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135 Deviations



Some Thoughts about Attribute Theft Hacks

Attribute Theft hacks The first way to get traits is to get them off someone who doesn’t want them. Eg. big breasts off a busty girl with a sore back, height off a person who doesn’t want to be tall, IQ off a girl who wants to be a bimbo. This is much harder for stuff like youth, health and happiness. Hardly anyone wants to give those up. The second way is to get them off someone who’s about to lose them anyway. The IQ of someone who's succumbing to dementia. The muscle of someone with a muscle-wasting disease.  This might bring the disease too depending on the attribute-transfer system in that universe. Or it might fade in time with how it would have faded in the donor. Third way is to get traits off a dying person. Do you have a friend with terminal disease or are they about to be executed?  Admittedly, asking would make you sound very selfish. But no sense letting all that brain, beauty and health, etc go to waste. The advantage of a dying person is you can take all their


135 deviations

The Over-Eager Genie

The Genie could sense an approaching presence. The wind whispered of a sublime form. Steps approached. Beyond perfection in rhythm, grace and poise. The leaves bowed as if in recognition of outrageous hotness. The very rocks seemed to groan under the pressure of HER sexiness. She stepped forward, every movement perfectly beautiful, perfectly worshipable, tera-sex-goddess-tier-fappable, erotic energy surging like a hurricane. She stopped. Even motionless she inspired desire in every surrounding molecule. She spoke in a voice so sublime, a distant distorted echo would have made any living being surrender to ecstasy. Normally the genie would be incapable of feeling anything like desire or appreciation of mortal beauty but now he was definitely feeling something very like them. “Now, listen” “When I made my first wish to be the sexiest girl in the universe, I woke up next morning and you had indeed granted it and made me the sexiest girl in the universe that and it was


135 deviations
Popeye style Breast expansion paint scribble


9 deviations