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Dongtron_9000: Tiny, coming in!
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yagskie: uploading high res later
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fantaju1ce: DARN
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Anonymous1: Insulting yagskie just makes him make more animations? cool!

yagskie you're a fag and your mother sucks!

now go and make more animations you dog!
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Anonymous2: Vader saves the day!
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Anonymous3: yagskie, attractive and successful African, Y U no made some elizabeth ?! D:<
or Lollipop Chainsaw or Mad Moxxi ?
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Anonymous4: Great gif Yagskie, how about some Ashley Williams action? If ya feel like it, no presure. .)
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Anonymous5: More interested in what's happening in the background..
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Anonymous6: I don't whether to laugh or fap....I'll do both!

HAHAHA *fapfapfap* LOLOLOL *strangles self while fapping* BUHAHAHAHHA EERGG!
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Comixfan: Even if you're hating on Yagskie (seriously folks, still haven't figured it out?), you have to admit the level of attention and rendering time it has to take him to put all this together is likely pretty fucking impressive. Hat's off for fucking dedication to your respective craft.

And, ironically, despite Yagskie's wicked/evil sense of humor on display, this might be the best Samantha Fuck-Sfm out there. Damn that looks hot.
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Anonymous7: I admit, I don't get what people are complaining about with the random trolling inserts and the Scout all the time. They're so easy to ignore and it makes you wonder what people are really focusing on in a picture. Not that I'm praising the Scout trolling or anything.... I mean yeah it's really just there, but it's almost a part of yagskie's signature by now.

Also yagskie, what happened to the Heather Mason pic?
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Anonymous8: you are the best yagskie. i like your backgrounds. its funny.
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Waagh: Who the hell even hates on this guy? Like, I would understand if the Scout/Vader/whatever would pop-up in FRONT of the main deed, obstructing it. But this is quality work, and the little jokes in the background are pretty enjoyable as well.

Really, if I didn't know better. I'd say that yag himself is writing these hate comments from different IPs, out of attention. :P
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Anonymous9: That's a ban able offense, so it would be worth looking up to see if that's the case. But I think people are upset with how open he is about being an asshole.
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posted4you: Yag, you once said that you share the non-photobombed pieces with a select circle of frinds, and that's cool. But what about the backgrounds? Will you share the pieces where JUST Scout pops in, or Vader makes a menacing appearance, or.....whatever this stone thing is....
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USAgent: These things get funnier and funnier.
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Anonymous10: @Comixfan: So are you done sucking everyone's dick yet?
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RexMcCoolguy: Meh, seems pretty immature to get butthurt because some faggots on the internet hurt your feeling to the point when you'll ruin everyone's fap with lel so fahnni scouts and vaders.
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Ricky_Roma: The comments for Yagskie's pictures now seem to be mostly variations of "i don't know what everyones so angry about" or "these butthurt comments are so funny lololol".

But nobody is even really complaining anymore, like at most there'll be 1 or 2 anons who say some shit which Yagskie will definitely reply to then comixfan & friends chime in with the same thing they always do.

It's like Pavlov's dog, a Yagskie picture was posted so just by reaction people post the same
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Ricky_Roma: * shit.

Anyway on topic I like this one, which I guess is a mission failed in Yagskie's book.
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yagskie: eventually, they'll get used to it, & eventualy I may stop coz its getting bored... maybe, no one knows, even I don't know iy yet
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Anonymous11: rebecca chang or ada wong! come on pls
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Anonymous12: I love scout 'swimming' through the air. The background joke in this one is just excellent.
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Comixfan: @Ricky_Roma: Hey, I take umbrage with that. I am not a drooling dog (^.^)

Seriously though, he does good work, the sex is almost always hot, and the "Trolling" is genuinely funny. What's not to like?
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Comixfan: @yagskie: If you ever do get bored some douche troll will just say something like, "Ha fucking troll fag finally stopped..." or some such nonsense, than the cycle will start all over again.

(*Sigh*) Sometimes it hurts the head to know exactly how retarded some people will be. And I mean the non-funny asshats, not you Yagskie :)
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Anonymous13: I love this, Yagskie dont ever fucking stop. I fap and laugh at the same time. Glorious. Pls dont ever stop.
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Anonymous14(4): lol Scout swimming there .. the sperm is egg hunting or something?
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Anonymous15: it was funny at first this is just overkill, plus its getting boring
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Shoooohhhh: I don't know about the rest of you, but I prefer what's going on in the background than the actual smut. These gifs are hot and hilarious at the same time. Don't stop Yags!
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dinobob: Yagskie do one with Darth Vader and Scout fighting as a team.
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Anonymous16: @Comixfan: (*Sigh*) What's it like being a faggot (*Laughs*)
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Anonymous17: i'm glad vader is back
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Anonymous18: Yag, Yag, Yag...don't you see? NOW is the time to troll. Most people come to enjoy the backgrounds from these, so what you should be doing is making them worse, or removing them.

That would be trolling. =D
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Anonymous19: Really enjoying how fluid the animation overall is, but could we possibly get versions with and without the random shit in the background going on?
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Anonymous20(15): @yagskie: then stop trying so hard to make it a boner killer, because as long as you have something in the background it will still usually be funny, people obviously come here for the lols so why not have something to laugh about. If everyone wanted good normal sfm porn then they would go to one of the many other animators right?
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yagskie: @Anonymous: Why would I fucking stop? It's fun for me to piss some people who cant tolerate this shit, plus some of them support me on making more. If they tend to laugh bout it, then I can't do anything bout them, The gifs I made has its own risks and rewards, and it is not intended to those who are weak minded such as yourself. If you don't like it, then there's the door...
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Anonymous21(15): @yagskie: you put all these hours into your work just to piss people off over animated porn? God you must be unhappy with yourself get a life
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yagskie: @yagskie: yep! youve got that right, thats why Im getting my life back by targeting you. I could spend days of making just to disappoint and ruin your mood, its worth making as long as theres someone who is pissed such as youself. Makes my life happier and yours isnt.

It would be great if you kept on being pissed, you may invite your friends to look a this and be pissed some more and send more butthurt comments. the more, the merrier. It keeps the thread on running
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yagskie: @Anonymous: Im referring to you
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Anonymous22(15): @yagskie: I find all of your gifs hilariously funny (not including this) so I said this one was overkill so I am butthurt, pissed and my mood is ruined by pixels? plz teach me how to logic
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Anonymous23(9): Howabout we ignore the ten year old troll?
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Thumper: @Anonymous: which one?
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Anonymous24(9): All of them. Don't respond in any way and sooner or later they'll get bored. Try it. It works. I can promise you.
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yagskie: ruined coz you didnt get what you've wanted <disappointed>. thats the logic. As long as there's someone posts and complains, then its good for me and not for you...
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yagskie: @Anonymous: they may try but they can't coz they cant accept the fact that I ruined their mood. I'm an attention whore who likes to pissed those who cant tolerate the gif I've made
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yagskie: @Anonymous: im referrring to you
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Anonymous25(9): ¿Por qué no te callas?
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Warder97: Hey Yagskie, do you have a blog or something? Because I'd love a website with just your stuff.
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yagskie: @Warder97: look for me at tumblr
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yagskie: @Anonymous: I will til there's nobody else will reply
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Anonymous26: y no one tag dota 2
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raz0918: I love all the shit going on in the background its like the tim and eric of porn!
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Anonymous27: Scout in the background flying swimming LMAO

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