Anonymous1: Indeed! This is a DEFINITE case of, at least, RAPE(IF NOT MURDER)! At the very least, Manslaughter/Sexual Assault. Someone in the name of all that's decent, SAVE HER!
Anonymous2(1): Cause, if it ain't rape(NO WAY), and, she comes out of this alive(FAT CHANCE), then She's gotta be THE BRAVEST FEMALE, in the Fantasy Realms. I would just have to meet someone that able to hang tough.
Anonymous3(1): ANONY1, AGAIN. You seem to be right, NonGawd. That doesn't seem to be a rape face, on the girl, at least. And, there doesn't seem to be any blood. YET!
Anonymous4(1): ANONY1, AGAIN. You seem to be right, NonGawd. That doesn't seem to be a rape face, on the girl, at least. And, there doesn't seem to be any blood. YET! This could still get ugly, especially, if he wants ANAL!
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