless peon. and you burn in the sun. coward pussy boy wouldnt say shit to anyone in real life with your disgusting ass cheeto breath.
Anonymous4(3): @ImmaSyckPhuq: nothing bait about it. youre even more retarded for thinking fuck tards like this arent taking this seriously. imagine giving a shit about trolling on a fucking fap site. mutated IQ you have
Street Fighter 6 is gonna be casual trash,without a doubt.
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