Reviewed: 1/18/2002
First Dick {not his real name} participates in a cock measuring contest at the supermarket. You know, one of those deals where guys place their love rockets side by side on the butcher block and the judge declares one or the other to be the winner. Of course, a young lady who won him in the lottery helps get him ready for his moment in the sun.
Our hero measures in at 9.25 inches - give or take a millimeter. He's also "seven and one-eighth inches thick." I think that means circumference. Since I studied math in an American school, I don't know too much about geometry; but I don't think a penile diameter that size exists on a white boy. Our hero shares the championship with Black Bart - losing in length, but winning in girth.
So he becomes popular - a legend in his own time, in the supermarket, at least. For example, the sexy chick from the dairy section asks him what time her gets off. Actually, he gets off about ten minutes after he gets off.
The story probably has some imperfections in the plot, but I was somehow in too good a mood to notice. The sex is really pretty hard. That was a Freudian slip - I meant the sex was pretty HOT. The author concludes by offering us the promise of a sequel - to be entitled "My Second Time." Imagine that.