Anonymous4: The only Drakengard rule34 I've ever seen and it's Dragon on Dragon. Not shota on cannibalistic milf, not world ending wincest, not pedo on a zombie child army, nooo. Not even dragon on human. So much wasted potential!
Anonymous5: Indeed Anon! Where's my Leonard raping Seera, telling him he smells good, while Arioch snacks on him at the same time? Of course Caim meanwhile will be murdering people indiscriminately while furia pervs.
ddmdsc: Its quite sad that there is only 1 image of the dragons from drakengard. You would think that being an square enix game people would want to make lots of hentai about it, but with how horrible the endings were, make sense why there are hardly any pics
Anonymous7: What...the hell?!
No one made any hentai of Mannah?! (DOD2)
What the hell is wrong with you people? She's hot too. She should've been worth at least 97 pics!
Uhh, I am soo disappointed... -_-
- Reply
No one made any hentai of Mannah?! (DOD2)
What the hell is wrong with you people? She's hot too. She should've been worth at least 97 pics!
Uhh, I am soo disappointed... -_-