Anonymous1: Kat Dennings’ character isn’t there because of any powers, knowledge or skill set, she’s just there because of her body and how it’d look good on a leash.
maineim: A few suggestions, Flip horizontaly the body of Wanda buy keep the head, to beter match the light.
Work con higher quality, so you can clean the background. with some color matching and some shadows on the floor this could be so much better.
johnny-topside: Why do people keep saying "nobody asked" on a public post? Is that like, a requirement to offer criticism or advice on an art site? How the fuck do you guys deal with restaurant reviews?
johnny-topside: But on that note, I try to do better when I critique than "this is trash". The fakes themselves are fine, it's the background that really makes them look out of place and doesn't blend.
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Work con higher quality, so you can clean the background. with some color matching and some shadows on the floor this could be so much better.
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