Anonymous7: Has everyone forgot Hinata confessed first? yes everyone has forgot that Hinata confessed even naruto forgot ,just like everyone has forgot that Naruto is already in love with sahura and still is in love with sakura and does not love Hinata. :P
Anonymous9: oh for the love of god, another ship battle? it is just hentai, people just enjoy it, if you dont like the pairing just walk away, besaides, naruto dont loves hinata, he likes her, and he doenst love sakura anymore, she loves her like a sister, and sakura loves sasuke not naruto, naruto has not forgotten her confession, why you think he abvoided hinata when the 12 where together? he still inst ready to face her, so people plz, see the reality then you can argue all you want
Anonymous11: Sorry where did it say Naruto doesn't love Sakura?
At the end of the day, the manga still hasn't changed. Hinata loves Naruto who loves Sakura who loves Sasuke. The only difference is that Sakura probably has feelings for Naruto as well. Anon7 is right.
Anonymous12: @Anonymous: Wrong Dumbass. In the end Naruto is in Love with Hinata. Sakura accept it and you and Anoymous7 are fucking stupid as hell. Anonyous9 is right.
Now that is the end Bitch!
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What a great way to confess! Go, NH!
Why is he such a ditz?!
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At the end of the day, the manga still hasn't changed. Hinata loves Naruto who loves Sakura who loves Sasuke. The only difference is that Sakura probably has feelings for Naruto as well. Anon7 is right.
Now that is the end Bitch!