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Do you guys think Discord killed in game voice chat?
I know everyone only has anecdotal evidence from the select games you play, but how do you think Discord impacted in game voice chat?
>>1644474 (OP)
Yes, plus it also killed the online forum/fan wikis
>>1644474 (OP)
Yes and it also tried to be a swiss knife for everything and mostly succeeded with replacing basic things like dedicated game websites forums wikis and the such. I see it as a containment chamber for everyone between normalfag and powerlevel territory. Dont have much other thoughts about it since I dont have friends to use it with. Probably useful to use with close friends.
>>1644474 (OP)
nah, people saying this are too young to be around when skype and teamspeak was big
anyone who used to use skype will tell you that skype was a pita
I think sensitive ass rules did a bigger number than discord because back in 2016-2019, voice chat was still popping in game. But it definitely became a problem when you could get banned for simply saying gg and this problem extended beyond shit like overwatch and now people are afraid of saying something and risk get banned.
>>1644474 (OP)
Yeah. It's the second worst thing to happen to video games after corporate greed.
>>1644474 (OP)
>Do you guys think Discord killed in game voice chat?
In FPS? Maybe, public lobbies are still pretty chatty.
In things like MMOs though nothing changed. It's just a streamlined TS/Vent.
>>1644474 (OP)
I think it killed in game voice chat.
Maybe in popular comp games that I never play. I am more worried to post nigger on an alt right discord than any non-mainstream competitive game.
Discord censorship is next level.
Discord friend groups have drawn a lot of gamers away from common voice chat and into their little high-school-esque circle jerks.
I used to easily talk to strangers and make friends online. I still can but discord drawing people away from the common chat is what I think killed not just voice, but text chat as well.
games were better when you could only text chat and they had to be designed around giving you time to sit and type
i was playing some shitty simulator game with my nephew and he was texting me asking me game questions instead of just using the in game chat
Yes, it killed voice chats, as well as gaming forums and communities. Those were never a good solution, so their loss wouldn't be bad... IF Discord wasn't a gigantic piece of shit.

For one thing, after becoming a platform for "any" use (and not just gaming), it rapidly became extremely politically biased, now you're only allowed on the platform if you are a completely brainwashed leftard. If you're spotted on an unrelated platform, calling a troon with the "wrong" (correct) pronoun, you're gonna get banned on sight in countless servers, if not from Discord itself. With how it holds a monopoly on gaming discussion and matchmaking, it's even worse.
Aside from the hypocrisy of leftards, it has also created an ego-chasing attitude, where when a game is announced, people rush to make servers dedicated to it, in hope of becoming "the" admin of "the" server, to satisfy their retarded ego. As a result, most servers end up being controlled by a clique of the admin and his mod friends, who don't give a shit about what the community needs, and enforce their bullshit on other members.

I honestly wouldn't have missed voice chats and game forums, but Discord is cancer, a propaganda tool that disrupts discussion, yet somehow holds a monopoly, making it difficult for other, better solutions to flourish.
Agreed. It killed in-game communication in guilds in MMOs too. I never join guilds that make me join their stupid Discords.
Beautifully put
Sometimes it feels like it, in general though no it's fine (retards here will disagree)
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I regularly played a TF2 VSH community server few years back

The admin clique and their ass kissers would sit in a locked discord channel. Some of them ocassionaly interacted with the rest of lobby through voice chat or text chat but about half of them never did.

Despite playing everyday with a wide group of regulars whom all got along and shared the moments of the in game happenings, the isolated discordians would be willfully disconnected and only used ingame comms to scold people of the rules, argue or acknowledge their own friends.

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>>1644474 (OP)
no? that would be like saying ventrilo killed in game voice chat, people just prefer to talk with their friends than randoms, as harsh as that sounds, discord def killed mirc maybe, i just wished they adopted more stuff from xfire if they got game status stuff and that new feature of showing whos playing what and the overlay stuff, (really i would just like discord to also keep track of hours played on games too, dunno why but that tickles the tism within)
but alot of that stuff is done by steam, but discord can track any game registered from any platform so i think it might be a worthwhile idea,
I think teamspeak or another voice chat program had a bit where if you played a game that supported the voice program it would have directional sound, depending on where you and the other person is, but i might be mistaking it for something else
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>discord as a political pipeline
Very good point. Again with the TF2 server, a lot of people were chill around the use of mild slurs, like nigga and faggot. It was a fairly normal server in brand, until certain people gained mod powers and started tone policing and changing rules around speech and harassment. Despite being hated by a majority of the community, somehow these parasites kissed so much ass on discord that they were to be considered trusted even though they had no vetting from regular players.

It got so bad to the point this one tranny, new to the server paid $15 to have the mods OK an ingame "Trans Rights" custom tag . He would spam keybinds saying the stereotypical

>Trans Rights!!
>Punch Nazis!!
>Abolish the system!!
Every day.

That behaviour invited ALOT of flaming, drama and bans involving regulars and random players. It got so bad that a good chunk of the OG players would spam the trans's steam and discord DMs with pre soijak ACK memes. The higherup jannies got fed up with the work, they decide to revoke the trans right tag and told them to just shut up or deal with the harassment yourself.

Fortunately everybody clapped and the higherup jannies unofficially doubled down on tone policing and started using slurs themselves again.
No, getting banned did.
The only people into discord are chronically online people stuck in a high school mentality. The only people who strongly defend it are part of the cult.
Yes it killed gaming. I hope one day to see that cesspool end but I know the internet will never be great again.
>I think teamspeak or another voice chat program had a bit where if you played a game that supported the voice program it would have directional sound, depending on where you and the other person is, but i might be mistaking it for something else
The only instance of this I'm aware of is the milsim ArmA mods ACRE and TFAR to simulate radios.
>>1644474 (OP)
the existance of speach solutions probably did impact the amount of games that had in-game vc, but I doubt it mattered much. The owners of these platforms/games seem to always HATE letting people say whatever they want, and in-game vc does exactly that.
>be me
>start PBEM game on /vst/
tbf at least I got to screen for queers
>join discord server from /v/ or random /vg/ general
>can spam nigger and tranny/troon and jew and more nigger as much as my hate allows
it's that easy, just don't be a sperg about anons in particular for no reason
No server is safe. All shit is logged. It takes one shitter to mass report and get most accounts banned and the server taken down.
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>>1644474 (OP)
It was killed by the low IQ trailer trash retards and actual niggers whose entire personality revolves around being a needlessly confrontational faggot and screaming "NIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGER" in public voice chat.
Forgoing the fact that voice applications like Ventrilo, TeamSpeak, Skype, Xbox/PS party chat, and literally just calling your boy on the phone have existed for decades.
>>1644474 (OP)
It played a role but I don't think it did on its own. Discord being a social hub that did everything and made ease of access for even the most braindead normie made it popular, and people generally prefer to talk with their buds instead of strangers. Ingame voicechat started to die outright when game publishers wanted to control online interactions so people could have more nice gaming sessions, as in taking away community servers and p2p networks and started to find it agreeable to delete your games account for life and $60 if you said a no no word or someone found it toxic if you said gg in the wrong way. Discord was the right tool in the worst storm of trends.
Server taken down sure, the /v/ server has been nuked like 8 times mainly because some spaz really liked his CP, but the only people banned were the spergs posting nono pics and the server owner
>>1644474 (OP)
No it's primarily low IQ zoomers, look at the shitty GTA Online RPG scene.
There's an entire generation who purely associate RP with nasal voiced faggots doing everything in voice and they all shun text roleplay.

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